Fables about beautiful women who will become good wives are regularly debunked here, and in the interest of complete honesty and self-criticism, I’m prepared to tell my readers about one of the clever wimminz who came disturbingly close to catching ya boy in her fishtrap.

Back in July, I talked about her briefly, in a comment, here:

I met a woman recently (may or may not be a wimminz, but she’s doing a good job luring me with the illusion that she is decent). Long legs, very nice figure, keeps fit, African-American, great bubble ass, hair is not weaved out, but is not butch cut either – six inch braids in her fro. She speaks nicely, dresses modestly, no skank-ho tatts, claims to be a virgin (and for once, I think I believe her), Catholic and wants Boxer to do RCIA and quit being a male skank-ho slut if he’s serious about dating her…

In August, said hot black chick suddenly disappeared after much doting. Such is the way things always go… until two weeks ago, when she suddenly reappeared. She has been desperate to meet up with my ass for several days, and has been sending fawning texts nearly every morning to that effect.

While I had assumed that she got bored of waiting for me to commit, her immediate eruption into the status-quo suggests something much more interesting, and carnal.

I’m meeting her in a few hours for lunch. In the interim, can anyone predict the future-past and tell me what Shaniqua has been up to? I’m sure one of you boys can divine it. My guess is encoded in the title to this article. Either way, I look forward to a very entertaining afternoon.

23 thoughts on “NAWALT ATT EFT

  1. A quality woman of her age among the < 5% of virgins attracted to someone legendary for attracting chronic fornicators? I suppose statistically it was bound to happen, but she's lying, a really poor judge of character, or desperate. You've portrayed her here as the latter, so maybe she just needs someone to attend Thanksgiving dinner with her family. Could just be that.

  2. LOL ..

    Brother Boxer I’m sure she only wants to talk and “catch-up” .. as far as her last break from contact .. she lookin’ for a new sugga daddy.

  3. In my experiences, I’d say black women are the least worst.

    There was a wiki page at one point listing cases of women castrating men. None of the women guilty of it were of African descent. Most were of Asian descent.

    Not saying she’s a princess…just saying she’s probably not as bad as most… And that’s not saying much.

  4. I dunno…

    Optimistic me: God’s will she leads Boxer to Christ and is reinvigorated to do so.

    Cynical me which was encoded in Boxer’s title: she found a guy in the interim…did the deed outside of wedlock…he left her. And now she’s in desperate mode.

  5. OT…but I’ve noticed just making a general statement on twitter anon like ‘no woman looks any more attractive with a tattoo’ elicits them to try and find some loophole or weakness in your statement. Then you just say ‘no’ to them and they back down.

    Or just telling some twitter gal who’s thinking about getting a tattoo ‘no’ seems to shock them back into realizing it’s dumb.

  6. 911 Operator: Nine one one what is your emergency?

    Me: I’d like to report an A–lien Uber-Uh-Duck-shun of my buddy.

    911 Operator: A WHAT?

    Me: You heard me .. I think my buddy is dead .. what do I do ..

    911 Operator: Sir, stay calm .. we’ll work thru this together .. first .. I need you to make sure he’s dead ..

    Me: Okay .. I guess I can do that ..

    911 Operator: (hears a bang)

    Me: Ok .. he’s dead .. what now?

    — Video below —

  7. Dear Gentlemen (and Lady):

    I’m OK and all is well. The update will be delayed because I’ve seen my old friend twice now, and am set to see her tomorrow night. In short, the story has to be written in history, before I can write about it here.

    I also wanted to wait and give Derek a chance to get his middlebrow stuff out. I’ve felt, in the past, as though we’re stealing each other’s thunder, and his observations are (objectively speaking) more timely and important than my story about some NAWALT that I half believed was an AWALT, back in June/July.

    So, be patient, peeps. I’ll spill all very soon. Judging from the responses, y’all have divined the story already. The rest will be mere commentary, and will surprise no one with a functional brain.


  8. “I also wanted to wait and give Derek a chance to get his middlebrow stuff out. “

    FYI, my next article has been delayed due the extended holiday weekend and now a four day business trip. I hope to get back to writing in the next few days.

  9. “Judging from the responses, y.all have divined the story already. “

    You got invited to Thanksgiving dinner where your brain was the main course and now you are a zombie? NAILED IT!

  10. So when you going to RCIA to marry this peach?

    I actually tried to do RCIA in 2017. I was told it started at a different time of the year. I don’t ever see myself marrying anyone (and I also don’t see your church allowing me to become an official member) but I’d like to get a deeper understanding of it all.

    Since then I’ve moved to a very WASPy, protestant part of the continent, and I’m occasionally attending services with the Salvation Army. Queue Jason…

  11. I actually tried to do RCIA in 2017. I was told it started at a different time of the year.

    If I remember correctly they usually start it in late summer or early fall. The end is at Easter.

    and I also don.t see your church allowing me to become an official member

    We’re not like the Mormons where you have to prove some elite status to get into the country club…we’ll take in repentant sinners who want to change their ways and follow Jesus Christ.

    Besides…going to RCIA just to marry a broad is not the proper reason to even do it.

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