The Sad Case of Caylin

A series of searches revealed several articles on the subject of skank-ho Caylin Allise Watson. Nowhere in any article I read was there a mention of the father of the little boy she tried to kill. Scumbag journalists would like you to believe that this was another mythical “virgin birth,” and that no man exists who has been harmed by the subject’s inept attempt to burn a baby alive.

Once we accept that we’re being lied to about the father’s existence, we must explore the other lies-by-omission on display. There are many other little facts that have gone unreported in this story.

At some point, some unfortunate man stooped to lie with this sow, and we can surmise that shortly after birth, that man was cut out of the picture (except for the expectation of sending big dollaz to this ho’, on a monthly basis.) It’s completely plausible that some black-robed faggot down at the anti-family court wrote out an order that the father of this baby not come within 500 yards, on pain of arrest and blah blah blah.

That man would have protected his son from this crazy bitch, but he was denied the opportunity, and here we see the end result of a society gone insane.

She was charged with attempted murder, arson, abuse and infliction of great bodily injury upon a child

…no doubt the cunt pass will be in full effect. She’ll be given an attorney (at our expense) who will cry fake tears about how this wimminz is the poor victim of misogyny, and how nothing is her fault. Another black-robed faggot will sympathize. As usual, we can expect bitch will plea-bargain her series of felonies down to jaywalking, and she’ll be released to do it all over again.

5 thoughts on “The Sad Case of Caylin

  1. I often complain that men waste their seed on substandard women. For some reason, in backward cultures, it is a sign of pride to collect “baby’s mamas”. It isnt real pride, its idiocy. It was once an idea that you withheld children from substandard people.

  2. I often complain that men waste their seed on substandard women.

    True, but the omissions of any reference to a father in any of the articles Boxer mentions could just as likely indicate that the father in this case was as substandard as the mother. This could very well be a case of the slore having been knocked up by a shiftless douchebag who disappeared the minute he realized he had created a kid (echoing Boxer’s question here of how impaired any man would have to be to lie down with the repulsive-looking creature in the photo).

    It sounds like this poor little boy was doomed from the beginning by his poor choice of parents.

  3. True, but the omissions of any reference to a father in any of the articles Boxer mentions could just as likely indicate that the father in this case was as substandard as the mother.

    If he was an asshole, his name and likeness would be all over this story, and the hack writer would be spinning it as if it were all his fault. Such is the state of pseudojournalism in the great satan.

    Adding a link to your blog in the sidebar now, btw.

  4. She was trying to assuage her “male privilege and white privilege” ..

    And since she’s (obviously) a half-breed .. therefore she is neither male or white (oh the oppression) .. she had only option left ..

    She had every right .. right? /S

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