Cometh The Skank

The trick ho’ at right is one Jacqueline Ades, age 31. On 8 April, police in Paradise Valley AZ were summoned to fetch her. When the cops arrived at her victim’s house, she was completely nude, bathing in her victim’s tub, with a very large butcher’s knife nearby.

Her victim is an anonymous wealthy man, who alerted the cops remotely, after seeing Ades break in to his house on a series of remote cameras. Jackie-slut was taken in hand without too much trouble, and transported to the Maricopa County Jail. A subsequent investigation suggested that Jackie-skank was far more unhinged than anyone could have possibly anticipated.

This is an illustrative story, which we can all learn from. We’ll call our victim Abe, and briefly go through what Abe did, right and wrong, in gaming this whore.

Jackie-slut met Abe after she set up an internet dating profile on a site called Luxy. At some point, in the late spring or early summer of 2017, Abe met Jackie-skank, took her back to his impressive home, fucked her, and then ghosted out on her. Jackie-ho subsequently made herself a persistent nuisance, up until the day she got the bracelets clapped on her, for breaking into Abe’s house.

Let’s do a bit of deconstruction, shall we?

Luxy bills itself this way:

Abe’s first major mistake is immediately apparent to any playa with common sense. Luxy apparently encourages its prospective suckers gentlemen playaz to fill out a verification of deposit form, allowing the administrators of the dating site to dig around in his confidential financial records.

There are legitimate reasons to allow third-parties a verification of deposit. If one is purchasing an expensive home, for example, he will regularly give this sort of access to the mortgage company, to support his application. A look at balances and history in his savings and investment accounts will offset a shaky job history or a mediocre credit rating.

What we must wonder is why Abe was so desperate for the loving attention of skanks like Jackie-ho, that he allowed this sort of digging merely in anticipation of the chance of meeting her. At first glance, many men will simply assume that Abe was desperate for cunt. This is not really credible, only because Abe probably has access to professional escorts (as the rest of us do). There are two obvious scenarios that present themselves as equally credible, in my mind.

  1. Abe is into kink so vile that professional prostitutes won’t indulge it.
  2. Abe was, despite his financial success, a simp who wanted to find a wife.

Scenario No. 1 was my first assumption. I imagine that there are things that professional hookers simply have too much self-respect to do for their johns.

a. “I want to shit in your mouth and watch you eat it…”

b. “I want to choke you until you lose consciousness and then fuck your gasping, brain-damaged body…”

The decadence of rich guys should not be discounted. Even so, there is some evidence that this was not the case. For all his faults, Abe seems to have followed ya boy Boxer’s advice, and backed up all his conversations with the skanks he met. The recorded conversations not only seem to exonerate Abe of any serious moral wrongdoing, they paint his stalker as a particularly unhinged character, and now constitute a large body of evidence against her.

Jackie-slut is currently being laughed at for threatening Abe, as he calmly ignored her looney tirades. As wimminz will tend to do, her text-outbursts became more and more extreme, even as he proceeded to ghost her, culminating in beautiful expressions of love like:

“I am the new Hitler… I hope you die, you rotten, filthy Jew.”


“I want to bathe in your blood.”

Aside from being tasteless, Jackie-ho is also sadly uncreative, blatantly plagiarizing Bret Easton Ellis in both of these examples.

When asked why she would send an uninterested man a year’s worth of looney threats, Jackie replied:

“When you’re in love, not everything is perfect. This was a journey.”

So, this cunt is nuts. Quelle surprise. I always try not to indulge in victim-blaming, but in this case, Abe does get some shaming from me. He clearly did not perform due diligence in keeping such a mental patient away from him.

“But Boxer,” I hear you squawking, “how was this poor chump to know that his ho’ was crazy?”

I knew she was crazy, two minutes after I plugged her name into the search bar. From her open and public instagram feed, we find this gem:

Who wants to know the location of Atlantis!?!
The coordinates of Atlantis are 33,33
Atlantis is INSIDE THE EARTH. it is the SOUL of the earth. The earth is ALIVE IT HAS A SOUL, THIS IS WHERE ALL CREATION IS BORN! The Dead Sea is actually the battery to Atlantis. And Atlantis is the battery to the earth. The earths water is supposed to be the battery of the universe. Every planet is supposed to be alive!!! But because we are under a death frequency, everythingg is DYING… the universe is ALIVE TOO.

Would you want this lunatic knowing the location, layout and contents of your home? I didn’t think so. The easiest possible thing one can do is to plug a bitch’ name and phone number into a search engine, and see what comes up. Ironically, Jackie-slut herself advised this to wimminz, in April 2017 (only weeks before she met her victim).

Every slit you meet on the dating site is doing exactly this to you, and if you don’t respond in kind, it’s hard for me to be completely sympathetic when a weirdo attaches her parasitic tentacles into you, and starts draining you of time, money and energy.

Oh, and in case you didn’t realize, Jackie-skank is a proud feminist wimminz, and advertises as much to anyone who bothers to look…

When she’s not harassing, annoying, and exploiting clueless, wealthy chumps like Abe, she’s searching for the dick she really wants, in the general population of the state prisons:

All of this material, and much, much more, was available to Abe, before he decided to invite her around for a fuck.

What have we learned today? Let’s review…

  1. Always keep screenshots of your sms and email conversations with a bitch. Back these screenshots up to google.
  2. Do not allow any bitch, nor her pimp (this includes the dating site), access to your confidential financial information.
  3. Do your due diligence. Do not waste time on any bitch who is demonstrably nuts.
  4. If you have a large portfolio, then proactively hide it. Take the bitch to the Super-8, or just buy a modest condo for romps. Don’t show up in your S-Class, and don’t bring the bitch back to the mansion. Are you stupid, or what?

Much more at:


Yeah, she’s a real keeper. For fuck’s sake.

4 thoughts on “Cometh The Skank

  1. ‘What have we learned today?’

    Succubi are real.

    I mean the thigh tattoo…the lingerie shot…and the nonsense about Atlantis. She’s probably been on the crazy train since her legal guardian put her on contraception.

  2. “I knew she was crazy, two minutes after I plugged her name into the search bar.”

    Just one picture is sufficient. That much white showing in her eyes is a strong indicator of high-level psychiatric issues. They say the danger signal is visible white both above & below the iris, which she would have if her eyes weren’t puffy… probably from drug use & obesity.

    I bet the guy is a tech-millionaire. Lots of patents in the computer lab, no social skills. That explains his using a dating service instead of a convertible to flaunt his wealth as well as a home with remote login security systems.

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