Manufacture of Consent in Microcosm

Part of the strategy of managing a large, diverse society is siphoning off discontent. This is done in a number of ways. One essential tact is giving the majority of people the idea that they share in a collective responsibility for whatever problem plagues them. Another is corralling potential dissidents in a cycle which promotes shame, silence and inaction.

Dalrock’s blog is a perfect example of the latter, in praxis. Feminism’s victims are attracted to it, with the idea that they will finally get to network with other men who are woke to the problems that face us in our degenerate society. Immediately, the blog’s author sets his readers to work fighting other antifeminists. In one recent example, Derek Ramsey pointed out that Dalrock was mocking and criticizing an antifeminist scouting organization, which was set up to keep young women healthy and safe.

There is a scouting organization which is run by radical feminists, and which overtly encourages our little sisters to explore the exciting lifestyle of the fat, “empowered,” banged-out skank. It’s called the Girl Scouts. Dalrock has never once criticized these people, nor does he seem to encourage the exploration of their organization on his blog. He saves his vitriol for other antifeminists, and in this way, he does his part to keep antifeminists busy fighting among themselves, lest they make any positive impact on the social environment through which we are all, unfortunately, forced to swim.

Chronoblip has begun an excellent analysis of Dalrock’s personal motivations, which dovetails with my own suspicions.

Occasionally, a dissident will see through the collective angst in Dalrock’s comment section. Derek pointed out a comment by “White,” who publicly questioned why the author was attacking an antifeminist organization, which represents all of us in the fight against our enemies. Dalrock has responded in typical passive-aggressive fashion, sending his asslicking attack-poodle, Cane Caldo, to shut down any legitimate questions and keep his audience on feminist-friendly topic.

Cane Caldo does not defend Dalrock’s false premise, that the American Heritage Girls are teaching feminism, because it’s indefensible. Dalrock was lying from the get. Instead, Cane Caldo frantically attempts to rebuild Dalrock’s strawman, by asserting that the American Heritage Girls are focused on:

hiking trails or writing polemics…

As we have already seen, the AHG have a very broad curriculum, which includes Cooking, Cake Decorating, Family Helping, Genealogy, Money Management, and Home Decorating, all things which will help a young sister attract (and keep) a good earner, and which will make her a successful wife and mother. The lie told by Dalrock, and echoed by his fawning sycophant, is not merely libelous to the antifeminist organization in question, it has the express purpose of shutting up any discontent among the antifeminists on Dalrock’s blog. Anyone who questions Dalrock or his idiot stooge Cane Caldo will now be implicitly defending not sincere antifeminists who care about the next generation, but hikers who write hateful feminist theory. Where these feminist hikers actually exist is a question no one will answer, because the audience finds it safer to remain silent than continue to use their masculine brains.

Cane Caldo continues by (surprise, surprise) sexualizing these young girls for Dalrock’s audience, describing them as:

bits of flesh… self-esteem thrusters!

This is not at all surprising, given his perverse history as a writer of thinly veiled fetish pornography.

Not content to quit embarrassing himself, Dalrock’s slurp-boy segues into a superficial analysis of Christian scripture. Let’s see what he can teach us…

Our bitch Cane has quoted the bible in an effort to… prove that the antifeminist AHG organization is unchristian. Does anyone wonder why he doesn’t quote the antifeminist AHG organization to support this contention? It’s not because he’s lazy. It’s because he’s lying. It’s because he can’t find any quotes in the AHG’s materials or in the mass media which suggest that the AHG is the group of hiking radical feminists that he and his master has painted them as.

Dalrock and Cane Caldo continue to channel antifeminist rage into libelous smears of other antifeminists, painting good people as sex-freaks and hateful polemicists. They do this because they do not have the courage to write about actual feminists, and they do this to keep you brothers chasing your tails, and they do this because they get a weird thrill out of styling themselves “thought leaders” in some sort of “movement” which exists only between their degenerate ears. Through their work, they shield our enemies from criticism and ensure that feminism will be spread to the next generation.

6 thoughts on “Manufacture of Consent in Microcosm

  1. Saw the same behavior when I was a Scoutmaster in the BSA. What the alpha and (cough) leaders in a church environment hate is a man who is doing something they can’t do, won’t do, or just don’t have that particular gift or aptitude for. Instead of coming to one of my Scout meetings.Instead of asking me questions, or even seeing the results of trying to heal a broken neighborhood with solid Christian principles, and reverence….I had to hear over and over that “I wasn’t bringing these young boys to Jesus fast enough…..and their families were not coming to our church” (many were Roman Catholics, many attended other churches).

    I had to hear that the BSA was not really a “good” organization anymore because it wasn’t ‘christian’ anymore (it never was), and because of that…….I should just be leading a bible study, teaching these young men about “Jesus” and “being real men”

    Yet in the same breath, I wasn’t a real man because I wasn’t married. I didn’t have all the wonderful women fawning over me in my own church, and I deemed not “mature enough / learned enough / smart enough / didn’t have the skills needed in the church to lead / wait on god to give me wisdom / pray”

    These same men telling me to lead a Bible study, and when I wanted to in the church proper…..I wasn’t “smart” enough….but now I am running a successful boys group…….I am supposed to be leading a “bible study ” now. You can’t win with men who base their whole raison d’etre upon: how many women they bedded in high school, what their IQ is, and how quick they can put someone down.

    Thankfully I left Jr High in 1984.

    Hence why I did go to Scouting in the first place. I had skills and potentials. Scouting took advantage of them.

    The men of the man-o-sphere hate any man who has something they don’t. They just cannot accept that a man may have a skill they don’t. They hate success….and will demean yours or any you demonstrate. Their heaven, and eternity will be like this:

    all of them in a cancer ward…..ALL DYING……and they will still find a way to bicker, argue and debate about “whose cancer is worse” always trying to one-up you and complaining about the nurses who “before feminism” were somehow how better, and could cure cancer…..

  2. It’s pretty funny that all these men who got together to moan and whine and bitch about women have now turned on each other. It’s always the same; who has the biggest dick?

  3. “Our bitch Cane has quoted the bible in an effort to. prove that the antifeminist AHG organization is unchristian. Does anyone wonder why he doesn.t quote the antifeminist AHG organization to support this contention? It.s not because he.s lazy. It.s because he.s lying.”

    The worst you could say about AHG is that they do a poor job of teaching theology. They leave a lot of doctrinal ambiguity and imprecision. In this respect, they are an awful lot like many “churchian” organizations. But there is a huge gap between being subpar representatives of Christianity and being card-carrying feminists.

    The best CC can muster is that AHG does a poor job of interpreting scripture. Well boohoo. So do I and everyone else CC doesn’t agree with.

    “all of them in a cancer ward…ALL DYING..and they will still find a way to bicker, argue and debate about .whose cancer is worse. always trying to one-up you and complaining about the nurses who .before feminism. were somehow how better, and could cure cancer…”

    If you offered them the cure, they wouldn’t take it, because then they’d have to stop complaining.

  4. painting good people as sex-freaks and hateful polemicists.

    Which, funny, is the same tactic as people who admit they are feminists do.

  5. Yet in the same breath, I wasn.t a real man because I wasn.t married.

    Jesus Christ wasn’t a real man, so of course those folks wouldn’t want to follow him.

    If you offered them the cure, they wouldn.t take it, because then they.d have to stop complaining.

    Unless the “cure” could be used to leverage themselves into a higher social standing.

    He saved others; Himself He cannot save. If He is the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him. – Matthew 27:42 (NKJV)

    From manger to mansion, the TRUE STORY of the GOD-MAN’S-MAN’S-MAN JESUS FUGGIN’ CHRIST.

    Switching to JFC is GUARANTEED to increase your HOLINESS and FAITHFULNESS by over 9000!

    Don’t be like those LOSERS stuck WAILING AND GNASHING THEIR TEETH like SOYBOY SINNERS when you can be gutted like a salmon and have your HEART OF STONE replaced by the HEART OF GOD!

    *fireworks and explosions and heavy metal music*


    The trick is to realize that the clown world isn’t the only one possible, and that choices we make do have an impact, even if we don’t get to see them.

    .Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.. . Greek Proverb

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