The new season of House is lit AF
A week ago, I wrote a brief rebuttal to Andrew Anglin’s multiple Daily Stormer articles, which repeatedly push the narrative that Covid-19 is “the flu,” and is no big deal. It’s now time to cover the inverse of that theory.
Like some of you, I’ve been enjoying Roosh’s long-winded videocasts. This week’s rap session, entitled Roosh Hour 42: Coronavirus is Revolution is a whopping five hours long. I didn’t listen to it in one setting, but I did get through the whole thing. I think I understand Roosh’s thesis, and I think it’s interesting enough to talk about.
Roosh has concluded that the outbreak of this new virus was likely a planned event. He posits that it was released by “globalists” in order to “transition us into a new level of globalism,” in which persecution of Christians and widespread poverty becomes the norm. He admits that he has no evidence for this, and describes coming to this conclusion after being shown a vision by his god, in dreams, after fasting and prayer.
A lot of the details Roosh cites to back up his theory are compelling. For example:
- Billionaires and transnational corporations are profiting, while the rest of us are thrown out of work.
- Christian priests and their congregants are facing punishment for holding services.
- Prisoners are being released early from lockup, and are committing new crimes.
All of these premises are (at least mostly) true.

Aside from the fact that I find it funny how many CONservative Christians are suddenly coming to agree with me about income inequality, it’s worth pointing out that one should never ascribe to malice what is easier explained by stupidity.
What Roosh calls “globalism” is better known to Marxists as transnational capital. One of its faults is a tendency toward inertia. Basically, capital doesn’t have any motivation to change until profits start falling. Profits didn’t start falling in the globalist west until the virus had already taken hold.
The idea that there is a cabal of international capitalists who are orchestrating everything behind the scenes is a nice ego boost for billionaires, but is otherwise laughable. None of these supposed geniuses has any idea how to respond to the historical events as they’re now unfolding.

There’s China’s new aircraft carrier, burning in the docks. Here’s America’s:

The globalists are not becoming more powerful due to the virus. In fact, they’re seeing their hold evaporate across the world. Billionaires are seeing their profits increase in the short term, while tens of thousands of Americans lose faith in Amazon, CBS, and UPS.
I don’t want to come across as too harsh toward Roosh. I think extended solitude and loneliness can lead men into a feeling of helplessness that we ought to resist. These conspiracy theories betray an unwarranted faith in the bureaucracy. The system has no idea how to handle this state of affairs, and it has become a circus in its proper historical context. The “just in time” inventory in supermarkets is breaking down now, and the employees of globohomo are getting visibly sick of working for peanuts at the expense of their own health and safety. The globalists will continue to make mistakes due to their own hubris, and the end result will be more of what we’re starting to see now: food shortages, widespread street crime, and perhaps a general strike. There is no way this can benefit the people Roosh sees as conspirators.
Before I conclude, I’ll sympathize with one bit of Roosh’s general complaint. He talks about missing prayer in a group. “I can’t listen to the choir at home, and I can’t smell incense…” The obvious answer to this is to start a home church. The home church movement in China is going strong, despite decades of the best attempts of the authorities there to clamp down on it. Home churches are antifragile, obeying all of Che Guevara’s maxims in Guerrilla Warfare. Home churches will get a Christian man out of the sort of blackpill mindset, by putting him in contact with sympathetic neighbors and friends. It’s an idea which is overdue, in a society where dyke priests rule mainstream churches, and preside over fag marriages. Start a home church today!