The System (an Illustration)

Like most Americans, I got an impression when I saw “Queen” and her Black Panther soldiers marching in Atlanta.

My first thought at the spectacle was something like hmmm… those people look like they’re straight out of central casting…

I quickly decided to not be cynical. Maybe they’re working-class black and white people who armed up to march (and there are several buff looking white dudes in her party). It’d be cool if people took a stand, not only against police brutality, but also in favor of no more stores being looted, and those rifles are just the thing to warn away trouble.

Come to find out, I was right in the first place. This is all bullshit.

…and in case you need convincing (or just don’t want to dredge through the wasteland that is Twitter) here is “Queen” embracing a pig cop.

I won’t pretend to know exactly what is going on, but I notice patterns. For example, the media is working non-stop (and overtime) to get blacks and whites to fight among themselves. In a very short period of time, we’ve all forgotten that we’ve been robbed of an insane amount of money.

Just four short weeks ago, I was appalled at the fact that the Pelosi-Trump gang had given corporate CEOs four trillion (or more) free dollaz at our expense. In the span of a month, the mood has gone from

kill the bankers


kill your neighbor … sponsored by Bank of America.

This is all just too much to be a coincidence.

8 thoughts on “The System (an Illustration)

  1. She’s carrying a 22lr plastic rifle .. with folded down iron sights ..

    It’s for show .. because it’s all for show.

    The USsA as we used to know it is dead.

  2. This is now an in-sir-ex-shun .. and the state(s) and federal constitutions don’t apply to them ..

    When the music stops .. if someone has the ballz .. it’s gonna be a real shocker for these fools.

  3. Queen????? Is she from Queens? No? It looks like 1975. All we need is for her to try assassinate the president in a park in California…….wait….that DID happen in 1975 (President Ford, and it was done by a strange woman).

    Well at least the Symbinese Liberation Army actually got into outgunned gun fights with the police (and lost mind you)

    Another rally, another march, another “forceful” speech. Americans get tired of this kind of thing…….but 2023 everyone will be wearing ungly clothing and a new disco revival will be under way. WHy did disco get big to begin with? Americans got tired of “protest” living like a revolutionary IS a full time job…..but you don’t have to worry about the rent in prison I suppose….

  4. It’s difficult for me to believe that any adult in this day and age with an IQ above freezer temperature could actually believe in “coincidence.”

  5. She.s carrying a 22lr plastic rifle .. with folded down iron sights ..

    That was a really good catch. I thought she had one of those newfangled magpul magazines, with the little window, but it is indeed a rimfire outfit.

    It.s for show .. because it.s all for show.

    I know. She and her crew look nothing like the grubby rioters who spent the previous 48 hours burning strip malls and looting Nike trainers. The second I saw them I thought it was some bizarre postmodern Calvin Klein ad, and then I realized it was just regular CNN. They look like a bunch of models.

    The USsA as we used to know it is dead.

    It always has been, for men like us. There’s no part of the U.S. Constitution that allows for some wimminz to kidnap her kids, and take them across an international border, without telling her husband. And yet, that is exactly what happened to me, with the full blessing and approval of the parasites in charge.

    Fuck the Lincoln Memorial and the Robert E. Lee statue. If any of the founders could see what happens in this country, they would be the first to topple all the monuments in an effort to overthrow it.

  6. Fuck the Lincoln Memorial and the Robert E. Lee statue. If any of the founders could see what happens in this country, they would be the first to topple all the monuments in an effort to overthrow it.

    Yup. If both the Founders and the Generals of the Confederacy could have gazed a century or more into the future, I doubt that any of them would fought for the causes they did.

  7. Boxer wrote There.s no part of the U.S. Constitution that allows for some wimminz to kidnap her kids, and take them across an international border, without telling her husband. And yet, that is exactly what happened to me

    Wow, that’s terrible Boxer. Hope you have been able to interact with your child(ren) regularly; for your sake and theirs.

    Boxer sez: I was one of the children in that scenario, and not the husband. I only re-established contact with my father in the past decade, but things are fine now.

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