Brandi’s Right to Choose

In another victory for feminism, an empowered American wimminz decided to “exercise her right to choose,” and abort her two children, by decapitating them as they slept. Thus we mourn little Tyler and Charlee Worley, who look like nice kids, and who were snuffed far before their time.

Tyler, age 7, was slaughtered first, when his skank-ho mommy sawed his head off with a kitchen knife. Charlee, age 3, was dispatched in the same gruesome fashion, immediately afterward.

Their father, who is named by CBS News at the end of the article, is naturally portrayed as the villain in all this. He apparently decided to divorce his murderous skank of a wife, and indications were that the judge was going to grant him custody of the two little kids. This, as we all know, is a travesty, and thus the poor victim was forced to abort her children so as to evade child support enforcement.

Skank-ho mommy, Brandi Worley, phoned her first-responders at 4:33 a.m. on Nov. 17, 2016, and very calmly reported that: “I just stabbed myself and I killed my two children.” Skank-ho Brandi was found by police and medical personnel a short time later, with superficial scrapes. She also overdosed on the over-the-counter medication “Benadryl,” which is neither dangerous nor noteworthy, except as a way to garner attention through such fake suicide attempts.

What is most interesting is that Brandi’s mother, a wimminz who has never been named, was apparently in the house when the little kids were butchered. When asked some tough questions by the 911 operator, skank-ho Brandi handed the phone to mom, who was apparently ready with a cover story.

I find it an incredible coincidence that skank-ho granny “just happened to show up” at 04:30 in the morning, right after skank-ho mommy sliced and diced her babies, and further, that she just happened to have an explanation handy. Skank-ho granny has never been charged with a crime, so we must assume that this was all an incredible stroke of fortune for Brandi.

The father of the two children, one Jason Worley, was asleep in the basement of his home. The fact that the man who paid for the home was forced to sleep in the basement after filing for divorce is another benefit of feminism. It makes these sorts of empowered abortions much easier, when the children’s father isn’t around to unreasonably object to a wimminz exercising her constitutional rights to murder her kids.

In a shameful moment of patriarchal oppression, the skank-ho murderess, Brandi Worley, has plead guilty to the murder of her two kids, and on March 19, she was sentenced to 120 years in prison for exercising her rights as an empowered feminist wimminz. Like all good feminists, we hope that she can get all charges reversed on appeal, and until then, we honor her as the trailblazing hero that she is.

Jason Worley, husband to a typical American feminist wimminz, and father to two murdered children. R.I.P. little ones.

Source: Fox 59 News

Source: CBS News

5 thoughts on “Brandi’s Right to Choose

  1. “Skank-ho Brandi was found by police and medical personnel a short time later, with superficial scrapes. She also overdosed on the over-the-counter medication .Benadryl,. which is neither dangerous nor noteworthy, except as a way to garner attention through such fake suicide attempts.”

    When a man commits suicide, he puts a gun in his mouth and pulls the trigger. When a woman commits suicide, she takes a handful of aspirin and calls the media.

  2. This is actually the premise to the ancient Greek story of Medea. She kills her two children to spite her husband.

    When I taught the story in a literature class years ago, I was shocked to find that most of the girls in the class sympathized with Medea. Otherwise sweet young women, supporting the idea of murdering two innocent children in the name of revenge. It was frightening, really.

    That’s when I decided it was better to be an asshole to the average woman. Treat them like garbage, etc. Most harbor a coldness inside of them that is not worthy of romantic idealism.

  3. When I taught the story in a literature class years ago, I was shocked to find that most of the girls in the class sympathized with Medea. Otherwise sweet young women, supporting the idea of murdering two innocent children in the name of revenge. It was frightening, really.

    I wrote in some earlier post about teaching Electra early in my career.

    (I usually taught calculus or symbolic logic in those days, but occasionally they’d have me do intro philosophy, which is really a fun class to teach, and I always assigned the Sophocles or Euripides along with Sartre’s remake.)

    My experience was shockingly similar to your own. It amazed me to see every female (and many of the young men, too) start pearl-clutching and white-knighting at the idea that Electra and Orestes would have their mother axed. There is a celebratory tone when Clytemnestra gets iced, that one can’t escape, and this made everyone very uncomfortable. I often gently alluded to the differences between our society and the ones that were enjoyed in Classical antiquity.

    I could never say out loud what I wanted. This is what a functional society does to women who murder their husbands…



  4. I think this explains, at least on some level, how serial killers will receive thousands of love letters in prison (even visitors looking for conjugal arrangements). No academic or media shill has even been able (or willing) to explain how Ted Bundy or Richard Ramirez received thousands of love letters from admiring women. They slough it off like an insignificant aside when it’s really so much more.

    It’s as if in the women see a version of themselves in the evil spirit of the killer…finally, someone that is equal to their sadism.

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