Begone THOT!

If you’re like me, you had no idea what OnlyFans is until recently. For those of you still out of the loop, it’s a social networking site, based in the U.K.. It’s implicit telos is to turn young girls into amateur porn stars, and the premise is simple. The young skank signs up, sets her price, and begins putting out content that thirsty simps must subscribe to. My understanding is that the money is split between skank and her digital pimp at a ratio of 4/1.

Since its inception, only three years ago, OnlyFans has become one of the largest purveyors of child pornography in the world, and since the Covid-19 shutdowns, its U.S. membership has jumped a whopping 75%.

All those waitresses and baristas you used to know? They’re not merely sitting around the house, collecting their 600/week.

And so we come to today’s story. It is the tale of one THOT who was dumb enough to market her cunt to her co-workers, and who now feigns surprise that her boss decided to toss her out on the ass she’s been peddling.

Take it away, slut…

Here’s a free clue for all the young hoez, straight from Uncle Boxer. You can either be a prostitute, or you can be a serious person. There is no intersect space between the two.

Car dealerships are heavily dependent upon economic factors, and in a world where tens of millions of people are now looking for a job, you won’t have much bargaining power if you bring your baggage to the shop floor.

You can read the whole predictable article at BuzzFeed, if you so choose.

7 thoughts on “Begone THOT!

  1. Interesting. Recently on youtube it was revealed that a certain notable female had started an OnlyFans account. Why was this female notable? Only because she was (and still is AFAIK) the girlfriend of a well-known youtuber who goes by the name of Idubbbz.

    Idubbbz is highly respected by a lot of people partly for his bizarre and unique comedy style, but mostly for his videos exposing hypocrisy and lies of others in entertaining ways. But when it was revealed that his girlfriend had an OnlyFans…well, he came out and made a video about how “he was cool with it”. Naturally many people disliked this, including me because I don’t like the precedent it sets. But many others didn’t bat an eye, and some even defended him.

    I hope that girls whoring themselves out online doesn’t become even more prevalent than it already is. It’s only another brick in the wall between the sexes.

  2. Well it is “the worlds oldest profession”

    Never heard of this until a few weeks ago. In a few years when a gal suddenly wants a serious, real career…….and videos like hers get leaked / hacked or passed around…..women will demand serious laws a la “revenge porn” and none still have not learned their lesson. Dont want lewd photos or videos of yourself on the Internet???? Dont upload them.

    There was a male porn star I met in SF by chance on a slow night tending he bar. Several women and quite a few gay men wanted his autograph, or a picture snapped with him. This was right before cameras on phones got big.

    Handsome guy. Probably a few years younger than me. In excellent shape. Not muscled up. But defined and cut. Anyway…..we talked…..bartenders can be that confrssional therapist. The guy who just nods, listens, kicks you down a free one…..laughs at your jokes.

    He said something to the likes of as I recall “I got a stage name…..was quiet about my growing fame in rhis industry….and it still got out. My grandmother. My mom and dad found out. Former friends. Everyone did….and I was careful. I have a three year old daughter, full custody by the way. She is spending the night with my mom tonite. How am I going to explain this to her someday? There is no way I could ever get a straight credentialed job in a respectable field now. Younger guys and gals who get into tbis work…..its never a choice…….it just happens dont understand this and the pay is probably lower than yours”

  3. Dear Fellas:

    Interesting. Recently on youtube it was revealed that a certain notable female had started an OnlyFans account. Why was this female notable? Only because she was (and still is AFAIK) the girlfriend of a well-known youtuber who goes by the name of Idubbbz.

    I’d never heard of this guy, but apparently Franssen has.

    My mom and dad found out. Former friends. Everyone did..and I was careful. I have a three year old daughter, full custody by the way. She is spending the night with my mom tonite. How am I going to explain this to her someday? There is no way I could ever get a straight credentialed job in a respectable field now.

    I’m sorta conflicted about wimminz like this. My first impulse is that she has a “better to burn out than fade away” mentality. Your buddy was introspective. This bitch just dares any critics to start drama, knowing she can call buzzfeed for some SIMPathy.

    (In 20 years) Not pictured: Man in her life

    I bet she’ll find something thirsty enough to wife her up if she really wants. She will never get that man she could have snagged, but she’ll regret that only in hindsight.

  4. Hopefully the IRS (Inland Revenue Service in the UK and the Internal Revenue Service in the U.S.) comes calling for a major cut of these slores’ income from this venture, along with painful penalties for non-reporting of income.

  5. Small world, if Idubbbz is in the right hand frame of Boxer’s splitframe photo, then I watch his collaborations with William Osman with my young son.
    It’s a geek genre and Idubbbz plays up the part, but too bad he puts up with that.

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