November’s Feminist Hero

As a proud male feminist, I have accepted the fact that my masculinity is something to be ashamed of, and that all my actions are irrelevant, given that all men are rapists.

Down below, Heidi nominates a woman named Brittany Pilkington, as this month’s feminist hero. What did our proud sister Brittany do? She exercised her “right to choose,” and retroactively aborted her three young sons, one after another.

Why did our hero do the deed? Let’s hear her tell it…

14 thoughts on “November’s Feminist Hero

  1. She’s mentally ill .. of course .. that’s the natural state of all fem-bots.

    And because no one points it out and treats them like the mentally ill children they are .. it will not stop.

    Verdict .. Crazy Bitch .. which passes as a normal womminz these days.

  2. There’s a reason why public execution was a thing, and why it should make a comeback. The Tree of Woe should be fuckin’ Disneyland compared to what they should do to this waste of oxygen. A true “lump of cells”. Send her back to the lump she came from.

  3. “She.s mentally ill .. of course .. that.s the natural state of all fem-bots.”

    The research for my series indicates that stereotypical traits common to core feminist woman.physically unattractive, mentally ill, and socially unstable.are correlated with high mutational load and low intelligence. Here is part of one of my upcoming articles:

    “Physical and mental mutations are usually co-morbid. 84% of the human genome involves the brain, so a decrease in g means higher physical mutations”

    Probabilistically, mental illness will be associated with random physical mutations (and vice versa).

    “…mentally ill children…”

    The feminists that scream “Unfair! Victim!” at everything behave and respond like children, but with the capabilities of adults. These are the thought generators of society, driving obvious maladaptive irrationality like transgenderism and abortion! It’s, uh, madness.

  4. These three boys had every right to expect food, shelter, care, and security from their mother. Not only did she withhold these things, she actively took their lives. And what about the idiots who permitted this psycho to keep her remaining children after she killed each one? Can you imagine what it must have been like for those kids?

  5. Incidentally, I saw some report indicating that her IQ is 94–which isn’t close to being considered too mentally handicapped to be responsible for her actions.

  6. From an Oxygen story ..

    An Ohio mother has been sentenced to nearly four decades behind bars after killing her three sons because she was jealous of the attention the boys were getting from her husband.

    Brittany Pilkington had been scheduled to stand trial next year but opted to take a plea deal Tuesday that carried a 37-year prison sentence for killing her three sons over a 13-month period, according to The Associated Press.

    Pilkington smothered the three boys, beginning with 3-month-old Niall, who died in July 2014, local station WHIO reports. Her 4-year-old son Gavin was killed in April of 2015 and just months later, in August, her 3-month-old son Noah was killed.

    After Noah.s death, Pilkington admitted to investigators that she had killed the boys because she was jealous of the attention her husband.who had once been her mother.s boyfriend.gave the boys. She felt he didn.t give the same attention to her or her daughter, prosecutors said.

    Pilkington.s defense team has said they have evidence that the Ohio mom has brain damage from lead poisoning she got as a child and years of physical and sexual abuse. Some of that abuse, defense attorney Kort Gatterdam said, came from Joe Pilkington, who had been dating her mother before later marrying Pilkington.

    .She had a monster in her life, from the age of 9,. Gatterdam said, according to local station WSYX. .Being shown pornography, being raped, being raped repeatedly..

    The defense team, who said they had evidence of brain damage in a brain scan, had long argued that due to her .mental defects. she should not be eligible for the death penalty.

    Logan County Prosecutor Eric Stewart said prosecutors agreed after one of the state.s own experts provided information suggesting she shouldn.t qualify for the death penalty.

    Stewart said the plea deal and accompanying sentence for Pilkington would bring .justice and closure to this tragic case,. according to the AP.

    Joseph Pilkington pleaded guilty earlier to a misdemeanor charge of sexual imposition after it was discovered that he had sex with Pilkington while she was still a minor, the AP reports. She got pregnant in 2009 when she was 17 years old.

    Brittany Pilkington did not address the court herself; however, in a statement read by attorney Tina McFall, she said she .loves and misses all of her children and grieves for them every day..

    Her surviving daughter is currently being cared for in a foster home.

    One of her caretakers read a statement in court saying that whenever she gets scared the girl, now 8, talks to her brothers and believes her brothers are watching over her now, according to WSYX.

    She’s a victim and admitted to murder .. and in true “pussy pass” form .. one “white knight” saved her from true justice.

    If the relationship with her abuser was true abise .. why marry him? Why not report it then?

    Because she desired stealing her Mom’s man from her.

    She’s not a victim. She’s a predator who admitted she made a rational choice to murder the boys and not her daughter .. all because “she felt” the daughter was not getting enough attention. If this man was a predator .. why would she want him near her daughter?

    This bitch should be hung from a tree to swing for the crowd.

    And I have a question for the audience .. WHERE WAS THE DAD and why didn’t he throttle this wimminz after the 1st death?

  7. The defense team, who said they had evidence of brain damage in a brain scan, had long argued that due to her .mental defects. she should not be eligible for the death penalty.

    Bad in the bad old days, states would sterilize people like this, in large part to prevent tragedies like this one from happening in the future.


    Woman fights charges after stepkids see her topless at home


    . A Utah woman charged with a crime after her stepchildren saw her topless in her own home is fighting the case that could force her to register as a sex offender, pointing to a court ruling that overturned a topless ban in Colorado and helped fuel a movement.

    Tilli Buchanan.s attorneys argue that Utah.s law on lewdness involving a child is unfair because it treats men and women differently for baring their chests. They are asking a judge to overturn her misdemeanor charges and declare that part of the law unconstitutional.

    Prosecutors counter that nudity is commonly understood to include women.s breasts in American society and that courts have upheld laws based on morality.

    .It was in the privacy of my own home,. Buchanan said after a court hearing Tuesday where a judge said she plans to rule in the coming months. .My husband was right next to me in the same exact manner that I was, and he.s not being prosecuted..

    Buchanan, 27, said she and her husband had taken off their shirts to keep their clothes from getting dusty while they hung drywall in their garage in a Salt Lake City suburb in late 2017 or early 2018.

    When her husband.s three children, ages 9 through 13, walked in, she .explained she considers herself a feminist and wanted to make a point that everybody should be fine with walking around their house or elsewhere with skin showing,. her lawyers said in court documents.

    Buchanan was charged with three counts of misdemeanor lewdness involving a child in February. It came after child welfare officials began an investigation involving the kids that wasn.t related to Buchanan.

    The children.s mother reported the topless incident because she was .alarmed,. authorities said. Police say Buchanan removed her shirt and bra in front of the children while .under the influence of alcohol. and said that if a man could take off his shirt, a woman should be able to as well.

    Her husband was not charged. If convicted, Buchanan could face jail time or fines and may be required to register as a sex offender for 10 years.

    .It has incredibly serious consequences,. said Leah Farrell, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union of Utah who argued Buchanan.s case.

    While people might have different feelings about male and female bodies, the use of the criminal justice system to enforce them isn.t appropriate, Farrell said.

    A global movement advocating for the rights of women to go topless, called the Free the Nipple campaign, has seen mixed success fighting similar ordinances in other parts of the country.

    Supporters celebrated in February when the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a ruling blocking a Fort Collins, Colorado, law against women going topless in public.

    The justices sided with activists who argued that the ban treated women and men differently. The court has jurisdiction over federal cases from several states, including Utah, but authorities have said the ruling doesn.t immediately invalidate other local laws.

    One of the Fort Collins plaintiffs, Brit Hoagland, said the Utah case is more unjust because Buchanan was inside her own home.

    .Women should not be seen as inherently sexual, let alone criminal, for doing something men do casually all the time,. said Hoagland, who identifies as nonbinary, which means their gender identity is not strictly male or female.

    Topless bans have been upheld elsewhere. The New Hampshire Supreme Court in February affirmed the conviction of three members of the Free the Nipple campaign who were arrested for going topless on a beach in 2016.

    A public indecency law in Missouri also was upheld in 2017, and a court allowed a San Francisco public nudity ban to remain on the books in 2013.

    This is how we take large steps down the rabbit hole.

    I would agree that in the privacy of your own home you have those rights .. if they were your children or consenting adults.

    It’s about consent. She’s trying to absolve the consent part. They aren’t her kids. They aren’t consenting adults. So it’s a crime.

    Welcome to life ain’t fair. Men have always been able to remove their shirt without it being lewd. Maybe just gross .. heh!

    She’s trying to fight for a precedent that would further damage (if that is possible) our understanding of right and wrong.

    She did this intentionally. She wasn’t sporting her sugar-tits till before the kids walked in .. she waited to go all sugar-tits after they entered.

    Verdict .. Guilty .. and would not tap.

  9. I was just going to assume ‘the father was unavailable for comment’ with this story but turns out he was actually available.

    Her husband, 47-year-old Joseph, pleaded guilty .to a misdemeanor charge of sexual imposition for having sex with her before they were married, when she was underage,. the Mail reported. Joseph had originally been charged with sexual battery because he started his .relationship. with Brittany when she was 17 and impregnating her at that time. Joseph had previously dated Brittany.s mother and lived with the family for years when Brittany was a teenager. Joseph eventually married Brittany.

    Beyond Brittany.s claim that her sons may one day grow up to be abusive toward women, prosecutors also believed she was jealous of the attention Joseph gave to their sons.

    Brittany.s attorneys claimed she suffered from lead poisoning as a child and years of physical and sexual abuse. Medical tests revealed Brittany had brain damage, but it is unclear what was the cause.

    So basically….the father was unavailable for comment. Turns out it was the rare case of a cad getting married.

  10. ‘When her husband.s three children, ages 9 through 13, walked in, she .explained she considers herself a feminist and wanted to make a point that everybody should be fine with walking around their house or elsewhere with skin showing,. her lawyers said in court documents.’

    Just repeating the obvious….if she ever states she’s a feminist…that’s enough to say she is not wife or mother material.

  11. ‘The children.s mother reported the topless incident because she was .alarmed,. authorities said. Police say Buchanan removed her shirt and bra in front of the children while .under the influence of alcohol. and said that if a man could take off his shirt, a woman should be able to as well.’

    Apparently feminists think they are just women without breasts so they are men now.

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