An Old-Fashioned Girl

Standards are important. This is why, early on, I decided to inaugurate my own form of “shit test” to weed out the crazy and non-compliant from the potential pool.

Her: I like this app so far. haven’t found any gross guys or catfish yet.

Me: I don’t know what you mean exactly, but happy if you’re having fun.

Her: sometimes creepy guys get a little to [sic] forward, and i’m an old fashioned girl…

If I had the inclination, I could have converted this whore into an instant bang. She initiated contact, so she was clearly down. I’d have merely reminded her of a couple of simple facts in heartiste’s cocky/funny tone. Notably: If you’re 22 or older, you aren’t a “girl” by any stretch of the imagination. Moreover, if you’re on plenty of fish, you aren’t old fashioned. So, are we going to meet and fuck, or not?

Even so, these attitudes are tiresome, and I’ve found the lackluster sex that proceeds to be entirely unworthy of the effort. So I fired off the last message, and blocked the acres of self-righteous justification that was sure to follow.

Decide what your minimum standards include, and then stick to them. There’s no reason for you to waste time on any bitch who is rude, manipulative, or otherwise unworthy of you.

Also: LOL at the cheapo jewelry on offer in the side-bar. I can believe there are simps who would buy a genuine simulated diamond tennis bracelet, for $39.99, for some PoFfer. Sad!

6 thoughts on “An Old-Fashioned Girl

  1. All that she said is merely her own view of herself, or if she is double-minded, it’s what she wants others to believe about herself. She probably isn’t even aware of your more sophisticated assessment of her character.

  2. Even so, these attitudes are tiresome, and found the lackluster sex that proceeds to be entirely unworthy of the effort. So I fired off the last message, and blocked the acres of self-righteous justification that was sure to follow.

    Isn’t it amazing in the span of 10 years or so the way women have gone…more men get more excitement going red pill on them than *pursuing and achieving cheap sex or marriage and family.

    I mean honestly doesn’t that tell you how far women have fallen?

    *There’s still the segment who will always worship women…but I hope it’s reducing by the truth of the matter because if it’s not it’s because of being fed up with them

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