Are Women Culture-Bearers?

A while back, I ran across a paper entitled Women as Proactive Transmitters of Culture. This is a work by an identifiable student, so I won’t be addressing the author or the contents directly. There is really no need to do so, because a whole genre of poorly-conducted, stupid pseudo-research exists, authored by similar feminists, who propose that worthwhile culture is transmitted through mothers to children, fathers being unnecessary.

Is this true?

It’s not true, but, we should begin by acknowledging that we are painting in broad strokes (unlike the feminists who usually posit the contrary position) and exceptions exist. Even so, a general trait specific to human females is a narrow focus on the here and now, with little energy left to worry about cultural transmission across generations.

I believe that human beings were designed this way on purpose. Unlike most other members of the animal kingdom, the human infant spends a prolonged period of time totally helpless, and its brain develops outside the womb. This has a number of specific advantages, but it also requires an intact family to see it through to adulthood. Men and women were designed to pair up and mate (whether they were created by a God to do this, or wired up by natural selection to do it, is really beside the point).

Men and women are designed to survive and raise children in social groups, with a father and mother as the minimal core. This is the optimal way to live and survive in a hostile world, and it’s the best way to transmit one’s genes across time. The differences that men and women exhibit (both physical and behavioral) are meant for expression in this context. As husband and wife bring different skills to the table, they find life easier.

Even so, some of our complex behaviors are not hard-wired in the way that our instinctual drives to mate and couple up are. Culture is defined by complex behavior, and the absence of this core social group, a father and a mother, working together, derails cultural memory and transmission entirely.

Women tend to exhibit no interest in transmitting cultural norms into the future, because that tends to be inborn in men. Women tend to better than men at many things (short-term memory, immediate verbal acuity, etc.) but this is not one of them.

The evidence for this is anecdotal, as no serious institution dares to challenge the feminist “fathers are worthless” rhetoric. Even so, we need only venture into the ghetto housing project or the trailer park to see the sort of “rich culture” and “complex behavior” which is transmitted by single-moms to their children.

In my experiences as a white dude, who has occasionally lived in the midst of a bunch of white single-mothers, the racial differences so important to the manosphere do not compensate for lack of a father. White kids who are raised by single-mothers overwhelmingly turn out to be emotionally stunted, shiftless idiots. They’re much more likely to be into escapism (drugs and alcohol), truancy and petty crime at adolescence. Some of them become “nazi skinheads” in an effort to give their mindless rebellion an abstract meaning, but this is cosmetic. One of the Stormfront kids who used to commit car burglaries in my old neighborhood had a black girlfriend. Hilariously, neither he nor his crew seemed to realize the contradiction.

Black or white, fatherless children tend to resemble other species of apes, more than their civilized human counterparts. They’re violent, unable to delay gratification, incapable of effective communication, and unable to concentrate for more than five minutes.

The feminists who read this will immediately trot out some high-profile counterexample – usually the child of some millionaire celebrity single mom. It is true that in isolated cases, fatherless children can grow up without significant problems, but I’ve found these specimens always came from homes with the income to outsource the father’s job to various surrogates: coaches, scout-leaders, etc. Most single mothers do not have the means to approach this level of output, and most of them aren’t self-aware enough to know that it’s necessary, thanks to the feminists who constantly tell them that they can do it on their own. Moreover, it’s a horribly inefficient way to raise children. All a woman has to do is to marry a good earner, and she saves hundreds of thousands of dollars over a lifetime, for the process of civilizing and enculturating her kids, which comes naturally to such men.

12 thoughts on “Are Women Culture-Bearers?

  1. All science is now corrupted at this point (e.g. weather .. ) by the poly’tics of the wimminz ™ and th fem-men-menz to weaponize it’s use against th men folk.

    And I have no idea what course correction will bring us back to reality.

    It seems that even though they have been so out and out obviously taunting us .. no one dare have a conversation about our weaponized single mom problem.

    Maybe .. just maybe .. enough men avoid knockin-up theze hoez in da fool’ture.

    Boxer this conversation needs to be had or we are headed to a very dark place .. re: 700% increase in single moms.

  2. This looks sorta cool, but it also looks like it might be a rewrite of Jack Donovan’s work. If you’d be willing to read the book and review it honestly, I’d pay the 2.00 price of the Kindle copy or 10.00 for the paperback.

    I almost bought it, but my reading list is long enough.

  3. Maybe .. just maybe .. enough men avoid knockin-up theze hoez in da fool.ture.

    I have a game I’ve started playing with wimminz in public places. I call it the #metoo game. I basically act like a typical wimminz to wimminz. In an era where everything is sexual harassment, it’s really the only sensible way to treat strange wimminz.

    If a strange wimminz asks me a question, or approaches me for help, I stare at her blankly, and then look past her without speaking. Nothing is more amusing than the subsequent reaction.

    Obviously if I know a woman personally, and know her to be a fairly decent sort, I don’t do this. With women I don’t know, however, it’s a good policy.

    I spent eight hours on a plane, two days ago, with a morbidly obese old hag who overflowed into my seat, and who spent the entire time attempting to offer me chocolates, engage me in conversation, and otherwise waste my time. I ignored her the entire way, with the help of headphones and my ipad. (Now you know the reason I watched Blade Runner 2049).

    As I departed, I got luggage down for an old man a row ahead of me. She asked, loudly, if I’d help her too. I didn’t respond, or even turn around. I just left her in the dust.

  4. I read the authors / publishers teaser .. it didn’t tickle my reading-bone .. though I might reconsider .. for science sake and all ..

  5. As I departed, I got luggage down for an old man a row ahead of me. She asked, loudly, if I.d help her too. I didn.t respond, or even turn around. I just left her in the dust.

    You’re a good man (re: helpin the old guy) Charlie Brown ™ .. I’ve been ignoring th wimminz for a long while now .. it drives’em nuts (well .. moreso than before they met me .. lol).

    It makes me feel all warm & happy inside.

  6. ‘In my experiences as a white dude, who has occasionally lived in the midst of a bunch of white single-mothers, the racial differences so important to the manosphere do not compensate for lack of a father. ‘

    Thank you. I agree fully. The people who patrol these sites thinking whites are the only race good at anything and everyone else is low IQ fail to see that fatherlessness is the biggest reason why every race has it’s idiots and criminals.

    I guarentee you everytime a Tyrone goes Tyrone…just find out if he was raise by a Shanequa and a father whom he doesn’t know.

  7. ‘As I departed, I got luggage down for an old man a row ahead of me. She asked, loudly, if I.d help her too. I didn.t respond, or even turn around. I just left her in the dust.’

    It’s been interesting reactions lately I’ve been more inclined to help guys or pick them up and essentially ignore women or at the most act like Bill Belichick to a reporter to them with monotone one word answers. It’s also interesting how women struggle to figure something out and I just stare at them wondering if they’d ever get it in their head to ask. Most don’t. Don’t ask, don’t help.

    I don’t know if anyone has ever researched Belichick game…but I’m finding myself amused with it.

  8. I don.t know if anyone has ever researched Belichick game.but I.m finding myself amused with it.

    Earl .. I’m an expressive guy during a convo .. with friends.

    It gives people immediate feedback during th convo .. but remove it and watch what happens.

    I .. from time to time completely stop giving any cues (aka th bill belly’czek stare) .. it throws people for a loop .. especially if they are used to my gestures.

    Now .. for 10 years or more I give all strange wimminz (and some men) this output .. i don’t even acknowledge them .. but if I’m forced to .. I give’em the ice cold Billy Belly’czek stare & responses. It’s like a magic poo’shun that causes immediate panic & re-treat.

    My friends call it my “mean-mug” .. apparently I have a good “mean-mug” .. though my friends know different .. strangers don’t cross the street to talk to me. And everyone is nice to me when I’m in character.

    Good times.

  9. sigh .. imagine the average IQ american .. & then think about the half that is stupider than that .. now you’re ready for this ..

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