Embracing Feminist Scouting

For decades, the Girl Scouts of the USA has been pushing extreme feminism at the expense of our young girls. Not wanting to miss the chance to attack our enemies, Dalrock took a vicious stab (Archive; PDF) at feminist-driven scouting by attacking the American Heritage Girls.

“One of the astounding things modern Christians have done is twist Scripture into a gospel of girlpower.  Christian women are now taught that the Gospel is a message of high self esteem. From American Heritage Girls Girl Power and God’s Power:”

Wait, what? Is this the Christian-run American Heritage Girls, the same organization that was founded to give a countering alternative to the activist feminist Girl Scouts of the USA? I had a look at the AHG website to see what it had to say:

“Girl Power” on its own is a flawed movement. It places all its meaning in the human understanding of man and woman, embracing concepts of cultural feminism as the sole source of worth. But we know as Christians that humankind’s purpose doesn’t come from Earthly sources—it’s of God. Just as worth does not come from intelligence, appearance or wealth, nor does it come from the idea of feminine validation.

Apparently if there is one thing that we should condemn about scouting for girls, it is those organizations that oppose feminism and teach that we should have inner joy because every life has intrinsic worth.

Long time readers of this blog know that the majority of content focuses on directly attacking the causes and supporters of feminism. By contrast, blogs like Vox Day and Dalrock are really feminist blogs riddled with half-truths.

Dalrock, specifically, spends almost all his time vilifying anti-feminists. Given the choice between attacking a popular activist feminist organization or an anti-feminist organization whose worst crime is not being amazing at teaching theology, Dalrock chooses the latter. When faced with the choice to attack feminist thought policing or embrace it, Dalrock chooses the latter (Archive; PDF).

Pay attention and know who your friends and enemies are.

Dave Chappelle on Wimminz

So, last night, five minutes after I got done fucking some progressively feminist lawyer-ho’, she alluded to the latest pop-media fueled outrage that a nice male-feminist like me just had to commiserate with. Apparently, Dave Chappelle is in the crosshairs for making fun of trannies.

Bitch is apparently unaware that I got kicked offa twitter for that, but whatever. I did what I always do when a slut wants to pretend to lecture about politics: I sat quietly, while laughing inside, as her voice rose and fell, and her hands moved all dramatically. Then I resolved to watch whatever it was she was telling me that I should never, ever watch, and less than an hour later, I did exactly that.

The show in question is entitled Sticks and Stones, and it’s entirely relevant to the shit I’ve been talking about on this blog for the past six years. The show begins by lampooning the public’s tendency to impoverish talented people (like Louis CK) at the behest of the feminist cranks in the #MeToo movement, and segues into comparing a wimminz’ right to abortion to a man’s obligation to pay child support for a kid that isn’t his.

Rotten Tomatoes Suggests You Not Watch Chappelle

The Atlantic calls it an angry tantrum, The Root calls it stale and lazy, and Vice (that cucked out celebration of sodomy and drug abuse) warns its readers not to watch it. I don’t know how much dogwhistling a normal man can take before he makes it a point to download and enjoy it, but I watched it last night, and I found it both funny and insightful.

On a personal level, I’ve always liked Chappelle anyway. He’s the son of a Christian priest who converted to Islam, and he had the number one comedy show on cable before bailing out and going anonymous. In that regard, despite being a married family man, he’s also the archetypical MGTOW. Celebrity and pretense means nothing to this man. He tells it like it is, whether you like it or not.

Did you watch his routine? What did you think? Shout out in the comments.