No Matter Who Groped You

This is a video which was meant to be funny, and is simultaneously downright disturbing.

Does anyone have any thoughts about having this senile old degenerate as our national mascot?

6 thoughts on “No Matter Who Groped You

  1. A Mexican-American lady I knew at IBM a long time ago once said “countires get the governments they deserve”

  2. Uncle Plugs is a patsy. The real contender will be globohomo nationalists his VP choice.

    He’ll stroke out day 4 as planned by the central planning office.

  3. He.ll stroke out day 4 as planned by the central planning office.
    I try to stay away from conspiracy theories… but this is starting to sound more likely as Joe gives further example of his mental unfitness. (Not trying to insult the guy; he is old enough where this type of problem is common, so it’s not like he is abnormal.)

    In prior times, a physically handicapped man, FDR, became president. But that was only physical, not mental, and also before the time of instant, nation-wide TV.

  4. Does anyone have any thoughts about having this senile old degenerate as our national mascot?

    What Jason and Honeycomb said.

    “Degenerate mascot for a degenerate nation.”

  5. In all genuineness, Boxer:

    Neither this nuncle Nor the one on the top loo are fembots.
    Is it possible a Capitol Pee mun who is inclined, could be the non-creepy uncle everybody needs?


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