Bad Neighbors

This morning, a skank-ho police-wimminz named Amber Guyger was convicted for murder. Guyger broke into her neighbor’s apartment one evening, found her victim peacefully sitting on his couch (eating a dish of ice cream), and executed him without a single justifiable reason.

After Guyger shot her victim, she refused to render aid, despite having a kit full of first-aid supplies on her person. When her colleagues arrived for clean-up, she concocted a ridiculous story about how she was “disoriented” and supposedly went sleepwalking into this man’s house, thinking it was her own.

Guyger and her victim: Botham Jean

Imagine what would happen if the roles were reversed, and this man had busted into this wimminz house and shot her dead. Had that been the case, we would have had the feminist media baying for his blood on a daily basis, along with opinion pieces suggesting that all men are violent psychopaths.

Since this is a wimminz, the media has gone all out to promote sympathy for the criminal.

One thing that is not being reported: Guyger was an affirmative-action quota hire for the Dallas police department who failed her first polygraph interview. Amazingly, the Dallas police allowed her extra time for coaching, and administered a second polygraph interview, so that they could hire her.

Before she ever applied in Dallas, she had failed an interview for employment with the Fort Worth Police Department, which wisely told her to beat feat out of their candidate pool. Similar failed attempts to become a cop were reported by the DFW airport police, and the Plano police bureau.

The city of Dallas also revealed that Guyger had a history of using illegal drugs, and that Guyger was an instagram ho’, with a number of different social media accounts.

Another result of the trial is the discovery that Guyger was banging one of her married colleagues in the police bureau. Her simp, a man named Martin Rivera, was screwing this bag despite his having a wife and family. Thus the murderer was actively engaged in destroying a number of different men, all while being paid a good wage by the taxpayer.

We salute the jury for making a wise decision, convicting this parasite, and referring her for a prison sentence. As I write this, the hearing regarding sentencing is in progress. Will this skank get cunt-passed out by the judge? I hope not, but the judge is another female, sooooo….

60 thoughts on “Bad Neighbors

  1. “I hope not, but the judge is another female, sooooo..”

    It’s hard to perfectly predict. Women are more empathetic, but this empathy is contextual.unevenly and irrationally applied. While men are more likely to be purely selfish or selfless, women can be remarkably cutthroat. She has got a lot going for her.woman, white, cop.but she’s not rich or beautiful. I wonder if the judge is married? Regardless, I’ll predict a lenient (less time than average) sentence.

  2. State District Judge Tammy Kemp actually seems like a pretty seriously grounded woman. She’s a tough ex-prosecutor, but she gave it up when a family member had serious health issues (i.e. family first). The byline notes that “Kemp once negotiated a plea bargain that required a murderer surrender the ashes of the husband she killed to the man’s mother”, so this is a woman who stands up for men. She’s also a black woman in a racially charged case. She’s married and appears to have a husband, two daughters, and a son.

    I change my prediction. It’s going to be at least an average sentence, if not more. This judge is a woman who gives her empathy to victims, including men.

  3. For those following along in realtime, consider these rules in Texas:

    “All classifications of murder are considered first-degree felonies in the state of Texas. Depending on the degree of murder charges and the circumstances of the case, a person found guilty of murder can be sentenced with 5 to 99 years in a state prison or a fine not to exceed $10,000, or possibly both. If, at the sentencing stage, the defendant can provide adequate cause and reason to believe that the crime was committed in the heat of the moment, the charge may be reduced to a second-degree felony, which carries a penalty of 2 to 20 years in a state prison and/or a fine not to exceed $10,000.”

    It seems plausible that it could be reduced to a second-degree murder charge because it was done in the heat of the moment. This carries a penalty of 2-20 years.

  4. It seems plausible that it could be reduced to a second-degree murder charge because it was done in the heat of the moment. This carries a penalty of 2-20 years.

    I’m working, but I’m checking intermittently. I certainly hope that doesn’t happen. I can’t believe that anyone could buy this dopey wimminz story: that she happened to wander into a different apartment on a different floor, by accident, and then thought that the rightful inhabitant was an intruder.

    (Of course! I do this all the time…)

    FYI to you religious guys: The victim was a very observant Christian who did tons of service work. You should pray for his mother, who is now testifying. She seems like a nice lady with a broken heart.

  5. What do you all think really happened??? She just had it our for the black guy so burst in his apartment and shot him? I think the woman was pretty ditzy and shouldn’t have been a cop but it certainly seems like it was an accident. Yes, she should have handled herself differently after the shooting but should she spend life in prison for this? If this cop was a man, you’d all be up in arms that he got a murder charge for an accidental shooting. She got murder because the victim was black. Yes, pray for the victim’s family and while you’re at it, pray for your own ugly, hateful hearts.

  6. What do you all think really happened??? She just had it our for the black guy so burst in his apartment and shot him?

    That’s actually a pretty good question. I could speculate that the bitch probably tried to seduce her upstairs neighbor, and he laughed in her face, and so she decided to off him. Skanks don’t like to be rejected, you know?

    The reality is, no one but Guyger knows her true motive, and she ain’t talking.

    I think the woman was pretty ditzy and shouldn.t have been a cop but it certainly seems like it was an accident. Yes, she should have handled herself differently after the shooting but should she spend life in prison for this?

    If you had burst into her apartment and murdered her, you’d better believe that you’d be getting at least a long prison sentence. So, sure. She should get a life sentence. I’m happy with that.

    If this cop was a man, you.d all be up in arms that he got a murder charge for an accidental shooting. She got murder because the victim was black. Yes, pray for the victim.s family and while at it, pray for your own ugly, hateful hearts.

    I spent many years living as a racial minority in predominantly black neighborhoods. I don’t remember ever experiencing any racism, beyond some old lady laughing and asking why I liked “nigger food” so much (she owned a restaurant* that I ate at multiple times a week). While I know racism exists, I think North America is remarkably well-integrated, and I don’t think race plays much of an issue here.

    *Shout out to Spotlight Caribbean Kitchen, 130 Queens Plate, Etobicoke. If any of my readers ever get to Toronto, try it out.

  7. She was an affirmative action hire, had an Instagram account and was having an affair….well, that makes her a mureder for sure.
    And she’s a parasite; not sure how you figure that one.

  8. She was given a for-cause-drug-test after the shooting .. and the article I posted a few days ago mentioned it .. but, they didn’t mention the results .. I’m sure the jury heard about her toxicology report.

    And, we’ve been discussing this womminz evva since it happened. Fry that lil-piggie for trying to use castle-doctrine and stand-your-ground laws to sway the jury.

  9. Outside of the possibility she was under the influence of illegal narcotics (which wouldn’t look kindly on her being a cop and all)…I fail to see how she could have possibly mistaken which apartment she was going to.

    And yes if a man gave this BS story it would have been shot down so quick it would make your head spin.

  10. “While I know racism exists, I think North-America is remarkably well-integrated, and I don’t think race plays much of an issue here.”
    You’re not serious, right? Essentially every time a black criminal is shot by a white cop, the whole black community screams, protests and whines about how black lives matter. Makes no difference that the perp was pointing a gun at the cop. He’s a racist, etc., etc., etc. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Any actual valid points the black community has (and they do have them) gets drown by this hysteria.
    So you think the cop tried to seduce the black man, he rejected her so she killed him. That’s pretty weak. I think she just went to the wrong apartment. Why she didn’t realize that is certainly an issue but I truly don’t think she had it out for the poor man who was eating his ice cream. And she’s a skank-ho, of course (I agree with you there). Would you think she was a skank-ho if she wasn’t having an affair? (I’m not sure if all women are skank-hos in your world). Would that have swayed your point of view? I think that’s the real issue here; men are funny….they have no problems justifying their own sleeping around but if a woman does it….bad, bad skank-ho. That’s what’s really bothering men about this.

  11. men are funny..they have no problems justifying their own sleeping around but if a woman does it..bad, bad skank-ho.

    Apparently you haven’t heard of the term ‘fornicator’, ‘cad’, ‘clown’, or ‘scoundrel’ before.

  12. .While I know racism exists, I think North-America is remarkably well-integrated, and I don.t think race plays much of an issue here.. not serious, right?

    Essentially every time a black criminal is shot by a white cop, the whole black community screams, protests and whines about how black lives matter. Makes no difference that the perp was pointing a gun at the cop. He.s a racist, etc., etc., etc. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

    I agree BLM’s is racist.

    Any actual valid points the black community has (and they do have them) gets drown by this hysteria.

    White folk get killed by th po-lease all da time .. Da Piggies don’t care about ANYONEs “civil liberties”.

    So It’s not a race issue. No encounter with the police is a good one for your longevity.

    So you think the cop tried to seduce the black man, he rejected her so she killed him. That.s pretty weak.

    Or he politely complained to her to keep the sex noises down .. he probably didn’t approve of her skank-ho status.

    She confronted him .. (no encounter with a hoe-bag police womminz is a good one) .. he got shot.

    I think she just went to the wrong apartment. Why she didn.t realize that is certainly an issue but I truly don.t think she had it out for the poor man who was eating his ice cream.

    Even after a long day .. heck even after 72 hours awake I’ve never found myself keying the wrong door.

    She must have been high as well .. imo. Though men and wimminz brains are not the same. IMO she has no excuse.

    And she.s a skank-ho, of course (I agree with you there). Would you think she was a skank-ho if she wasn.t having an affair?

    Yes .. a womminz who is a skank-ho is a hoe.

    (I.m not sure if all women are skank-hos in your world).

    99% (plus or minus 1%)

    Would that have swayed your point of view?

    No. A womminz has no place doing a manz job. They aren’t equipped for the task.

    I think that.s the real issue here; men are funny..they have no problems justifying their own sleeping around but if a woman does it..bad, bad skank-ho.

    It’s not a double standard. It’s two different standards. A hoez gonna ho.

    That.s what.s really bothering men about this.

    What’s bothering men is an in-cop-po-tent skank-ho-bag-womminz cop shot an unarmed man USofA Citizen in his their own home.

  13. Appeals coming…..and she’ll be let on on “good behavior” much sooner than a man would have for the same crime. She will probably get hired again as a cop in some department because they have to have “more women” on the force or FEDERAL money to the local police department WILL be cut.

    Glad this woman for now is behind bars….but I have very little respect for the badge today

  14. Dear EBL:

    Constantly changing your username is not against the rules, but I find it to be a pain in the ass to have to keep approving you. Please see inside text (snipped for brevity). not serious, right? Essentially every time a black criminal is shot by a white cop, the whole black community screams, protests and whines about how black lives matter. Makes no difference that the perp was pointing a gun at the cop. He.s a racist, etc., etc., etc. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Any actual valid points the black community has (and they do have them) gets drown by this hysteria.

    If he had treated her this way, he’d already be on death row, all his excuses drowned out by people assuming he was “just another cop-killing negro.” So, what’s your point?

    So you think the cop tried to seduce the black man, he rejected her so she killed him. That.s pretty weak.

    Agreed. That’s why I called it a conjecture.

    I think she just went to the wrong apartment.


    Why she didn.t realize that is certainly an issue but I truly don.t think she had it out for the poor man who was eating his ice cream.

    I’ve never walked into a strange apartment thinking I lived there, but if I ever do, I’m 100% sure I won’t murder whoever I find minding his business inside.

    And she.s a skank-ho, of course (I agree with you there). Would you think she was a skank-ho if she wasn.t having an affair? (I.m not sure if all women are skank-hos in your world). Would that have swayed your point of view?

    You should have read this by now:

    Despite all your sockpuppetry, you’ve been regging here for a long time. I don’t intend to spoon-feed you again.

    I think that.s the real issue here; men are funny..they have no problems justifying their own sleeping around but if a woman does it..bad, bad skank-ho. That.s what.s really bothering men about this.

    Females (including feminists) are welcome to come here and argue for their cause, provided they make salient points. If you’re only here to troll or make fun of me, you must be amusing, funny, or insightful. Appeals to emotion don’t meet these standards. Please see the comment policy for more information



  15. “What do you all think really happened???”

    I think she actually did enter the wrong apartment because she was tired and distracted. The shooting happened because she has a lifetime habit of poor judgment and impulse control… she jumped the gun, so to speak. But I’m happy to see her go down for murder regardless, because she’s a massive liability of a self-ruined human being who will never be punished for what she’s actually guilty of.

    The moral of the story here is “when you’re exhausted, don’t distract yourself with sexting on your smartphone until you get home and put your weapons away”. The obliviousness of wimminz on smartphones cannot be overstated.

    I still have some questions. Police don’t usually wear their uniforms home unless they also drive their cruisers home, which is unlikely for a non-supervisor. Professional ethics (even for security guards) is that you either remove your uniform when you go off-duty or you pull a jacket over it. For cops, this is also a safety issue. You don’t want your home to be the low-hanging fruit to some coke-head with a grudge against the system.

    She was an incident waiting to happen. Fortunately for taxpayers, the incident happened such that the PD can’t (reasonably) be sued by Blacks Love Money.

  16. ” I spent many years living as a racial minority in predominantly black neighborhoods. I don.t remember ever experiencing any racism [..] While I know racism exists, I think North America is remarkably well-integrated, and I don.t think race plays much of an issue here. ”

    YMMV. In the military barracks, I was the Polish descendant in a swarm of Nigerian princes. For 3 years, I never witnessed as much racism as I did there. Black-on-black, black-on-white language, hazing, you name it. Years later, I lived and worked near a historically black college, and witnessed the common game of ‘black enough’ leading to ostracizing and hazing. (The only corollary I witnessed of such a ‘game’ were asians, but they employ it to keep their communities tight: peer pressure working in a positive direction.)

    Statistics of violent crime would suggest that your experience is the outlier. Black-on-white crime is well reported, as is hispanic-on-white, as being per capita magnitudes higher than the norm of other inter- and intra- racial crime.

    Just from this week alone, this gem surfaced:

    Directly on topic: smelled of murder from the onset. Whatever the motive, let justice prevail. Definitely puts the judge in a bind between two leftist paradigms: race identity politics and female grrrl pwrrr. On her being a diversity hire: nowhere should ‘diversity’ be enforced LESS than in government. This story is the puddin’.

  17. No problem , Boxer. I.m done posting; no offense intended. I might keep reading though.

    You didn’t offend me at all. Everyone who regs in the comment section here disagrees with me about something or other.

    You’re welcome to participate if you choose to do so, and you’re 100% anonymous. My goal with this blog is to make people (myself, most of all) more rhetorically proficient, while letting us all practice free speech. That includes you.



  18. On the subject of cop killings, I’d like to clear up some misconceptions. First, the statistics clearly show that cops are more likely to kill black men than white men. Second, the statistics clearly show that there is no racial bias as to who the shooter is. Black cops kill black men just as easily as white cops kill black men.

    It is not hard to document the systemic racism that all cops have towards black men. But I wouldn’t call it a racism problem, I’d call it a cop culture problem. The racism is incidental. Moreover, Boxer has nailed it:

    “ never walked into a strange apartment thinking I lived there, but if I ever do, I.m 100% sure I won.t murder whoever I find minding his business inside.”

    This is because you are not a cop. Cops just don’t think like the rest of us. They live in perpetual fear that someone is going to kill them and a great many cops are trigger happy. This is caused by the First Rule of Policing and institutionalized through the Reasonably Scared Cop Rule. If you want to understand police culture, you would do well to read Scott Greenfield’s blog, or at least the two links above.

  19. This is because you are not a cop. Cops just don.t think like the rest of us. They live in perpetual fear that someone is going to kill them and a great many cops are trigger happy. This is caused by the First Rule of Policing and institutionalized through the Reasonably Scared Cop Rule. If you want to understand police culture, you would do well to read Scott Greenfield.s blog, or at least the two links above.

    Derek you’re being nigh-eve.

    We have a bunch of trigger happy murders looking for a reason to kill to get their fix.

    They have one rule .. that they go home safely at the end of their shift. They don’t care who they kill to get their fix.

  20. “I spent many years living as a racial minority in predominantly black neighborhoods. I don.t remember ever experiencing any racism”

    For our first few years of marriage, my wife and I lived in a neighborhood where we were the only white people. We were subjected to racist taunting occasionally when we took walks around the neighborhood. We didn’t take it too seriously and it never escalated. That said, when my wife was out alone, she stuck to the main streets.

    Over the years our family has experienced scattered racism regarding our adopted Chinese children. It’s fairly infuriating, but it’s not very common. I wonder if our mileage would vary if we had black children.

    There are many worse things than racism and it’s not something I worry about on a daily basis. It happens, but most people are generally not racist. That goes for the Trump-supporter heavy area I live in and the Democrat-heavy metro area that I live in. Racism just isn’t a very interesting issue in many places, but you wouldn’t know it from all the talk about it.

  21. “They have one rule .. that they go home safely at the end of their shift. They don.t care who they kill to get their fix.”

    That’s what I said. If you read the links you would know that. The first rule of policing is to make it home for dinner. This is the first and foremost reason why they are trigger happy. They’re just not going to take the chance. The courts affirm this institutionally by giving them a free murder pass, though it’s…impolite…to point this out.

    There is the secondary issue of the militarization of our police force, but this goes hand-in-hand with the First Rule. When you are obsessed with getting home, you want to be armed to the teeth and aggressively trained to enforce the First Rule.

    There are tertiary issues as well, such as the way the system doesn’t eliminate bad cops. Cops can just bounce from department to department until they get a job and kill someone. It’s quite rare for cops to do time when this happens. Police unions will even ensure that cops get back pay when they are put on leave during investigations where the First Rule led to a homicide.

  22. They also asked why Guyger didn.t radio in for help when she thought there was a break-in at her home. Guyger said that going through the doorway with her pistol drawn, .was the only option that went through my head..

    First .. wimminz cops always call for back-up. A lone womminz cop is a waste of resources.

    Second .. this quote above is of a predator. Not a protector.

    Our poor-lice departments are training anything but police work. They are training and equiping murders. Mentally and physically. Then turning them loose on the public.

    And .. for the record .. if a police officer was in need of my services .. I would decline.

  23. @honeycomb

    I would bet she’s lying. She entered the wrong home by accident, not realizing it, not noticing the incongruity, and found another person there. I think she drew her gun at that point and shot him in cold blood. I don’t think it was premeditated.

    The description of her drawing her gun as she went through the doorway is exactly what you would expect of a concocted story by a cop designed specifically to show that she was “in fear for her life.” They are trained to make up this exact kind of story. Indeed, whenever a cop commits homicide, she typically meets with the union rep before interrogation where they concoct a story that matches the “reasonably scared cop rule” to get her off the hook. You can see that at work here. It’s the perfect story… except she wasn’t on duty.

    What drives me crazy is not that she might get off lightly, but that if she was an on-duty cop, it likely wouldn’t have ever even made it to trial. She thought, with good reason, that she could murder someone without consequence. That’s cold. It’s not premeditated in the sense that she was planning to murder him specifically, but the murder of someone was inevitable.

  24. She will probably get hired again as a cop in some department because they have to have .more women. on the force or FEDERAL money to the local police department WILL be cut.

    That’s probably a more accurate prediction than you can imagine. The Fat Blue Line Gang doesn’t hold it against anyone of their own who is a reckless bloodthirsty murderer. They only get upset when one of their own kills someone in what is so obviously unprovoked cold blood that they can’t spin it to look like justified self-defense. That’s what dumb blonde skank-ho did in this case. Being a useless-eater token who probably put more than one of her fellow blue gangstas in mortal danger in the line of duty, the Dallas PD is more than happy to make her a scapegoat sacrifice.

    That said, the Fat Blue Line Gang is always looking for politically palatable psychopaths to recruit for terrorizing and abusing the proles in order to keep them in line. Amber will do a brief stretch in the slammer, be sufficiently humbled by the experience to get her shit together (at least to the extent that any freezer temperature-IQ skank-ho can do such a thing), and be allowed a second shot at prole hunting, albeit with some other PD far removed from Dallas.*

    (*I’m very surprised that the Dallas PD accepted her after Fort Worth rejected her. During my years of living in Texas, Dallasites always looked down on anything from Fort Worth as inferior. Hard to believe in that context that they snatched up a Fort Worth reject. )

  25. I heard early reports from neighbors that the two were romantically involved. and then there is this:
    Several neighbors have told attorneys for Jean.s family that they heard someone banging on the victim.s door and a woman.s voice demanding to enter his apartment.
    Plus she has lied a bunch and changed her story. I think she was convicted of murder because that is exactly what it was. She murdered this guy for pumping and dumping her. That’s my theory.

  26. Just want to point out that I am not a lawyer and don’t live in Texas. As such, I didn’t realize that in Texas sentencing is done by the jury, not the judge. So my prediction was pretty much worthless.

  27. Police in California have more loyalty to their Union than to the people they protect and serve today. The LA PD was once hailed as “the finest police department in the world”

    Also police unions in California are divided nicely down racial, ethnic lines, and gender lines. I have lived out here since 1993, and I have never once seen a California “peace officers association” or police Union ever once endorse someone with a letter “R” in any political race out here.

    On all their blogs they talk about “we’re not allowed to be officers / people don’t respect us / we don’t get the credit we deserve / the respect” Yet at election time……every single one of them votes progressive. They elect Union representatives that are progressive…………

    And when they defend bad behavior by fellow officers………..well?????? What do they expect from the general unwashed masses? The blogs I have read about this case by police officers (retired) say “we don’t know the facts”

    Facts? In a court. With a jury. With a judge. With lawyers……..we still “don’t know the facts”

    I do what I am told when instructed by an police officer. I don’t give backtalk anymore but overall……as a “police force” well, I have little respect for them. I view most of them with contempt

  28. “The LA PD was once hailed as ‘the finest police department in the world’..

    Only by the LA city government. The rest of the world has always known it to be the third most corrupt force in the U.S., second only to the PDs of Chicago and New Orleans.

  29. Nonsense. The UK, Japan, and other countries sent teams to study how and why “the LA PD had the excellent rep it had” from the 1920’s through the 1950’s. The biggest reason was they actually did “preventative crime abatement”
    instead of “cleaning up the mess” after people faced all kinds of mayhem and unpleasantness.

    This changed probably in the 1960’s. Today and from the 1960’s onward? Agreed. Though I would add in all “police departments” in the USA. The LA PD has had scandal after scandal and probably was one of the bigger runners of crack cocaine into Watts…..ruining what was left as “a poor black neighborhood” and making it into a war zone. The 1965 riots in Watts was encouraged, and wanted by the Johnson administration and at least pre 1965…… was poor, but you wouldn’t get mugged or beat up over a bag of groceries, or harassed

  30. Cunt pass confirmed.

    I have to respect the victims family, who seemed to constantly send signals of mercy. I have to suspect that some of the jury members might have been swayed by the religious-based appeals of mom and brother, who seemed to almost masochistically chant the forgiveness mantra.

    While I think that ten years is a much better sentence than the acquittal I was suspecting, I doubt she’ll even serve five of it. It’s still not justice, in my opinion, but here we are.

  31. Earl links Jeff Bezos’ blog, where some hack pseudojournalist wrote:

    Ms. Guyger, a white former Dallas police officer, fatally shot her unarmed black neighbor in his apartment.

    What Jeff Bezos wants you to think: “distinguished public servant made a mistake and shot a useless negro in her apartment complex”

    What actually happened: Instagram prostitute murdered the accountant that lived upstairs.

    Everyone over at these big newspapers ought to be less concerned about slanting the news, and more worried about the day when a large minority of regular folks gets woke to what’s going on. On that day, well, heh. Things won’t go well for them.

  32. Ms. Guyger, a white former Dallas police officer, fatally shot her unarmed black neighbor in his apartment.

    What Jeff Bezos wants you to think: .distinguished public servant made a mistake and shot a useless negro in her apartment complex.

    What actually happened: Instagram prostitute murdered the accountant that lived upstairs.

    That doesn’t fan the flames to their agenda .. [1]

    Everyone over at these big newspapers ought to be less concerned about slanting the news, and more worried about the day when a large minority of regular folks gets woke to what.s going on. On that day, well, heh. Things won.t go well for them.

    It’s not going so swell rat now either .. [2] [3]

    [1] “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” A proclamation by the pigs who control the government in the novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell.



  33. that first line in that story ALSO changes the frequency of the story just a slight hertz………just a hue…..but enough. Notice it said “FORMER Dallas police officer….”

    No she did this while she was an officer serving in that police force. It makes it sound as if she had “already” left the force and THEN did this

  34. “I have to respect the victims family, who seemed to constantly send signals of mercy. I have to suspect that some of the jury members might have been swayed by the religious-based appeals of mom and brother, who seemed to almost masochistically chant the forgiveness mantra.”

    After the sentence was given, the victim’s brother asked to hug the perpetrator and offered her words of forgiveness. Whether it this case, or the calls for forgiveness by the victim’s families in the Roof shooting, the Amish forgiving after the Nickle Mine shooting, or many other similar examples, this is what Christianity is about. You can scoff and call it masochism if you want. Jesus’ teachings were and still are often counter-culture and counter-intuitive.

    “While I think that ten years is a much better sentence than the acquittal I was suspecting, I doubt she.ll even serve five of it. It.s still not justice, in my opinion, but here we are.”

    She will be eligible for parole after 5 years and not a day sooner, unless she wins on appeal. I’ll be in the minority here, but I thought 10 years was the right call for a number of reasons. If the genders of victim and perp were reversed, I would still have thought 10 years was fair. I listened to the testimony. She showed remorse for what she did. I don’t buy that she was racist or that this was racially motivated. I still maintain that she just acted like any other cop: trigger happy and above the law. Her crime was acting like a cop rather than a normal human. In light of that, the fact that she got even 10 years is surprisingly tough and sends a strong message that could indicate the start of a cultural shift (or not).

  35. “It.s still not justice, in my opinion, but here we are.”

    Let’s clarify a few things.

    She got a light sentence mostly because she was a cop. But if she wasn’t a cop, she very well might have gotten a pass for being a woman. That just wasn’t the issue here. In a gender reversal scenario, a male cop might even have gotten the minimum. Juries like male cops.

    Now let’s talk about justice. If a man kills his wife after she cheats on him and then files for divorce, he’s going to go away for a long time for premeditated murder… yet his grievance was valid: he was wronged. Contrast this with a cop. A cop is trained to devalue human life. They know that 99%+ of the time, they can shoot someone dead, claim they were in fear for their life, and get off without a scratch. They are so cold that they can kill without premeditation because they don’t have that voice that tells them that what they are doing is wrong. This crime is actually far, far worse than the crime above for the person killed is killed for no reason at all. Where is justice here?

    Now consider abortion. Here women coldly kill their children for any or no reason at all, because they’ve devalued life. This case gives me a greater insight into why Jesus harped on the state of a person’s heart. He said that if you lust after a woman in your heart, it’s as if you committed adultery in actuality. Similarly, if you’ve devalued life, it’s as if you are a murderer in actuality. It really is that serious. I think that the sense that justice was not served to Guyger stems from this.

    The law focuses on intent and premeditation. It can’t focus on the condition of the heart. This is why true justice is left to God. YMMV.

  36. my former cocaine dealer got 30 years when he was caught by the feds (2008) and he wasn’t even the kingpin…….nor a “violent” dealer. He looked like Mr. Peterman (Elaines boss from that show ‘Seinfeld’). She’ll go on appeal. Cops hate jail, and don’t be surprised ONE bit if “peace officer associations” from all over the USA “kick down” and pay for her attorneys fees for her appeal.

    If she does indeed get an appeal, and wins. 2-3 years tops.

  37. I have to respect the victims family, who seemed to constantly send signals of mercy. I have to suspect that some of the jury members might have been swayed by the religious-based appeals of mom and brother, who seemed to almost masochistically chant the forgiveness mantra.

    I got nothing against the family signalling mercy and forgiveness…in fact that was quite noble of them. But they aren’t the justice system.

    The purpose of the justice system is to hand out proper sentence to a crime…and time and time again it seems women can murder with less consequences than if it was a man doing it.

  38. @lastmod

    “If she does indeed get an appeal, and wins. 2-3 years tops.”

    She admitted twice while on the stand that she committed homicide with intent. She demonstrated that by shooting her victim twice in the chest. Based on her own testimony, there is no chance of a manslaughter defense. That leaves two remaining options.

    The first option is that it is reduced from a 1st degree felony to a 2nd degree felony. This requires “Sudden passion”. From the Texas Penal Code ? 19.02:

    “.Sudden passion. means passion directly caused by and arising out of provocation by the individual killed or another acting with the person killed which passion arises at the time of the offense and is not solely the result of former provocation.”

    The victim did not provoke the attack, so it isn’t going to be reduced to a lower sentence.

    That leaves only one other possibility, that the conviction is completely overturned due to some form of self-defense (i.e. Castle doctrine) where intent to kill is justified.

    So her 10 year conviction (5 year possible probation) is going to stand unless it is completely vacated. I don’t see a middle ground happening here.

  39. Even with a stacked deck .. Black Female Judge .. All Female (and mostly black) Jury ..

    Folks were worried she would not get convicted (even at our own postal code).

    Same group above gar-aunt-teed a light sentence for murder ..

    Because the wimminz don’t value a man or his life Even his own family forgave this instagram-tramp-skank-ho .. now that’s their right .. but frankly she should got a life sentence.

    I dare say an all menz group would’ve scored any better .. (how sad a culture we live in where a womminz can t get true “equality”) ..

    In the end . we ALL (at this postal code) knew she would get off (heh) lightly. Cunt Pass confirmed .. yet again

  40. All she has to say “I was so stressed / tired / being a cop is such hard work for a ‘girl’ (out will come the ‘im just a girl in a bad bad world full of men at work’)” and the classic I said “I said that because I was under duress”

  41. Immediately before this was shown on Australian TV News, there was a clip showing CCTV footage of a man belting his girlfriend around the head. Couldn’t possibly have a story about female violence without some reminder of male violence-balance, you see.
    Some might argue that the guy beating on his girlfriend was equally newsworthy. I would argue that he didn’t kill her and there are a about a million stories news companies comb through every day and only a handful can actually be printed or broadcast, so they were obviously doing it for “balance”.
    As for saying the sentence handed down to Amber Guyger was fair, perhaps, but a man’s word it ain’t.

  42. I just signed my “yearly” Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) here at my job after my review (it was superior, I fall into the top %5 of employees in this company).

    I know….I know….so many men would “never” sign this because they have great Frame and disagree with this Act. I asked my manager “hey what if I said I didn’t want to sign this, I am not violent against women.”

    I have a strong enough reputation with him, and I have posed the frequent “do you suppose / how about looking at it like this / what about / has it crossed your mind / what do you think about this idea” questions in a good tone. I also have earned the right to ask questions like this. My performance demonstrates that I can.

    He replied “It would go into hearing with HR. You would not get your merit increase, nor would you get your bonus until it was resolved or you did sign. Also, I believe in the HR policy manual it is a ‘condition’ of employment at this firm that you do sign it.”

    He smirked at me “Planning on being one of those annoying MRA type of men? It’s not worth falling on sword for a feel good act by the democrats that has little or no teeth………and women do have to sign it too!”

    Just laughed “Just putting it out there, you know how I am!”
    “Well Jason, save a fight for a real issue…… would be wasting your time getting violent on the women at your building. I need you and your review and bonus reflect that you are an asset to this business, this property, and me.”

  43. Whelp .. what is it about th wimminz 1) thinkin they are th law .. and 2) shooting unarmed men .. hmmmmm–law/for-2nd-time-woman-gets-bond-after-intervening-hit-and-run-fatally-shooting-man/lGhQpuwG42dKj5gQI6gaxJ/

    Two wanna-be wimminz cops shooting unarmed (black) men.

    Didn’t we make a big deal out of George Michael Zimmerman doing this very thing (re: being an armed do-gooder when 911 told’em to not take action)?

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