A Plenty of Fish Success Story

From (PoF) a/k/a Plenty of Rotten Tuna:

Love at first sight!

Eric and I met on plenty of fish after I moved back to our home town following a three year absence. I put up my profile and two hours later I had a message from him. We went to Starbucks that night. I was 7 months pregnant at the time but he was ok with that. My daughter Cordelia was born December 21st and Eric was there with me, and even cut the cord when she was born. We got engaged in January and we didn’t want to wait so we got married at a local city building on February 6th. We are now happily married and raising our daughter together, all because of Plenty of Fish!

Amanda & Eric, Married 2/2013

Bad stuff:

Him: Way too fat, fagbeard, slouchy posture, ill-fitting suit, those weird shoes that add 6 inches to a man’s height.

Her: Also somewhat overweight. May have a lazy eye. 7-months pregnant on PoF.

On the upside: 

Men and women can lose weight.

Probably still cuter than many of the fugly skank-ho wimminz on PoF that night.

They’re (at least pretending to be) monogamous.


One will note that I am not necessarily criticizing him for marrying the woman, nor am I calling him a cuck, for adopting (at least in theory) the kid.

I recognize that this has been an outlier pattern in patriarchy since the beginning of it. A man has the right to do whatever he wants in his own household, including the risking of its dissolution. This is a pre-Christian concept called paterfamilias, encoded in Table IV of the old Roman code.


I wish these people no ill, but I would be curious to see what their marriage is like, some five years on. Are they still together? I’d like to think so, but I’m a dreamer. I have never seen a scenario quite this risky play out in meatspace, however I have seen scenarios that included one or two of the pieces to this jigsaw puzzle enacted, and they always ended in a spectacular shower of drama, angst and confusion.

9 thoughts on “A Plenty of Fish Success Story

  1. “My daughter Cordelia was born December 21st and Eric was there with me, and even cut the cord when she was born.”

    I am so proud that I was not in the delivery room when my daughter was born. Could there be a bigger troll job by Steinem and Co.? Sending some gullible goyim in there to pester the surgeon, all the while having his sexual attraction for his wife destroyed at the sight of her gaping and bloody orifice?

    The fact that this fat shlub fell for that routine is another sign that he is, in fact, a cuck of large proportions.

    Moreover, I imagine this chick will be banging her personal trainer in two years. She will then blame him, stating that while he was working a double shift to pay for the Mcmansion, he neglected her feelings.

  2. Some advice to expectant fathers: Never trust a doctor to deliver your child, thinking that you don’t need to be present. Never let your wife out of your sight until she delivers the child. Stay with her during the delivery, if at all possible. Insist on it, in spite of the doctors objections.
    Usually, the doctor will insist on a cesarean, simply because it’s faster, easier and much more profitable for him, and the woman will agree to anything he says, because of her severe pain, and incapacitated state. But due to this major surgery, your wife will be out of commission for the next year, and she’ll never fully regain her figure or her agility (if she ever had it to begin with), even if she works out.
    Also, if she had a cesarean before, then more complications arise in subsequent births. The uterus is weakened by scar tissue and requires special monitoring during pregnancy in case of tears, and when the time for delivery comes, she will require ANOTHER cesarean, because her uterus and stomach muscles will be too scarred to deliver properly! (Scar tissue will tear before it stretches.)
    Something like 25% of all births in the U.S. are by cesarean, which is about 24% more than are necessary.
    Take good care of your woman and make sure she has a vaginal delivery. Bring a few trusted and strong-willed friends along to help you keep the doctor on track, if you think you might not be able to stay through the whole thing. Talk to your wife before hand, and tell her the risks involved with a cesarean. She will yell and scream at you for making her go through with a vaginal delivery, but she’ll be back to her regular life within a week, and she’ll be very grateful to you at that time for sticking by her.
    BTW, I’m not a medical doctor, but I am speaking as a father of two.

  3. A man has the right to do whatever he wants in his own household, including the risking of its dissolution.

    That’s how I look at it. I may not agree with it or want that to be my situation…but I’m not going to go tyrant on a guy and tell him not to if he’s willingly signing up for it. I hope for the kid’s sake it works out because she’ll have a father and it’s better than a single mother situation for the daughter.

  4. “Usually, the doctor will insist on a cesarean, simply because it.s faster, easier and much more profitable for him, and the woman will agree to anything he says, because of her severe pain, and incapacitated state. “

    I can absolutely vouch for this. We had to fend off the cesarean for at least one birth (if not both, can’t remember) because it was taking too long for their sensibilities. It’s an invasive major surgical procedure, and they just hand them out like candy. Insane.

    “…at the sight of her gaping and bloody orifice?”

    Just hold her hand and help her with her breathing. Then you don’t have to watch.

  5. The fact that this fat shlub fell for that routine is another sign that he is, in fact, a cuck of large proportions.

    By definition, a “cuck” is a man who is married to an unfaithful wife.


    You can criticize our brother Eric for many things, but he did know what he was signing up for, and went into the bargain willingly. Thus the term “adoptive father” is appropriate. The power to give or take children in adoption was encoded on Tablet IV: one of the recognised powers of the paterfamilias. I take Rome to be the original patriarchy, and if we want to reconstruct patriarchy here, we’d do well to understand the rules of that civilization.

    The cynic in me (child of Diogenes that I am) suggests that this marriage is already dissolved, but we’ll never know. Of one thing I’m sure: Young brothers today almost always have better options than to wife up a woman met online, who is 7 months pregnant with another dude’s kid, at the time of the first meeting. Even so, if you choose that bed to lie in, make it up as best you can…

  6. The cynic in me (child of Diogenes that I am) suggests that this marriage is already dissolved, but we.ll never know.

    I hope not…we certainly need less single mothers in the world…and I got to say her going online looking for a guy 7 months pregnant is getting into the bold category. Better than expecting Uncle Sam robbing Beta Bob Worker who didn’t get her pregnant to pay for her WIC.

    But given how the wimminz are…who knows if she gets the itch to go back on the carousel.

  7. Exactly. I give this marriage 5 years at the most. He’s a cuck. She will cheat. She will rapidly lose respect for him.

  8. Wish I could edit. It’s dated February 2013, 5 years ago. My prediction has them divorced now. Let’s try and find out…

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