Direct Action

Over on Dalrock, there is a treasure-trove of religious exegesis. The author is a protestant, but he’s very tolerant. As a result, a large community of Protestants, Catholics and Jews can be found in the comment section, where they constantly complain about their looney pro-feminist congregations.

I don’t believe in any God, or gods, and as a result it often seems like I’m out of place when I occasionally show up. The reality is that conservative religious people are simultaneously some of the most annoying and persistent people pushing feminism, poz and degeneracy, all under the cloak of religious tolerance. I hate your feminist preachers at least as much as you. Fortunately I am not required by a wife or tradition to attend if I don’t want to.

Recently, in one of the gripe-fests, it was suggested that one or more of the dudes start his own church. This would be a worthwhile development for a number of reasons. I countered by suggesting that if anyone were already on the board of an established church, he could very easily rig a couple of elections to stack the body with redpill brothers. Once a plurality was reached, the board could fire the feminist preacher, and replace him with someone decent.

Some of these pozzed out churches have big money at their disposal. Taking control of one would open up all sorts of new doors.

If you, dear reader, aren’t on the board of your church, and if your preacher is a radical feminist nutjob who is destabilizing your family, I have some ideas as to how you can fight the power. Just in time for father’s day, when preachers around the country are typically insulting every father in their congregation.

Naturally, I would never advise anyone to actually do any of these things. In some areas, there are laws. There’s also the social fallout if you’re caught sabotaging a church function. This is just brainstorming, for my own amusement. What follows is strictly for entertainment purposes.


Dead animals are a useful tool in any guerrilla’s arsenal. They’re ubiquitous, on the side of every road, and free for the taking. Even better for our purposes are whole fish, bought from the butcher’s section of the supermarket. Hiding such things in a building will surely stink the place up. Some medium sized flounder, stuffed into a ventilation shaft, should do the trick. Toss some more onto a high shelf in a utility closet. Make sure to lock up before leaving.

Placing some dead animals in theatrical positions will spook people who find them. Consider a hideous looking skinned sheep/goat head (available in most butcher shops) with the eyeballs bulging out and the tongue lolling. Wouldn’t that look great on the altar? Bonus points if the priest has a teenage kid who will be the natural suspect.

Note: to get into and out of a place undiscovered, freeze your stink-bomb overnight.


Sometimes an individual priest is so damaging to the lives of his flock, that directly illustrating his character defects is the only thing that will truly bring justice to those he’s ruined. Take, for example, our brother Iowa Slim (read his story), who has had his divorce and loss of custody facilitated, directly, by the couple who runs his fake-christian church.

This preacher, and/or his wife, obviously needs a good screwing. In such cases, classified ads in Craigslist can be a big help. Soliciting sex partners is always good. For example:

MWM 35 seeks black woman 18+ for BSDM domination role-play. Cum to my plantation! I’ll be master, you be my slave girl. Prefer you have very large buttocks. My wife doesn’t know, so must be discreet. Be comfortable with scat and water sports. Call Joe at 213-555-1212

Note, do not use your pastor’s real name on the ad, but do list his personal mobile telephone number. He should be getting a lot of weird calls directly after the ad is submitted. He’ll assume it’ll be a wrong number, but it’ll still amuse you to know about it.

You could then print out some hard copies of the ad itself, and mail them around to various friends, neighbors and business associates of Pastor Feminist. If you’re feeling creative, enclose an anonymous letter, id’ing the phone number, denouncing the target, and asking how the addressee could associate with this degenerate. Encourage the receiver to pray for Pastor Feminist, as he’s clearly very troubled. Use random return addresses on the envelopes, or use one belonging to a troublemaker in the congregation.

A variation on this theme is to pick up some of the weird gay/lesbian print publications that exist in every town. You find these in hipster coffee shops and they’re always given out for free. Aside from the personals, these bizarro pieces of literature always feature “coming out” sections. Use your imagination and file a story that resembles your pastor, but does not include his name. If it’s printed, you can scan this, put it on the internet, and anonymously make the association. I bet the very conservative old people at church didn’t know his marriage was just for show, and that he was actually into twinks and trannies.

The variations on this same theme are infinite, and you’re only limited by your own creativity. Fake (but convincing) tinder/pof/okc/grindr profiles, tacked up bulletin board ads on little 3×5 flash cards, and other such stuff are your media.


No matter what sort of building your Sunday morning manbasher parade is held in, it almost certainly has a lock on the exterior doors. Liquid Solder and Super Glue are excellent additions to such orifices.

Coaxial cable is ruined, and the signal disrupted, by discreetly pushing a sewing needle through the center of the cable at any point. Be inconspicuous, so that it takes a good long time to find the sabotage. If you do this well enough, and the building will need to be rewired entirely.

Bending a paperclip into a U-shape, and jamming each end (carefully) into an outlet is sure to set off sparks. It won’t start a fire or cause any permanent damage, but it will almost certainly blow the breaker, cutting power to the entire room. It might also shock you. Wear rubber gloves to pull this off, and see if you can’t black the place out during the sermon.

If your church has industrial clothes dryers, automatic dishwashers or some similar piece of equipment, then the introduction of a jar of all-natural peanut butter, before turning it on for a cycle, is an excellent way to ruin it.

Chewed bubble gum makes a fine addition to any carpet.

One can get a cheap safety hasp and padlock for about ten bucks. It takes about ten minutes to install one of these with a screwdriver. Wouldn’t it be great to secure some rooms… from the inside? You can’t be too careful, these days. Just make sure you’ve got a window to climb out of, and go to work.

Heavy Shit

Hiding a gram of cocaine in someone’s car would be a terrible thing to do. Of course, you’d want to tip off the local cops if you decided to go this route. If you have the connections to do this, you can add baking powder to a gram of decent quality cocaine, and theoretically make it ten grams of crap, which will still come up as cocaine when tested. Only a serious drug dealer would have that much on him… Right?

Falsely creating some financial documents, suggesting that your target came into a huge amount of money, and mailing these to the IRS… that would be terrible too.

If you have your preacher’s info, you could always pose as him over the phone. Call to make an appointment to “turn yourself in” to the IRS or FBI. When you call either of these agencies, be vague. If they ask what you’ve done, tell them that you need to get documents together, and you’ll make a full confession once you come down to the station. Assure the investigator that you’ll come with your checkbook and be prepared to make a settlement on the spot, including all fees and penalties.

Of course, when no one ever shows up for the appointment, it’s doubtful that the conversation will just be forgotten…


Obviously I would never do anything like this. It’s immoral. Some of it is illegal, also. Of course, unlike Iowa Slim, I’ve never had a pastor who has volunteered to fund and testify in a divorce action, so that I can’t see my own kids. If that happened to me, I don’t know what I’d do. If that happened to you, my advice is to forget it. But if you decide to get some payback, I’d never blame you…

Happy Father’s Day!

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