Life During Quarantine

I used to read comments on Dalrock and Heartiste, from married bros, who couldn’t stand their wives. Now that Dalrock and Heartiste are no more, I can read wimminz, who talk about how they made such husbands hate them. Here is one such story, sent to me in screenshot form…

When a wimminz isn’t the center of attention, she finds it “weird.” She also finds it intolerable that her husband is actually cultivating a relationship with his kid. Wimminz are hard wired by feminism to believe that the children belong to her, and that men are disposable.

A wimminz will see your denials as proof of your guilt, because wimminz are so used to denying their bad behavior when caught.

It is only when this wimminz sees her ownership of the child in doubt that she begins to question her own irrational accusations.

How typical of a stupid wimminz to ask “what did I do?” after telling you exactly what she did. The sad thing is that there are probably a hundred simps jumping into this reddit thread to offer her support, money and a place to stay.

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.

12 thoughts on “Life During Quarantine

  1. This is why a good number of “moms” kill their kids .. (her children getting the attention) ..

    As for this skank hoe ™ womminz (r) .. Attention Whore ™ ALERT .. and how do we know you may ask .. because she posted it .. PUBLICLY .. for attention and sympathy!

    As for me .. she can find my “sympathy” between sh!t and syphilis in the dictionary.

  2. I play video games with one of my daughters. Like the father in the OP, it is a great opportunity to spend time with her one-on-one. The majority of my kids beg me to play games with them, and I am usually too busy to do so, but they love it when I do. Unlike the crazy in this story, my wife understands how valuable that time is and has never complained about it.

  3. Unlike the crazy in this story, my wife understands how valuable that time is and has never complained about it.

    You were always in the minority over in the manosphere comment farm, but then you knew that.

    I think the primary job of most American fathers is to discipline the kids whenever princess decides they need to be punished.

    I just thought weird, they’ve never spent time together

    Before coronavirus, this man’s interaction with his kid was limited to giving her a beating, whenever his bitch wife came crying to him about kid being disrespectful. Suddenly, this man has time to actually get to know his child, at which point bitch decides:

    yeah yeah, I feel left out and lonely

    Not to worry, bitch. The divorce courts will be opening up soon, and you will be a customer.

    The dad in this story is likely going to find divorce infinitely preferable to marriage. Not only will he be free of these insane false allegations, but he’ll be able to continue having quality, fun time with his daughter, rather than being the guy who only shows up when mom needs some muscle.

  4. It doesn’t matter, she has a vagina, she will likely destroy things even further if this ends up in cunt-court.

    Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.
    Excellent verse brother Boxer!

  5. I just fucked up everything… I don’t blame them

    Well, with the above, she is acknowledging that she made a mistake.
    And yet… I saw nothing in her text indicating that she had even made a slight effort to apologize. Her focus is on “What do I do?”: she only wants advice on how to continue to get everything she wants out of life. Since her mistake is interfering with her getting time with her daughter, she wants to fix that issue… but I am not sure she will be cultivating any character growth. Maybe she will, as she at least knows she made a mistake.

    She never asks why she made this mistake. She needs to be trained. It is doubtful any Western-raised woman would accept the training needed however.

  6. Before coronavirus, this man.s interaction with his kid was limited to giving her a beating, whenever his bitch wife came crying to him about kid being disrespectful.

    I had hoped that this scenario was rare. Is it common for women to lie to their husband, about the supposed mis-deeds of the children, for the sake of getting attention?
    Were your mothers loving, and honest to your father about what you had and had not done?

    My mother did not interfere with my father spending time with me, which was good.

  7. “I just wanted my daughter to be safe.”

    So the implication here is that Dad is a pervert who shouldn’t be around his own daughter.

    I hope Dad sees this blog post zeroes in on this sentence. I’d also be talking to a divorce lawyer.

  8. “So the implication here is that Dad is a pervert who shouldn.t be around his own daughter. I hope Dad sees this blog post zeroes in on this sentence. I.d also be talking to a divorce lawyer.”

    Statistics show that the daughter is most likely to be sexually assaulted by her mother’s new boyfriend after her parents divorce.

  9. The dad in this story is likely going to find divorce infinitely preferable to marriage. Not only will he be free of these insane false allegations, but he.ll be able to continue having quality, fun time with his daughter, rather than being the guy who only shows up when mom needs some muscle.

    The silver lining to this sad story is that it sounds like daughter will be insisting on living with Dad, and will probably fight her mother tooth and nail and will be the most rebellious and uncontrollable child on Earth if forced to live with her. This stupid wimminz has really screwed herself HARD here.

    Proverbs 14:1, indeed, Boxer!

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