One For The Sisters

Some miserable old cunt writes:

I’m an old, lazy, overweight, skank-ho wimminz, who has spent the last twenty years sucking miles of strange cock, while contributing nothing to society. Seeing photos of a happy wife with a healthy family is unsettling and depressing because I have never been able to attract or keep a quality man of my own. Kindly fuck off and quit posting photos of your normal, decent life on social media, so that I can get back to the comfortable delusion that every other female is an unhappy skank-bitch just like me. kthxbye

41 thoughts on “One For The Sisters

  1. Great summary Boxer ..

    I.m an old, lazy, overweight, skank-ho wimminz, who has spent the last twenty years sucking miles of strange cock, while contributing nothing to society. Seeing photos of a happy wife with a healthy family is unsettling and depressing because I have never been able to attract or keep a quality man of my own. Kindly fuck off and quit posting photos of your normal, decent life on social media, so that I can get back to the comfortable delusion that every other female is an unhappy skank-bitch just like me. kthxbye

    You know how youcan tell you hit a pig with a rock .. it makes a loud sound .. I guess her spirit animal is a pig .. HEH!

    Fella’s the wimminz spread their bad ideas and ways to ruin other women .. and thusly level the playing field for themselves ..

    They can’t stand the dis-pair-eye-tee when shown side-bye-side for comparison.

    I tell my brothers daughters that .. “Of course they want you to grow old and miserable just like them. Don’t let’em steal your hapiness by making the same bad decisions they did.”

  2. ‘I’m a confident attractive person except when my raging insecurity comes out when I see a woman being feminine.’

  3. Dear Boxer and Friends, come 2060, the beautiful lady in the photo will likely be a somewhat fat old granny – with her long gray tresses in a bun – enjoying the same womanly things. Wearing a comfy, yet feminine, dress while decorating an even lovlier cake.

  4. Dear Boxer and Friends, come 2060, the beautiful lady in the photo will likely be a somewhat fat old granny . with her long gray tresses in a bun . enjoying the same womanly things. Wearing a comfy, yet feminine, dress while decorating an even lovlier cake.

    No matter how old or saggy she’ll be the hottest woman in the world to the husband she’s loyally looked after. That’s the point, darling.

  5. Playing the contrarian here….

    No man in here is married to a woman like this, needless to say…..looks like this. She exists, sure. No doubt….but she isn’t married to you, would never date a man like me and frankly has the time to do this (ie she doesn’t work…..and is married to a man who can comfortably provide on all levels). She isn’t married to the local guy in the church who has a mid level programming job. She is married to an executive.

    I could argue that in 1960 this was more common…..not because “feminism” or “chivalry” ruined everything….but an average guy who finished high school in 1955 after his two years service in the military could come back….get a half decent job in the local carpet mill, manufacturing plant, apprentice in the trades, or off to college / university (if he indeed was in the top 20% academic wise in high school)and marry a woman like this and provide for her. The cost of living was much lower, the US economy was growing at a whopping 10-12% a year (and we cheer today about how great things are if it grows at 3% a year)

    A starter home COULD be afforded. Credit cards were much more difficult to get……….families usually had one car. A woman like this beauty in the picture was even more common in the working classes for the fact she COULD be provided for on a Union carpenter wage, a line job at Chrysler or even as an entry level job with the state, county of feds.

    There was time back then. A wife could volunteer, raise the kids, keep a home and herself up……..we scoff today about women not behaving like this… we should………with that said, good luck as a younger / young man finding a career that can upkeep this at 25, 27, or even 30.

    My parents married in 1965. My mother returned to work in 1974 not because she was some sort of “feminist” or had this “evil nature” to upsur my father. It was done out of necessity. By the end of the 1970’s, she was working full time and I was a ‘latch-key’ nine year old.

    Now on other blogs, my father would be called a “cuck” for letting his wife work….and he “should have just gotten a better job”

    This country NEVER recovered after that oil embargo in 1974. I don’t care who is in office today. The american people were cheated and swindled by Kenseyian Economics, removal off the gold standard and again believing the lie that ‘saudi arabia’ is our friend. We were sold out.

    Feminism has a play in this……….chivalry does not…….but I have not seen women like this since since the mid / late 1970’s on a wide scale. The ones I see like this now (like the beauty in the pic) is married to a top level provider.

  6. Refusing to learn and improve is atrophy. If I didnt get inspired by HH, Dolph Lundgren, etc and expect them to not be buff/attractive; I would most likely be ridiculed. Being jealous and sore is a mental hazard.

  7. Your beautiful pictures and my unrestrained envy put together drive me crazy.

    Anybody who has anything that I don’t have, should be shot, and it should be given to me, even though I didn’t work for it. You know, if we killed everybody who was smarter than I, sexier than I, or richer than I, I’d be the smartest, sexiest, richest man in the world. Wouldn’t that be great. But of course, then the killing would need to stop. You losers who are beneath me would just need to suffer through it. Ain’t envy a great basis to build your social system on! /S

    Titus 3:3 For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another.

    Wisdom 6:23 neither will I[wisdom] travel in the company of sickly envy,
    for envy does not associate with wisdom.

  8. Not trying to AMOG here , but, I own that exact cuckoo clock in the picture, and it.s still new and in its box somewhere in storage.

    Which one ..

    She’s either running one slow or one fast .. regardless .. she ain’t got all her chit together .. ‘cuz if she was running two time-zones at least the minutes would be the same ..

    She’s obviously not all that amd a bag of chips .. /s .. heh

  9. Was at the reggae / two – tone performance by the group “Steel Pulse” and “Eeek A Mouse” last night. I had not seen them perform since 1995. Last time I saw “Eeek” perform was in San Francisco…..late 1990’s.
    I went with my barber (he’s a straight up rude boy about twenty years younger than me)…..the place was full of peacenicks, college aged kids, a few older dreads / rasta types (white and black) and marijuana smoke. My barber and I looked very out of place all buttoned down in pressed slacks, doc martens, white shirts and skinny ties.

    The younger set had no idea, but the older dreads and rasta types were “Hey good to see some rude boys out tonite!” in that heavy Jamacian / Brit accent. Hi-fives given…….small talk.

    The show was astounding. Still holding up, and the DJ before the show started was spinning some of the best two-tone, reggae and ska I have not heard in awhile.

    Observations: All the younger women were fierce dykey red-heads, smelled heavily of patchouli or were future angry liberal middle aged women in the making. The younger guys were all man-bun types. Myself and my barber owned the front stage, preferring to skank and dance than just “watch” (what is up today, you pay 50 bux to get into a show like this, and you are going to stand around and just watch???)

    The woman in the above photo would never go to a show like this, even when she was college aged at some tonier white-bread college (Pine Manor, Smith, Russell Sage, Sweet Briar or Skidmore).

    I don’t know men who get women like this….I know they are not an executive at 23…..maybe they are on the up and up fast track…..but I will say with confidence. He was WELL above average looking.

  10. What I want to see is a picture of hubby and the adorable children. Now…..if there is a chance that she is not married, and she has “prepared” herself for that good man. More power to her. Even women who don’t look as good as her (genetics is so unfair to most of us, and a “chance” roll of the dice) should be striving to this. With that said…IF….she is not married, or engaged, or dating a man on the track to marriage………..let me pose this: Why isn’t she married? Is it because this woman may indeed have 1000+1 requirements for the man in question to marry her? Is it because “no man” is good enough for her, or no “real man” has stepped up to what she expects? Is she like living in a mindset of a world that doesn’t exist anymore? Would this woman in a marriage go to work if economics required it…or would she just expect Andrew / Blaine / Dax / Brad / Chad to “just get a promotion and work harder?”

    Does she have the mindset of “Well, look, I prepared myself. A man has to prepare himself……he should be a CEO by the time he’s 25….obviously if a young man who wants me has not achieved this, I won’t settle”

    I am specking conjecture here and what if’s. Like I said, no hate on her……and to the man she is married to. Congrats. You indeed landed a good one. That man also has an AWESOME responsibility now on his shoulders to maintain her happiness…..and its not done by “frame ” or “game” or “confidence”

    It’s done by money, a driven career minded man and probably a better man than men (you know, the guy who skydives on weekends, goes to the opera and no ska shows, and probably has a nice lean jaw-line too)


  11. an attractive man

    I don’t pretend to know what chicks like re: male looks, but I know I’m able to attract a wide variety of females (some of whom are pretty convincingly nice) while being at least 20 pounds fatter, not any taller (Jason is 6′ 4″ I believe) and not more financially successful. Moreover, Jason can apparently move on the dance floor. I can’t do this without looking like an absolute goon.

    My assumption is that Brother Jason is very selective about women. Women can sense this, and women hate rejection, so they probably preselect themselves out of his pool quickly. He is also chaste, disciplined, and will not fuck on the first date. Contemporary females do not know how to handle this. The best thing filthy wimminz generally come up with is shaming a brother with accusations of being gay or a “virgin,” as though self-discipline is some sort of character flaw. (LOL!)

  12. My assumption is that Brother Jason is very selective about women. Women can sense this, and women hate rejection, so they probably preselect themselves out of his pool quickly.

    A woman can sense knowing a man will reject them so they avoid rejection to begin with?

  13. A woman can sense knowing a man will reject them so they avoid rejection to begin with?

    Remember how Stacie suddenly got cold and distant when you mentioned your own high moral standards? That’s what I’m talking about.

    Women can intuit your next move. They’re much better at that than we are.

  14. Remember how Stacie suddenly got cold and distant when you mentioned your own high moral standards?

    Well they’ve given me plenty of other explanations for why they went cold and distant…but I never thought it was about being selective about women, having moral standards and beating me to the rejection game. But I suppose if we wouldn’t be a good fit it would come out somehow.

  15. I’m weighing in late here…

    Jason, the attractive stay at home mom with domestic skills.who also wears dresses, has long hair, is faithful, and a mother of many children.who marries a normal working man is not a myth. I have many friends and relatives who fit this bill. I’ve seen it in farm country, but I’ve also seen it elsewhere (in the Northeast, Florida, etc.). From what I understand, many Mormons at least put on a front that they live this stuff out. Such women do appear to be a relative rarity in any heavily populated urban metro area.

    Ironically, I declined to pursue such a traditional woman. That wasn’t the life for me. Instead I pursued a college-educated working woman who was my intellectual match. There are many more marriageable women like this who don’t fit the OP’s stereotype, but I suppose such women are much riskier.

    earl, women can indeed sense your intentions quite quickly. Upstanding men like you or Jason are going to be read almost instantly and shun you quickly. Boxer is right in stating “Women can intuit your next move. much better at that than we are.”

    I had known my wife for 7+ years before marrying her, and she intuited my intentions as minors years before we dated. In looking for a wife, I was very tactical about it, aggressively pursuing her. At the same time, she was very tactical at avoiding responding positively to most of my overtures. The, uh, “courtship dance”, is complicated.

    Last night I told my kids the story about how their mother avoided going to prom with me. They were astounded that this could take place. My 9-year-old son remarked that finding a wife seems very difficult and he is somewhat worried about it.

  16. Some say “women should pursue men.” Maybe for men who have it all, but why pursue less attractive men? Women in historical societies might scoop these men up, but now they just stay unmarried. If you are not the type of man that carousel riding women desire, you’ll probably need more. So if you find a single woman (virgin or widow) who would make a good wife, you pursue her. Rejection is inevitable, but it doesn’t have to be the end.

  17. My 9-year-old son remarked that finding a wife seems very difficult and he is somewhat worried about it.

    He’s right…it’s easy to find a hook up or a girlfriend. It is pretty hard to find a wife.

  18. Derek, respectfully disagree with your reply.

    Where do these men work who can affront this lifestyle? Now, if the couple in question *decides* that they are not going to be able to do many things a two income household can do and make that a lifestyle choice. Then I agree.

    The woman in this picture…..her husband is not working as an auto mechanic at the local Ford dealer. No way. Her husband is not a carpenter. My dad was a lifelong Union carpenter, and a certified millwright, foreman for large jobs in the Upstate New York region….and a sought out craftsman for cabinets. The house I grew up in, he built in 1970. He even poured the foundation. The house btw sold for almost a million dollars in depressed rural northern New York State…….that’s how customized and well built it was.

    My mother even had to return to work. My dad made a decent living.

    I remember when everything closed down one fine late 1970’s in Upstate New York….and everyone’s “mom” went to find work, go back to school or had to find work to help support the household.

    Explain the “latchkey” kids. I was one of them, as were everyone in my class in elementary and high school at the dawn of the 1980’s. You woke up. Your parents were at work. You came home from school, they were still at work. In fact, for Generation X, almost half this age group grew up like this.

    Who are these men? Not everyone can and will be an engineer. Not everyone is going to like Mrs. Olsen from “little house on the prarie” who’s husband has the lockstop on the local department / dry goods / gas station in town.

    A man who pulls 30K in Nebraska still isn’t going to be able to have a wife who looks like this, raises children, cooks and decorates a cake like this and looks like she’s ready to go to the ‘grand ball’ everyday in a newer, upscale home.

    The reality is a man who does indeed have a wife that looks and behaves like this is going to have to have a hubby that pulls in well above 60-70 in most of the USA…and way more than that in California, New York and yes…..even Texas.

  19. Jason .. brother ..

    You’re living in the past. You are rationalizing your situation and it’s not healthy.

    We both are the same age .. chewed some of the same dirt and have the same future. Single.

    One of us has come to grips with that future and the other is living in the past.

    Clinging to the past is a cancer you have to remove. There’s no going back. We are generations or never returning to sanity in the USsA. Especially if you continue to live in Commie-Fornication.

  20. Honeycomb

    How is me calling out reality living in the past????

    Men working an average job in Kansas as a mid level salesman at a local farm supply chain isn’t going to land Belinda Q Housewife in the above picture. No way. A man living in Kansas who OWNS the farm supply chain stores??? Yeah. A man working as a mechanic at the local Chevrolet dealer? No. The man who OWNS that dealership? Sure. That man is not 24 or 25 btw. This woman is marrying into inheirited wealth or the rare man who does land a fortune by the time he is 24.

    Men here look at that picture and want that. Men here could not support that lifestyle that she would not only expect but demand. Who is living in the past???????

    California is the future of this country. Trump or not. I don’t like it, but its what is coming and its gonna get really bad here in the USA in my closing decades of my life. I could move back to my native New York State………..far and deep into the Adirondacks where I grew up……..tons of regulations……..cost of living, where F*CK all are you going to work????????????????????????????? The lumber mill? Closed. The military bases? Closed. You work summers part time
    during tourist season, land that rare job with the state or county or live on welfare.

    Spare me the “armed rebellion” in the “god fearing south” if it ever turned into California. Even in the micro scale………this christian man I knew in Fresno. Married. Five kids. Oldest daughter wants to go to college to be an engineer. He was all “traditional” and suddenly HIS daughter wants to go to college….and suddenly “its okay” but for the rest of the young women? Be like that woman in the above picture!!!!!!!!!

  21. Men here look at that picture and want that. Men here could not support that lifestyle that she would not only expect but demand. Who is living in the past???????

    My mother even had to return to work. My dad made a decent living.

    1st .. Envy is not healthy.

    You want something you can’t or don’t have. Join the club. Be happy for them. They don’t have to be rich or live in rural USsA to do it either.

    2nd .. You are not entitled to (nor is anyone else) .. a job that supports a family .. a wife that is pretty / thin / lady like / upper class behaviors and breeding / a good cook / a good mother / a thrifty gal / etc.

    3rd .. My dad did okay too .. mom stayed home and raised four boys. We had enough .. but we weren’t rich. They never went into debt .. and that is a big reason why no-one can pull it off today.

    4th .. That womminz above looks like a lot of guys from work(s) wives. Most if not all are stay home moms. And they are Joe working stiffs (aka journeymen instrument and controls techs .. electricians .. mechanics .. operators .. etc). So I see it everyday. Does it mean they have a perfect marriage. No, mostly not even close.

    5th .. And lastly .. Be happy for those that find a way to make it happen .. and stop making excuses for why you haven’t.

  22. “4th .. That womminz above looks like a lot of guys from work(s) wives. Most if not all are stay home moms. And they are Joe working stiffs (aka journeymen instrument and controls techs .. electricians .. mechanics .. operators .. etc). So I see it everyday.”

    I call 100% bullsh*t

  23. earl says: dated that type before.

    So what is the type, and what was the issue? You’ve got me curious now, perhaps I could learn something. I did pick about the worst I could have for myself. LOL

  24. @sharkly

    A quick scan of her site yielded this:

    “In her article, she makes it clear that we deserve strong female lead movies, but not pseudo-male imitations. That is real feminism. “

    She appears to be a Catholic feminist who wants women to blaze their own paths and not ride the coattails of men. It’s a brand of feminist female empowerment without the overt penis envy (i.e. “we can do everything a man can do. We’re not going to copy men, but do it our own way”). Earl’s not going to go for that type of woman in a hundred years.

  25. Tommy Sotomayor said about three years ago:

    Ladies be callin’ themselves Queens. He was puttin’ it to the sisters, but can easily be applied to the fair skinned ones too:

    If you are calling yourself a Queen:

    1. Why do you dress like a pirate?
    2. Why do you talk like a sailor?
    3. Why do you wear the ‘crown of commoners’ (he was referring to a weave, for the white girls it could be short / butch hair)

    4. Why do you ALWAYS make babies with the court jester

    and I gave him the answer to 4 on his live stream in a few years back

    “because PUA teaches men to BE the court jester”

  26. and I gave him the answer to 4 on his live stream in a few years back

    Among all the men who helped me out with solid advice in my youth, Tommy stands out as one of the most convincing. You got to talk at him, and I’m jealous.

  27. ” I’m very very curious to hear what you have to say. Something about your photos makes me feel strangely depressed/inadequate and I’m alarmed by my own reaction. ”

    We’re almost full circle. Another half-generation to generation to go?

  28. Dear Boxer,

    I am sorry for sending my previous message. Please disregard it if you haven’t already.

    I was angry and I am ashamed that I sent it.

    Sorry for wasting your time.

    Thank you

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