9 thoughts on “Found Funnies


    Gotta love how she turns on the waterworks and calls him a liar, even as the evidence is rubbed right in her face.

    King indeed! ….

  2. I am surprised she doesn’t just destroy the camera. That is what most women do.

    She also could file a complaint of some sort, given how anti-male the laws are.

  3. Dear Anon:

    Really good to see you’re still around.

    I am surprised she doesn.t just destroy the camera. That is what most women do.

    She also could file a complaint of some sort, given how anti-male the laws are.

    While I wouldn’t argue that our present CRIMINAL justice system (and it truly is criminal) is anything less than utterly insane, this man is doing the best possible thing, under the circumstances.

    Think about it. He’s:

    1. recording everything and uploading it to the cloud,
    2. laughing at the filthy slut,
    3. maintaining a good natured (even jocular) calm, even as skanky princess is all emotional,
    4. letting this dumb cunt know that her reputation is now ruined.

    He’s clearly a young brother who knows how wimminz operate, and even if he is internally upset, he’s not letting the bitch have any ego-boosting satisfaction with tears or raised voices. There is zero chance that this bitch is going to have him arrested with a false accusation of beating her up, and even if he doesn’t know that guy she was texting, bitch now thinks he does, and her chances of ensnaring another stupid young man are suitably diminished.

  4. Our culture is truly interesting, if you are able to view from the outside.
    The guy says she was sleeping with him last night, and the assumption is they are not married. Let’s assume both are correct. These show that she is a harlot, and also that he is a cad.

    And the point of the video is to shame her… not for being a harlot, but for being a two-timing harlot. She already is a disgusting woman, but the video maker obviously assumes that she will be perceived as a bad woman only because she is a two-timing harlot; if she was a one-man-at-a-time harlot, all would be fine.

    I think that he is correct in his assumptions. It just is interesting, and unfortunate, how far we have dived into the cesspool.

    Oh, and in a sane culture, the guy would not want to publicly identify himself as a cad either. Like I said, interesting times.

  5. Write more, thats all I have to say. Literally, it seems as though you relied on the video to make your point. You obviously know what youre talking about, why waste your intelligence on just posting videos to your blog when you could be giving us something informative to read?

  6. Welcome Brother:

    You obviously know what youre talking about, why waste your intelligence on just posting videos to your blog when you could be giving us something informative to read?

    Sometimes I post something that is so humorous and obvious that I don’t think it needs further initial comment. Other times I post things in the hopes that the bright people who reg here will discuss it with me, and I always learn something new from them in the process.

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