The Hits Just Keep On A-Coming

Do not conflate “Kim” here with the last chick, who finally took the hint at some point yesterday, and quit responding to my endless flaking. This is a new Tinder slut, desperate to land a chump in time for Christmas morning.

For the record, every woman I string along has a number of common qualities. I am only fucking with women who have already divorced a good man and stolen his children. Not that this makes me any more noble, but I do have some standards.

Older dogs who socialize with us, in the 45-60 range, should consider setting up a phony profile (you can easily get a pic here) and join me in trolling the 20-something divorcée crowd. It’s fun, you know you want to, and they deserve it.

21 thoughts on “The Hits Just Keep On A-Coming

  1. Older dogs who socialize with us, in the 45-60 range, should consider setting up a phony profile (you can easily get a pic here) and join me in trolling the 20-something divorc?e crowd. It.s fun, you know you want to, and they deserve it.

    I’m doing it in person .. on th reg .. and it drives’em nuttier than they ever thought they could experience.

    My fav is to tell her that the guy she’s with (just as he walks out of ear shot) .. “you to make such a great couple” .. she will immediately respond “he’s just a friend” or “he’s not my boyfriend” .. to which I say “does he know that?” .. and when he returns it’s fun to let’em know what she really thinks about’em.

    Silly hoez .. every BLUE-PILL man needs to know where he stands .. and I love breaking the news to’em.

  2. she will immediately respond .he.s just a friend. or .he.s not my boyfriend.

    Somebody’s got to get it out of her where her heart is at.

    Besides lust isn’t romantic because it’s just about getting your pleasure needs met.
    Friendship at its basic level isn’t romantic because she views you more as an equal than a head.

    Most of the fellas end up in the friend zone (me included) because we either displayed weak traits of being a head (like most blue pill guys who just accept their emasculation)…or her heart refused to view us in that way to begin with. I’d rather have the second option than the first.

  3. For the record, every woman I string along has a number of common qualities.

    If I were to expand on your description…you are looking for easy marks for fornication.

    Easy marks being she either divorced a guy and/or she bought into political feminism and is telling God and her dad to eff off. In an odd way them getting a guy like you is poetic justice.

  4. You are evil, honest and necessary!

    I believe the term you are searching for is .. “die-uh-ball-ick-ally red-pill” .. and thank you.

  5. “Friendship at its basic level isn.t romantic because she views you more as an equal than a head. Most of the fellas end up in the friend zone (me included) because we either displayed weak traits of being a head (like most blue pill guys who just accept their emasculation).or her heart refused to view us in that way to begin with. I.d rather have the second option than the first.”

    This is a false dilemma brought on by trying to shoehorn dogma into reality. Friendship is friendship, romance is romance. They are different and not mutually incompatible. They are both hallmarks of nearly every happily married couple I have ever met, with the friendship being, by far, the most important, as romance inevitably declines during the child-rearing phase of marriage.

    Do you know who thinks romance is super-duper important? Those who have not been married. Romance is great when the hormones are raging, but this fades when you are married. Every marriage needs some romance, of course, but all marriages will go through stretches where romance is poor or missing. The bonds of marital friendship (which are different from other types of friendship) are what hold you together.

  6. Romance is great when the hormones are raging, but this fades when you are married.

    The false dillema is trying to equate lust or sexual desire with romance…which is what this is. The term is Eros.

    They are both hallmarks of nearly every happily married couple I have ever met, with the friendship being, by far, the most important, as romance inevitably declines during the child-rearing phase of marriage.

    The hallmark of every happily married couple you’ve met is that the man is the head of the marriage and family and the woman submits to his leadership. I can be friendly with my father…but it’s a different relationship from friendship.

  7. Derek you are correct. I really don’t know how many of these men in bloggerland ever got married with their rigid attitudes / platitudes. Their marriages must be cold, icy and actually very boring.

  8. @earl

    No, the anecdotal evidence I presented is still evidence supporting my claim. If you want to establish that these happy marriages are those where…

    “…the man is the head of the marriage and family and the woman submits to his leadership…”

    …then you should (1) defend that claim with evidence of your own and also (2) show that this is mutually exclusive with my claim.

    It’s magnificent circular reasoning to say that my evidence is something completely different from what it actually is because you think it should be something else. You can’t just use your dogmatic assumptions to reinterpret what people actually say into what you want them to say. This is the same sloppy circular reasoning that passes for Catholic authority at its deepest core: any evidence contrary to dogma must be cherry-picked and reinterpreted to actually prove that the dogma is correct after all. It’s intellectually lazy and you can do better.

    “I can be friendly with my father.but it.s a different relationship from friendship.”

    Now you are playing semantic games. I explicitly acknowledged the differences in my comment. The friendships between husband and wife, two work colleagues, a professor and his student, a pastor and his sheep, and a father and son are all different from each other.

    If you think that fathers and sons can’t be friends, you are absolutely clueless. Kanye West, who has recently made headlines for his conversion to Christianity and publishing a gospel album, cites his father as his primary influence and his best friend. In patriarchy, close friendships between father and son are a feature, not a bug.

    “The false dilemma is trying to equate lust or sexual desire with romance.which is what this is. The term is Eros.”

    This is a tautology, not an argument.

  9. @lastmod

    “I really don.t know how many of these men in bloggerland ever got married with their rigid attitudes / platitudes. Their marriages must be cold, icy and actually very boring.”

    It’s hilariously ironic that my wife’s notion of romance would be me doing her a favor by doing the dishes, taking out the trash, and having myself and the kids clean up the living room while she is out. But how could the head of the house.its leader.debase himself in such a way?!

    I’ve been married a long time and I still get excited to be with her every day. She works part time, so every Friday we go out to each for lunch. It’s the highlight of our week. The friendship inherent in the companionship between a husband and wife is unlike any other friendship. Only marital friendship has the unity inherent in the one-flesh bond. I could not survive a marriage that was not like this. Even a sexless marriage would be better than one with on-demand sex but no bond of friendship.

    Every consummated marriage has two bonded partners. This bond, not headship, is why even pagan marriages are happy. God has blessed marriage from the beginning, and nothing can change that.

  10. I personally know more marriages now that are brinking and crossing the 20 year mark more than I know ‘christian’ ones that have lasted that long now. So when god joined the “christian” one, and they got divorced…..god “suddenly” changed his mind??????????????????????????

    whereas a marriage like my parents had. culturally christian…but not bible readers, nor church goers, never prayed, never cheated on each other…..they stayed married til “death do us part” but “god” didn’t join theirs……he only joins those that claim him……and if they cheat, lie, divorce and wreck the marriage…..god “willed” it and “knew” this was going to happen?????

    This is where the hairsplitting in the christian / mens blogworld eats itself like the leftists / feminists we all bemoan.

    Another nail which drove me to agnosticism and thankfully away from christianity was silly stuff like this. Bean counting and so quick to quote scripture and use big words to confuse……….its any wonder any christian marriage can survive. A trillion billion nuances to follow…no wonder christian wives are exhausted.

  11. @lastmod

    Agree on the marriage/divorce part, disagree on the abandoning Christianity part. The latter doesn’t logically follow from the former. As for why my wife is exhausted, it is much more practical than your suggestion: five kids.

  12. well she has jesus in her life, everything is okay……and why is she tired from five kids? This is just her being a wife and doing her duty. What’s the problem here? (sarcasm).

    It totally makes sense. My parents were not ‘christian’ (my dad the last few years of his life). Had a great marriage. Trusting. Loving. They were (gasp!!!) FRIENDS!!!! Perish the thought!!!!!!! They had a happy marriage despite my older brother. Despite me being a utter failure. They built something together. Had a good life…despite how short my mothers was.

    So lets say I become (the man-o-sphere will never allow men to become) a real, mighty man of god….wait I was…….turned things around…..walked proper. fixed my past. repented. changed.

    my reward??????

    Emptiness. Just waiting for death. Having to watch every other ‘holier than thou’ person around me get rewards of genetics, intelligence, looks, status, respect, leadership, expertise on anything and everything…………and I have to be happy or I am bitter and not trusting god……and hear “there is no marriage in heaven speeches” but boy oh boy…..THEY got to get married…….and have sex (lots of it) and live in many ways just as a sinful life as I did.

    this is why people and men don’t come, and more are leaving…………you can say words like “that is not a logical statement” well, since when has this world EVER operated logically??????????????????????? Actions speak much clearer and are MUCH more easily understood than logic (another invented term to shut people up)

  13. “Emptiness. [..] since when has this world EVER operated logically?”

    Logic is one way to avoid the emptiness. The logical implication “A . B” is always true when A is false, but this is meaningless, empty, vacuous truth. Similarly, the Principle of Explosion states that from a falsehood (i.e. contradiction) any statement can be proven. But this too is empty. Truth only makes sense through the lens of logic and the Law of Non-Contradiction. If you throw logic away, what alternatives are there?

    Another path to fight the void is mysticism. Many men have found God and purpose this way. Gunner Q recently offered to instruct me on this path. Many love concreteness and logic too much to go this way.

    Fulfillment has been found following the path of Jesus. But absent a relationship, following Jesus is just a bunch of empty rules, rules, rules.

    You seem thankful to go down this path you are on…

    “Another nail which drove me to agnosticism and thankfully away from Christianity was silly stuff like this.”

    …and so nothing I say or offer can change your free will to choose this path. In mocking Christianity and praising its loss as a victory, you are following in the footsteps of many intellectual giants. As you’ve found, this only leads to nihilism.

    “Actions speak much clearer and are MUCH more easily understood than logic”

    Then your skill at deducing motivations from actions far exceeds my own. I’ll stick to logic.

  14. defend that claim with evidence of your own

    You’be read Ephesians 5 right? I mean I would think since you subscribe to Christianity that’s your evidence.

  15. I did have a relationship. Prayers not answered. Prayers not even replied to. Prayers not even heard. jesus just likes some people and doesn’t like others.

  16. I don’t often get personal, but I can also confirm that it’s the continual, steadfast friendship between spouses, not headship or authority, that makes marriage fulfilling and successful even when times are hard.

    Yeah sure, you can go down the “if-she-just-totally-accepts-his-authority-there-will-be-no-need-for-conflict-ever” but I would rather go through the worst of life with a genuine friend than with someone who is just quietly and dutifully plays her ‘role’. How boring and shallow that would be compared to the experience Derek describes, or my own marriage.

  17. “ read Ephesians 5 right? I mean I would think since you subscribe to Christianity that.s your evidence.”

    Treating Ephesians 5 as both evidence and conclusion is circular reasoning.

    My evidence-based position is 100% compatible with Ephesians 5.

    “I don.t often get personal, but I can also confirm that it.s the continual, steadfast friendship between spouses, not headship or authority, that makes marriage fulfilling and successful even when times are hard.”

    This has been almost universally confirmed by hundreds of married couples.weddings, anniversaries, funerals, personal conversations, conventions and seminars, pastors and elders, Sunday school classes and sermons, books, social media, etc. I’m astounded when Christians read how God creates woman to help and complete man in unity and see marital hierarchical authority. Rulership was first mentioned after the Fall as a consequence contrasted against God’s stated purpose.

    Who has the proposed ideal “Patriarchy Level 4“? Almost no one.

  18. Rulership was first mentioned after the Fall as a consequence contrasted against God.s stated purpose.

    No it was implied when God took one of Adam’s ribs to create Eve. Eve literally came from under Adam’s roof.

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