Harry Knew Better

It was only two years ago that Harry walked down the aisle with Meghan: a woman who betrayed her first husband years earlier… a woman who used her own wedding to insult her father. Harry was warned well in advance, but he knew better than the rest of us. Harry was sure that he had stumbled upon a diamond in the dirt. Harry thought he was doing “something wonderful” by giving this hardened feminist slut the honorable title of wife. How quickly we come to rue our rash decisions.

Through his act of rebellion against the timeless ideals of patriarchy, Harry sent a strong message, to every fat slut in the world, that redemption was not only possible, but easy. “It is quite all right,” said Harry, “to frivolously divorce a decent man, and then spend the next few years as a Hollywood sex doll… because you too will someday be wifed up by a bona fide prince!”

Most of us have met the hot broad with the sordid history who fucks like a banshee and tells a man what he wants to hear. Only the most foolish among us would marry such a woman. Unlike most of us, Harry is still somewhat insulated. He will be able to pay this cunt an actual king’s ransom, in order to get rid of her. He will be able to hire people to look after little Archie. He will be able to do whatever he wants, even after the divorce courts take tens of millions of dollars from him. The rest of us are not, and never will be, in a comparable position. A young man who decides to get married must be smart, rather than being Harry.

13 thoughts on “Harry Knew Better

  1. ….…
    In olden times, wimminz used to be held to account by men.

    First, her Dad (and family of men). Then, by her husband. And, the line was also held by the elder women of the family that had benefited from this process (re: held accountable by men).

    These wimminz, if smart, would not ruin their reputation. Because, that would ruin her chances at wife and then motherhood, when men came a calling for a wife. And, thusly being disowned and / or sent away by her own family.

    Fast forward to modern times .. where th wimminz are feral animals held accountable to no one ..

    So, what do we have with the Meghan?

    We have a womminz that destroyed her dad and first husband for her own satisfaction and fame. Harry you were warned by her Dad .. Yes? /S .. I’m sure you gave him your ear. Right? /S

    Your (acting) Grand-Mother (you ungrateful cuck of a cuck) gave you the same advice.


    This one is on you Prince of Cuck Harry.

  2. Yes, it is almost impossible to feel any sympathy for Harry in this situation. The warning signs were about as obscure or subtle as those of a Category 5 hurricane, so it’s not as if he had any trouble seeing them or needed anyone to interpret them for him.

    The most galling aspect of this is that, being a prince, Harry could have had his pick of any decent, virginal woman in the UK, if not the world, but he chose to needlessly dumpster dive instead. Granted, he’s a Windsor, a royal family whose men are notorious for their poor taste and choices in women, but Harry represents a nadir, having made an even worse choice than did his great-great uncle 80 years earlier, a man who needlessly sacrificed something even more important for an unworthy woman.

    Worst of all, Harry has put his son’s wellbeing and future in jeopardy. Certainly knowing deep down on the day that he married Archie’s mother that she was a nasty frivorce waiting to happen, he nonetheless allowed himself to be used to produce the weapon that will be used against him and to destroy him once the Slutchess decides that Cuck Simp Harry has outlived his usefulness. Feral and feminist bat-shit crazy as the Slutchess is, it also goes without saying that she won’t hesitate to destroy her own son’s life in the pursuit of what she wants.

    In olden times, wimminz used to be held to account by men.

    In the old days of Britain’s monarchy, even it’s Constitutional phase, a feral slore like Meghan wouldn’t have been able to get anywhere near a prince, except maybe as something to masturbate with. Marriage? Absolutely out of the question. However, even if a worthy woman were to have married a royal like Harry and then turned Markle feral, she would have received the Ann Boleyn treatment, even if it had to be carefully arranged to be done out of the public eye.

    One wonders if Harry really isn’t quite as stupid as he makes himself out to be, and that he actually knows that he is a walking, breathing lesson to all modern western men. Maybe at some point in the future, after the bomb detonates, he’ll actually dedicate the rest of his shattered life to actively evangelizing the “Hey-guys-don’t-be-a-Captain-Save-a-Ho-look-what-happens” message.

  3. “One wonders if Harry really isn.t quite as stupid as he makes himself out to be”

    Oh, he’s every bit that stupid.


    Prince Harry has reportedly sold his prized handmade rifles worth more than $60,000 after he quit hunting out of respect for his actress wife Meghan Markle. …

    In August, it was reported that Meghan may .fake a headache. to avoid a hunt at the Queen.s annual holiday to Balmoral.

    The conservationist Dr Jane Goodall, a friend of Markle.s, recently told the Radio Times that Harry would quit shooting animals for sport.

    .I think Harry will stop because Meghan doesn.t like hunting,. she said.

    I’ll guess that England kept its Royal Family just for their entertainment value.

  4. “Through his act of rebellion against the timeless ideals of patriarchy, Harry sent a strong message, to every fat slut in the world, that redemption was not only possible, but easy. ”

    This is actually a plus, as tons of useless sluts will be swept by the wayside by aiming too high.

    In reality, this was only allowed because Harry has no chance of ever ascending the throne. His older brother would never have been allowed to marry even someone as bad as their mother, let alone someone like Markle. The Queen (who is still wise) was the final say in Prince William’s marriage.

  5. Megan probably pissed off because she wanted to rule through her son. Let.s see Megan was married to the air and he died because her child would be the next in line she could rule the parental control. This is the real reason why William would never be able to marry women like her. This is also the reason Charles will never be King

  6. Chalres will be king. He will be like Edward after Victoria died…….waited his whole life to be the monarch. But his reign won’t be long. Charles is pretty much running most of the show already including the Commonwealth and the extensive duties that requires. Charles has risen slowly in popularity over the past two decades since Diana’s tragic death. Charles is still a bit stuffy…you know but there was a recent series in the UK called “The Crown” and it has actually put Charles in a light that few noticed or knew about when he was a young man.

    I watched him on the front line of the Austrailian wildfires this past fall and winter. Contracting Covad-19 (just the flu bro……as if) and still in the midst of his younger brothers criminal actions……his children not turning out as he probably had hoped (as with any parent) and being that masthead that still will tie the Crown to what was once “good” about it.

    Not excusing him, but he is actually more ready than ever to be king and though his reign will be short. I could be that bridge, and healing to when WIlliam takes the thrown

  7. *HE could be that bridge (I am not royal material……bad genetics, a polish last name and being Welsh would exclude me from anything Anglican…lol)

  8. Stunning scene from “The Crown” the actors who play Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles are superb. This scene takes place in 1969. This series has actually helped Charles because so many in Britain “never knew” him or what his life was like before Diana.

  9. Renee Harris,

    “Megan probably pissed off because she wanted to rule through her son. Let.s see Megan was married to the air and he died because her child would be the next in line she could rule the parental control.”

    Not only did Meghan marry after there was no chance any offspring of hers could ever be monarch, as she surely knew, your grammar/spelling is terrible (‘air’ to the throne). I have noticed the grammatical standards of women dropping quickly.

  10. I dictate these comments Because my spelling is bad. I wrote the comment early in the morning and I have no excuse for it.
    What I meant to say was

    Megan probably pissed off because she wanted to ruled through her son. Let.s say Megan was married to the heir and he died then her child would be the next in line, she could have rule by parental control. This is the real reason why William would never be able to marry a women like her. This is also the reason Charles will never be King
    Thank you to brother Boxer for allowing me in this form. And I.m sorry for my bad spelling and poor communication skills.

  11. “Let.s say Megan was married to the heir and he died then her child would be the next in line, she could have rule by parental control. ”

    Prince William and the Duchess of Kent already had THREE children by the time that Meghan married Harry, all of whom rank higher than Harry and certainly Harry’s child. There was never going to be any chance of Meghan’s children ascending the throne (that too before Meghan is extremely old), and she is smart enough to know that.

    Archie Mountbatten is 7th in the line of succession at the time of his birth, and will only drift lower from there. 7th is already too low to have any chance :

    You don’t seem to understand how succession to the British throne works. In fact, the fact that no descendant of Meghan has any chance of being the Monarch is the only reason the Queen even allowed this marriage in the first place.

  12. Yes Megan is smart enough to realize that her son will never become king. I gave a hypothetical of what most ( stupid) women think that being married to a prince would be like : this is one of the scenarios that probably plays out in their heads.
    But now that Megan realized or has come to terms with the fact that she can.t manipulate her son into power she.s going back to her old tricks. How long do you think Harry and Megan will be married for? is it unrealistic to think that She.ll be looking for husband number 3 by 2025 ?

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