5 thoughts on “Flame War Insights

  1. Wow. The ONLY class I ever dropped in college. It was on this book. It was taught and read and would be discussed in French. I knew only a little “un peau de francais” French, after about a week in the class. The teacher, Dr. Allen (a fluent speaker in french and a philosophy dept chair at my undergrad) Asked me to drop the class because there was no way I was going to pass. I knew I was over my head in a day.

    I did try reading it in English a few years later……lost after maybe ten pages. I am not “smart” dear Boxer. It also isn’t something I like or really have an interest with. I am sure if explained and read with a tutor kind of thing, I might have enjoyed it.

    Philosophy and the like (including psychology) is pretty much over my head. I do like William James….but he is very pragmatic, and probably “speaks” better to my sensibilities and I just “get” him….and his has a good sense of humor too!

    I have read Huxleys work. His work is readable at my comprehension level. I usually enjoy histories. Like I just re-read Robert Dallek’s “Flawed Giant, Lyndon Johnson White House Years 1963-1969. Loved it. I read a very good history of “Great Society, Fifty Years on” and it was a very well balanced write of what was good…what was bad, and what was just plain wrong.

    Kant, Jung, Freud……Hagel…..Camus…….its like trying to read the telephone book . Very hard.

  2. I’m dumb as shit. Dalrock’s crew proved that. No matter, I know when I’m over my head on something….which is most things.

    What I suppose I am nore annoyed at than anything is that because someone knows the Bible, they are now somehow an expert on complex female sexual-socio biology, linguistics (and I speak a foreign language fluently), schema, rhetoric, all forms of art, how to raise children perfectly………..

    Their vigor for arrogance is still astounding from people who espouse a man of “sorrows” and humility and supposed love for fellow men.

    What do I know.

    I don’t think it has any relation Boxer….but I did read ‘Future Shock” which came out of article in 1965 and then the book in 1970.

  3. Wow. The ONLY class I ever dropped in college. It was on this book.

    I’d actually never heard of it until I had a bunch of forced time off in March and April. I’d love to get your take on it.

    I did try reading it in English a few years later..lost after maybe ten pages.

    I had to read it through a couple of times, myself. Didn’t attempt the original. The English translation I read is up in pdf form for free.

    I.m dumb as shit. Dalrock.s crew proved that.

    Compared to the erudite geniuses, trillionaire jet-setters, and urbane gentlemen pickup artists who post on Dalrock’s comment section, we are both mere philistines, and rank morons, to boot.

  4. On topic ..

    I don’t recall much of college (re: required reading) ..

    With that said .. I don’t recall reading this book ..

    Off topic ..

    Boxer is having a flare-up (i.e. flame war) with Derek .. say it ain’t sooooooo .. heh

    Verdict ..

    Carry-On .. I might check that out later though.

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