Wimminz and Their Demands

We’ve recently been exploring the instinctive disgust that arises in a wimminz for her man’s pre-existing children. I thought it would be instructive to contrast this phenomenon with the inherent generosity of men.

In the following video, we can hear some wimminz complain about her boyfriend, who is currently caring for her children (sired by some other man). Wimminz indignantly demands that her boyfriend “man up.”

Tommy softballs this wimminz to keep her on the line. Listen to the insane levels of entitlement that the typical skank-ho single mom carries between her ears.

Do you blame this man for not quitting his job, moving in with this bitch, and signing the marriage certificate? Sound off in the comments.

9 thoughts on “Wimminz and Their Demands

  1. Th WIMMINZ demand marriage be about the financial transaction it has always been.

    You nevva rarely evva see a womminz marry down.

    And that’s the primary complaint of th womminz today (i.e. more college educated womminz than men equals .. “wherez allz th goodz men gonez!”)

    Anyway .. that hoe-bag is outta-her-evva-mac-lovin-mind.

  2. Anyway .. that hoe-bag is outta-her-evva-mac-lovin-mind.

    This bitch ought to be down on her knees, morning and night, thanking this man for his love and generosity. Instead she’s complaining to strangers on a talkshow.

    People ask me why I don’t get married… This general tendency on display is the perfect example of my main reason not to.

  3. This bitch ought to be down on her knees, morning and night, thanking this man for his love and generosity.

    I don’t expect unrepentant fornicators to have gratitude even when they find a man who gives love and generosity.

    Clearly this is her getting revenge on this guy for what the previous guy did to her.

  4. “sign of the times…” as Petula sang about over fifty years ago. We live in a very self-centered culture…amplified by reality TV, Tinder, FB, and other social trivialities on the Internet. Everyone is *hot* and *amazing* and has 150 IQ because some test on the Internet “said so”

    I was trying to explain at work today to a tenant why the rent on their commercial space increased when they signed the new lease agreeing to this in August. “well, you didn’t explain it to me” (yet this lawyer tells me always how brilliant she is……hmmmm…..and I did explain it, she just thought that she is *hot* and so amazing that my explanation was beneath her….so it was ignored).

    We live in times of “I’m sorry, but I did that because you did this to me” (why the hell did you say ‘i’m sorry’ then?)

    Its confusing times and somehow this man will be blamed for this womans behavior. Most will swallow it

  5. I don.t expect unrepentant fornicators to have gratitude even when they find a man who gives love and generosity.

    Earl .. do you believe that only faithful christians can do this (re: above quote)?

    Asking for a friend .. heh.

  6. honeycomb asks:

    Earl .. do you believe that only faithful christians can [display gratitude]

    earl answers:

    Yes. Gratitude is a virtue.

    Aristotle wasn’t a Christian…

    To be fair to Earl, I think Christianity (along with other religions) might serve to sharpen and codify a gracious mentality, but I don’t think it’s a necessary condition.

  7. Primarily Christianity places gratitude by giving thanks to God for all the things we get in life…which would naturally flow to their neighbor. Entitlement would come from thinking just who you are is enough to get stuff…which we see often women get this mindset early because they are deemed princesses and goddesses.

    Granted an atheist can be thankful too but it helps to know the source of where gratitude comes form.

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