Aesthetic Theory and Rape Porn

Yesterday I wandered down to my abandoned beach, eerily peaceful despite the long holiday weekend. While walking, I realized that I had a series of easily answered questions.

  1. A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that Derek was an author at the Sigma Frame Blog. He told me I was full of shit. Does Derek have an account there? I thought he did.
  2. Just last week, someone mentioned that LastMod had been banned from Sigma Frame. Is this true? What on earth could he have done?

I have no personal squabble with the Sigma Frame blog, with its author, or with any of its readers. I haven’t read it in years, simply because I am not a good fit for the content. I have never bothered to ponder the reasons why. Certain things just don’t appeal to me.

Even so, people I enjoyed reading seem to be having issues with the outlet, and this was reason enough for me to poke around.

So it was that I wandered over there today, in the hope of answering my questions.

Had my original question been why don’t I like to read Sigma Frame? I would have had an easy answer with the very first article I saw. It prominently featured a bit of bondage porn.

The article had some comments, and they were generally supportive.

I don’t know who “AngloSaxon” is, but if he wanders in here, I’d love to know what he loved, specifically, about the woman in the wedding dress, bound with electrical tape, looking as though she’s watching the BTK killer pick up the blow torch.

The only thing I know about “Lexet Blog” is that the author doesn’t like me. I don’t know (or care) why. The first clue I had about the existence of this outlet was when Derek Ramsey linked back to an article I wrote, in a discussion with this character, and he dismissed it by insulting my character and intelligence.

As O.P. Rockwell (or Anton LaVey) might remind me, water seeks out and finds its own level. I’m comfortable with the sharp delineation between residents of this post code and a bunch of degenerates with rape fantasies.

Whenever I have an emotional reaction to something, I always try to analyze it. A critic might accuse me of having some sort of sexual hangup, in not finding photos of bound, gagged, terrified women appealing. I suppose that’s probably true. Even so, I think my contention is less moral than aesthetic. I am not against porn, or men enjoying it. I like porn myself. I generally like the same sorts of porn that my grandfather found exciting. These inevitably feature non-nude women alone, in various provocative states of skimpy dress.

I can’t see her body, but she has long hair and a nice, feminine smile.

I’m not ordinarily a huge fan of redheads, but I’d get this woman’s number.

She looks like someone I’d stick my dick into, in five seconds flat.

I still don’t know whether Ram Man writes for Sigma Frame, or whether Last Mod got banned there, and I suppose I don’t care enough to keep dredging through such content. I’m glad they’re both here, even if I spend most of my time disagreeing with them. If I’ve reported something incorrectly, now or in the past, I hope they will forgive me.

Life is short. Get off the internet, and go someplace beautiful.

19 thoughts on “Aesthetic Theory and Rape Porn

  1. “I.m glad both here, even if I spend most of my time disagreeing with them. If reported something incorrectly, now or in the past, I hope I can be forgiven.”

    I sincerely appreciate that.

    Unless my memory has failed me utterly, the only places I’ve ever authored articles are here and on my own blogs. The vast majority of people don’t want to be associated with me.

  2. Hey Anon:

    Thanks for the link.

    FYI: The spam filters keep auto-flagging your comments. I had nothing to do with this and don’t know why it’s happening. (It also happens to Black Pill and Swanny River, consistently.) If a regular writes here and their comment doesn’t appear, please feel free to contact me in email.


  3. No matter. In the end, its their blog, they can ban me or (cough) moderate me any way they choose. That’s not my call. It’s their personal space to determine that.

    For me, I have stayed off topics I should not be commenting about overall….and my exchanges for the most have been polite. I won’t say its “his loss” because it probably isn’t….his or mine.

    If christian red-pilled-men want to tel us how “red pilled’ they are, they had better be ready to defend not their hero Rollo or Roosh….but Jesus and what he stood for.

    From my past almost decade on forums like this……….they really don’t follow this humble carpenter. I tried, and looked to them for help on this, and was given a playbook about greek terms, who said what and where about which “soy boy pastor” and who had more nookie when they were younger.

    They can have it suppose. I have no hate on any of those men over there…….but as a man who was in the faith, they still had zero love or even hope for me…so as as an outsider I wasn’t expecting a change.

    Neither are they expecting change. They are quite happy with the way things are.

  4. Dear Jason/LastMod,

    No matter. In the end, its their blog, they can ban me or (cough) moderate me any way they choose. That.s not my call. It.s their personal space to determine that.

    I certainly agree and am nowhere suggesting that you shouldn’t respect the wishes of the author(s). I was curious in this case for a couple of reasons.

    Sigma Frame blog has long prioritized quantity over quality, in an attempt to become one of the big dawgs of the Christian Manosphere. This was obvious from its inception (and it continued for as long as I was reading and promoting the blog.) I remember frequent, detailed, regular reports about the numbers of daily visitors, linkbacks, and comments. These reports would boast about growth and predict future expansion, and the blog frequently changed styles and colors in an apparent attempt to attract a new audience.

    If the author is attempting to appeal to as many of Dalrock’s (200 or less) regular readers as possible, then asking you to leave is a very profound departure from strategy. This is acknowledged in the subtext of Anon’s comment, where he writes One can draw their own conclusions from the linked exchange, but SigmaFrame has never banned anyone else before, ever, to my knowledge.

    For me, I have stayed off topics I should not be commenting about overall..and my exchanges for the most have been polite.

    I did go over to the linked exchange. Here’s what I found:

    Jason feigns ignorance as to the definition of ad hominem, to which Jack replies:

    argvmentvm ad hominem just means ‘an argument against the person’. It is a rhetorical device that is often, but not always, the mark of a logical fallacy.

    The problem with the published definition is obvious: One can create a perfectly sound argument using this device. For example: in numerous exchanges, people have argued in the direction that men like Boxer are the reason there are moral problems in contemporary America…. This is a good example of argvmentvm ad hominem, and if it appears in a formally valid argument with true premises (as it has before, many times) then it’s difficult for me to formulate a serious reply. When this happens, I don’t even try. I simply admit that I am part of the ho’-playa dialectic, and concede the point.

    ‘Jack’ can claim that he doesn’t understand this, but he’s a liar. He has alluded to having an advanced degree in a social science/liberal arts discipline (in the beginning, I commiserated about adjunct work with him publicly.). One of the commenters in that thread (Scott) also has an advanced degree in a social science/liberal arts field. As a couple of sociologist types, they’re both far more qualified to give a coherent definition than a slacker with a math degree, or an ex-junkie computer scientist, and yet they haven’t done so.

    Dr. Sigma Frame finally encourages Jason to go research his opponent, and tells him to publish any such findings on his own blog. Jason is one of the authors at v5k2c2, and while he’s probably too busy to spend a bunch of time doing that, I am free today, and here’s what I found within thirty seconds of visiting the corpus of the individual in question:

    Oy vey!

    In sum, I’ll note the differences between this blog, where I’ve tried to cultivate a small community of interesting contributors, and Sigma Frame, which is focused on giving a microphone to every internet spankard who wants to rant about Jews and other nonsense. I like the people who post here, and I’m sure ‘Jack’ likes his sandbox, and they seem more and more like disjoint sets.

  5. Yesterday I wandered down to my abandoned beach, eerily peaceful despite the long holiday weekend.

    “You own an abandonded beach!?”

  6. .You own an abandonded beach!?.

    All the beaches in my state are publicly owned. So, yeah. As far as abandoned, well, I wasn’t entirely honest about that part, but I have never seen it so empty as it is right now. (Thanks, Corona!)

  7. I really only just lightly skimmed the article in question over at Sigma Frame, as it was one of those the title of which just didn’t particularly “grab” me. Most blogs I frequent are like that. Sometimes the content is of a nature I find irresistible and can’t get enough of, other times it’s of the sort I can take or leave. Some bloggers I’m in nearly constant agreement with, others I usually disagree with, but still find their material a fascinating read. That’s the magic of the “androblogosphere” (for lack of a better term) and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  8. Most Christian thought in the ‘sphere tends to be more about marriage. Marriage. Marriage. More marriage…..if you are not married…..vetting a wife that doesn’t exist is very easy, she must be a virgin and if not, a very low “n” count btween the ages of 18 and 25, must be an excellent homemaker, must have a litter of babies with you, must have a visceral look that tell you she wants to be led from day one on your first date, cannot be a single mom, must be willing to do anything you say, think or act upon…….must be open for sex at all hours of the day or night, must think exactly like you and you must tease her frequently and she must respond to your frame, and even if she does all this and you know this by a few dates????

    She is lying to you because all women want to rebel, subvert you, take you to the feminized courts, and take everything from you. She cannot be trusted and you must have rock solid frame at all times or you will be ruined.

    What’s that? You can’t find a wife? Well, you see if you jsut married a woman like they did, no problems. Very simple. These women are everywhere…’re just not trying hard enough and you don’t want to do what it takes at 35, 47, or 53……just move to China, Thailand, Russia or Slovenia……..learn the language and cultre, get a really, really good job in the Stem field and you will find a traditional wife very easily. Tons of men in the sphere are doing this daily. They all want to be led, and want to follow you before any higher power…..the bible says so, so it must be true.

    Why so frustrated? God says if you burn, just marry! Oh….you can’t find someone? Need help? You see there is this thing called “game” just master that, and you will find one. Oh, still can’t…..didn’t work right………well, god promises you nothing! Shut up and serve!

  9. I like sports, but I consider no sports player to be a role model. Similarly, I read many blogs, but there isn’t one of them that I’m completely comfortable with. As feeriker notes, “Some bloggers I.m in nearly constant agreement with, others I usually disagree with, but still find their material a fascinating read.”

    I did read the referenced post on Judaism, and honestly didn’t understand it. I lack whatever is required (historical knowledge? intellectual understanding?) to evaluate its content. It’s just a word salad to me. Accordingly, I don’t see how it supports the claim that “Men like you helped wreck that.” Maybe I’m just the only one…

  10. Derek…I am no sportsman either, but after decades of seeing “Mr Monday Morning Quarterback” at work, my opinion is as good as any now.

    Especially in some of these matters.

    My comment that got me put into moderation with a “heavy heart” by the host was made as an observation. Like most christians, the person I replied to has the answers to everything. You see, there is this man named jesus who can heal and make right anyone and then his musings, postings, ramblings and comments disprove anything he may think he stands for.

    This was called some ad hominem, which in the sphere I have seen used in many contexts, usually incorrectly. The reason I stated what I did about not knowing what this meant is because it is so frequently incorrectly used.

    I then of course was set corrected by the host about what “it really means”
    Kind of like the “strawman” defense these same putzes use whenever they disagree with you, and then call *you* out for being a strawman.

    I pity most of their wives and children. Living with these men must be tiring.


    They honestly believe they will win men to the cause of christ with most of the nonsense they are posting.

  11. Dear Fellas:

    I like sports, but I consider no sports player to be a role model.

    I think that’s an apt allusion, the internet being the arena, where one can poke the wild beasties with a stick and watch as they rant and rage and bang their heads against the cage.

    I did read the referenced post on Judaism, and honestly didn.t understand it. I lack whatever is required (historical knowledge? intellectual understanding?) to evaluate its content.

    I don’t want to gratuitously criticize someone not openly in residence. My impression was that the article was a sesquipedalian placeholder for some general antisemitic sentiment. My guess is that the author doesn’t like Jews, because it’s safer for him to blame the Jews for the bad behavior of his wife, sisters and daughters, than to confront any of those women personally.

    In any case, he’s using so many terms that he doesn’t seem to understand that I suspect he may be pulling a Sokol.

    It’s pretty funny either way.

    (Note: If the author wanders in here and would like to discuss this stuff, he would be welcome.)

    This was called some ad hominem, which in the sphere I have seen used in many contexts, usually incorrectly. The reason I stated what I did about not knowing what this meant is because it is so frequently incorrectly used.

    Thank you for your frank admission. I was thinking I could troll you into pretending you didn’t understand it here.

    What.s that? You can.t find a wife? Well, you see if you jsut married a woman like they did, no problems. Very simple. These women are everywhere… just not trying hard enough and you don.t want to do what it takes at 35, 47, or 53..just move to China, Thailand, Russia or Slovenia….learn the language and cultre, get a really, really good job in the Stem field and you will find a traditional wife very easily. Tons of men in the sphere are doing this daily. They all want to be led, and want to follow you before any higher power…the bible says so, so it must be true.

    This is truly funny. While a casual observer might think you’re exaggerating, I can attest to the fact that I have seen all these wonderfully helpful, unsolicited suggestions given many times, to many men, by the undisputed “Sigma” males of the Christian androsphere.

  12. I like sports, but I consider no sports player to be a role model.

    I’ve concluded that the most useful purpose all-star athletes serve is as examples of how “alpha” males are generally incredibly blue pill. Not just about women, either, but about life in general.

  13. [blonde woman] bound with electrical tape, looking as though she.s watching the BTK killer pick up the blow torch.

    Doesn’t do anything sexually for me, either. I will admit, however, that I could get a mind-blowing thrill and high out of such a scene (and the scenario you describe as being behind it) if I knew that the blonde in question was a raving, violent, man-hating SJW feminist who advocated genocide for all men and the killing of babies at birth.

  14. “…get a really, really good job in the Stem field and you will find a traditional wife very easily”

    I will sometimes joke to my wife about how my type.nerdy/geeky STEM graduates.make excellent husbands (despite their typical.. uh.. lack of social graces). As a group we tend to be hard working, intensely loyal, and low drama, and she knows it. But, the reason it is funny is because most women think that men like me would make terrible husbands, and she knows that too. Indeed, her ‘normal’ female co-workers would not accord her any social bonus points for marrying my type.

    I’m always extremely not surprised when I find out someone in the manosphere works in the IT/software profession. They might make theoretically good husbands, but so many can’t find good and/or any women.

  15. Derek. IBM operations in the Silicon Valley….late 1990’s.

    Most Baby Boomers there. Married. Men and women. Divorced and remarried. I did not meet one person in that generation that wasnt marries

    My age group. GenX. The women i worked with who were my age (twenties) were married. Not to some hardware engineer. No. They were married to some sales type. Banker type. No man my age was married…..well i did meet a few. Usually marries to a mail order bride from the Philippines, China or Thailand….or going through this process.

    It was the era and I was there. A gazillion single mwn for every woman….and every woman was always dating some “really awesome guy”

    Average looking women suddenly became very “high value”

    I remember the Yahoo party (a time when this company was a darling of the era) in late 1998…….Chris Isaak performed. Fantastic catering. All men. Young men. Not a woman in sight.

    Just study STEM.

  16. @lastmod

    “It was the era and I was there. A gazillion single mwn for every woman..and every woman was always dating some .really awesome guy” Average looking women suddenly became very .high value.”

    When I was in college during that era, the guys to girls ration in classes was 20:1 or worse. I had all-male classes. Rare as women were, they were treated like royalty. Some guys never even spoke to a woman within our field. I was casual friends with the one girl in my degree program, but I don’t recall her dating anyone. I bet she had some non-STEM guy back at home.

    With rare exceptions, the men in our field are married to women who work in non-STEM fields. That takes us back to the original problem: most women not in STEM fields wouldn’t date nerdy/geeky STEM types, at least not in their 20s.

    “I remember the Yahoo party (a time when this company was a darling of the era) in late 1998…Chris Isaak performed. Fantastic catering. All men. Young men. Not a woman in sight.”

    It is no coincidence that.except for current and former coworkers and a next door neighbor.I don’t have any family, friends, or acquaintances in the STEM field. People don’t specifically know what I do for a living and I don’t talk about it. When I was single, I avoided spending time with men in my field, to maximize my chances of marriage.

  17. Ah Derek….welcome to the ‘Chandler Bing Club’ most of my family and friends from college, and grad school had zero idea what I was doing at IBM and why. What did i do? I was a project lead in ‘ internal information development’ I was the guy who wrote the huge binders, worked with engineers and did all the illustrations, charts, worksheets for the field engineers for installation of maniframe servers…..mostly the ESS (Shark). Mostly for companies like Gap, Walmart, JC Penny, Sears, British Airways, Bank of America……..

    It was as boring as whalesh*t. White shirt and tie, an office. I was the most mundane of operations. Unglamorous, unsext and def not some important job.

  18. Two things: (a) The bondage picture. I have reason to believe that was actual photo/bondage tape used in that pic. (Having used electrical tape for other things, I dont imagine I would ever use it for this. Too valuable and hard to re-use. Bondage tape is easier to reuse, and versatile for costuming, etc).
    (b) I have people’s legitimate comments get sent to the spam section or pending pile on occasion. It does happen.

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