On Jeremy Meeks

Over on BDMG blog (visit that site), we read about my nigga Jeremy Meeks, a man who was so goodlookin’ that women swooned at his mugshot photo.

Apparently, Meeks is now out of jail, living in a mansion, driving a fancy car, and paying for all of it with modeling/talent gigs (nypost dot com). Kudos to him for beating the odds. Unlike the vast majority of idiots that volunteer for neck tattoos, he isn’t working a crap job for minimum wage, after all.

Meeks is also married, to a woman named Melissa. According to his twitter account, he recently celebrated his 8-year anniversary. Kudos to him in that regard, too. Here’s an archive photo of the happy couple.

The author at BDMG explains that Meeks’ windfall is largely due to wimminz’ idealization of the thug archetype.

Most women dream of capturing such a specimen, and through the power of their uniquely powerful and empowered vaginae, they titillate themselves with the notion that they might tame and domesticate such a badboy. I can’t really argue with the appeal of this. It’s the same delusion that powerfully powers and empowers the readers of crapola like Fifty Shades of Grey, and Twilight. The reduction of a previously untamable man, to one’s own personal dog, is the female version of the male fantasy of building a rocketship in one’s back yard, and flying it to the moon. Sure, it might happen, but it’s not very likely.

BDMG continues, and here’s where he goes wildly wrong…

I have no idea what originally attracted Melissa to Jeremy. This might have been a one-in-a-million true love story, where a nice girl meets a good-looking but troubled young man, and through the empowering power of her magic vagina, straightens him out. I don’t find that very likely, given that he was still mired in legal problems, resulting from being convicted of various violent crimes, just a couple of years ago.

I find it infinitely more likely that Melissa was a club skank, who started banging a good-looking but troubled young man, and who decided to keep him around not because she loved him, but because he was a weak and degenerate fellow, and was thus easily controllable. Melissa is more likely the type of woman who is attracted to weak men, who she can control and manipulate.

Anyone who runs hoez knows exactly the type of woman I’m talking about.

Melissa “stayed with” Jeremy, during his imprisonment, but I doubt she was a faithful, doting wife, who spent all her time writing letters to the parole board, or preparing to make the bus trip for visitation. She probably liked the fact that he was gone to the clink. It added drama to her life, gave her something to complain about to her bitch friends, and allowed her to go out carousing whenever she wanted, without having to justify her behavior to a spouse.

The fact that Jeremy is blowing all his money on rental payments for mansions and fancy cars is another bit of circumstantial evidence that bolsters my suspicions about the true nature of his relationship. He won’t be a sexy young thug for ever. If he were wiser, or if he had the counsel of a father or grandfather, he’d be living in a modest home, driving a Toyota, and investing in a trade school education. Instead, he’s temporarily making some moderately big money, and spending every dime of it on the whims of some woman, who feels that she absolutely must have a fine house and a Maserati.

BDMG continues:

“And by the way, don’t expect him to get cleaned out in divorce court, because there is no way that his wife is going to leave him.  Women only do that when they want to get the money away from the unsexy guy; conversely, this woman stayed with him in poverty because he was the sexiest man alive.”

Last I checked, the “sexiest man alive” was Brad Pitt.

Jeremy, if you read this, you need to divorce that bitch, pronto, and start looking out for yourself.

2 thoughts on “On Jeremy Meeks

  1. A guy that good looking could even get Ivana Trump. It’s just a matter of luck
    coupled with proper timing.

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