This article at Quillette is worth a gander, if only to remind you Americans how lucky you are not to live in Canada. (It affirms my decision to abscond permanently.)
In case you didn’t know it, Canadian parents are required to sit through hours of brainwashing before they can coach their kids’ hockey teams.
…the coaching of children in hockey (as in most other sports) is now regulated by government and oversight bodies. And even assistant coaches who volunteer on a part-time basis often must submit to background checks. Doe himself has completed a number of mandated courses, and says he fully supports anti-discrimination efforts led by Hockey Eastern Ontario; and the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF), which oversees the majority of minor hockey in Ontario, from players as young as six years old on up. But he balked when he saw the 33-slide module on gender that was included in his required gender diversity course. “I would be fine taking an awareness course if it [were] factual and based in science,” he told Quillette. “But I felt it was too ideological.”
I have to side with my man on this one. It can be (and has been) argued that there have always been homosexuals, and that part of the maintenance of civilized society is being polite to these others. It’s another thing entirely to see society effectively reorganized, to suit the ever-shifting whims and desires of a tiny group of perverts, who are interested in confusing our society’s children.
Just for fun, I ran out and found some interesting material of my own, which would make a suitable slideshow for this weekend’s entry on my blog. Let’s take a look at the (totally healthy and normal) antics of this new oppressed class of victims, for whom we should all go through hours of re-education.
Before we begin, I’ll ask all my readers to pause and appreciate the following important caveat…
It’s hard to believe that even in 2020, there are still men who won’t blow other men or fuck their asses, simply because such other men claim to be chicks. This is a terrible problem, and we should work to stamp out such bigotry.
It has to change, and the first step is with you. Wouldn’t you like a date with this charming young girl?
In case zhe isn’t your type, there’s always this one…
I bet all you playaz would line up for a chance to get with zhir…
Damn! That is one fine trans-wimminz, ain’t it boys? Here’s some more eye candy for all the men on this blog…
Won’t any of the fine, upstanding, gay-friendly Canadians who reads here help a disabled trans anarchist with the legal fees related to her most recent burglary charge?
This transgrrrl seems like a real peach, doesn’t she? Just don’t let him wander around your pad unattended after you get done sucking his fem-dong.
And now, for the most heartening story of all. I could title it: It Shits Out Its Cunt.
Remember, gentlemen. They’re just like you and me!
I wish I had the money to run a refugee program for Canadian conservatives and Don Cherry/his fans.
This article at Quillette is worth a gander, if only to remind you Americans how lucky you are not to live in Canada. (It affirms my decision to abscond permanently.)
In case you didn.t know it, Canadian parents are required to sit through hours of brainwashing before they can …
My advice would be to not get too comfortable with the status quo down here. History tells us that it’s only a matter of time before the madness affecting the rest of the Anglosphere (Canada, the UK, etc.) strikes here, and we’re all ready well down that road.
Boxer .. YOU’VE GONE TOOOOOO FAR .. those pics are UN-Seeable .. where’s the eye sanitizer .. asking for a friend .. heh
I dunno… the person with the blue hair and the nose ring… those two items match the description of some women I’ve seen…