False Accusations

Listen and believe, gentlemen…

Footage shows Mary Hunt slapping herself on the head over and over again while she sits on a bed in a pink top.

Hunt, 29, claims Scott Mitchell was violent towards her and she suffered black eyes and bruises at the hands of the Florida businessman.

Mr Mitchell, 45, has accused Hunt of stealing nearly £2million worth of jewellery from his mansion when the pair separated last year.

Watch the video at Sunday Express

15 thoughts on “False Accusations

  1. That’s an oldy but a goody ..

    Funny .. he was rich .. but we can all afford in home full hard-drive camera’s (with audio).

    So don’t ignore recording all encounters .. it’s a must ..

    Speaking of PSA’s ..

    Why Are Marriage Rates Down? Study Blames Lack Of ‘Economically-Attractive’ Men – Study Finds


    You fella’s are screwing up their feminist utopia .. [1]

    [1] Wimminz don’t need no man .. until they need uh man .. it’s all yenz fault!

  2. Boxer blog does not even have three readers, while Dalrock has 2000 loyal subscribers. Not just Christians, either. Dalrock speaks Not “satan” idiocy. We speak what we believe on things without mentioning religion. It is about GOOD and EVIL of which you are the latter. Some of us are Christians but we believe in separating church and state. Although the CONSCIENCE can inform political opinions. Our Romanian members are involved in government. I bet you didn.t know that.
    Of course, he did NOT say he got these statements from Dalrock. Why would he? MANY of our almost 2000 members now, are politically involved.

  3. Pharisee Billy glad you stopped by ..

    Tell your Dal Sect buddies you need a good cleansing before you post over there again .. because you have been slummin over at Boxers site.

    I recommend steel-wool.

  4. Dalrock has 2000 loyal subscribers

    Maybe each of these people would be willing to donate $0.04 USD per year, so that you could pull your femblog offa WordPress free servers…..

    …..and maybe not.

  5. Dalrock is like a “moderate Muslim”. He won’t cut your head off but he’ll help hold you down for the people that will to try and ensure that he isn’t next on the chopping block.

    Scott Adams talked about how folks like Dalrock operate almost exactly three years ago during the election cycle:

    Trump always takes the extreme position on matters of safety and security for the country, even if those positions are unconstitutional, impractical, evil, or something that the military would refuse to do. Normal people see this as a dangerous situation. Trained persuaders like me see this as something called pacing and leading.

    Dalrock took an “extreme” stance, but because “extreme” is contextual, new extremists will eventually come along that could steal his “flock”, unless he discredits or dismisses them somehow. Like using an effective pejorative or trying to explain how they aren’t really extremists or just harassing his competition to waste their time.

    “Policing a flock” requires a different set of activities than “pacing and leading”, which is why folks like Dalrock and Vox have started to slip in more obvious ways of late. As our host has noted, Dalrock did his best stuff when aimed at the actual “bad guys”, and that’s when he was “pacing and leading”.

    For a Vox example, in trying to reposition himself as “extreme”, he argued that student loans should be forgiven because “usury is evil”. The guy that condones “evil” actions if the folks impacted are SJWs wants to take a turn at “muh principles”.

    Except the problem is that SJWs and their minority allies are the ones who hold the majority of student debt, so any debt forgiveness is going to look like reparations and cucking to “the enemy”, even if there’s justifiable or moral reason for doing so, because that’s exactly what the “muh principles” people that Vox excoriates were trying to do in taking the moral high ground to the benefit of “their enemies”.

    Why this long rant? The woman in the article is screaming out to be “paced and led” by her alleged abuser. Women love when a man does that for them, and hates when they pick a man who should do that for them and he doesn’t for whatever reason. There’s a reason why forms of hyper-masculinity have become more attractive, hipsters are growing beards, and all that jazz, because men are trying to distinguish themselves by running counter to certain social trends to appear “extreme”. Other men try to “go further” along the existing trends as a means of distinguishing themselves. Both end up making the signal-to-noise ratio terrible for the guys in the middle who aren’t trying to pretend to be something they aren’t at all. Thus, our clown world, where everything is an extreme to the point of being downright ridiculous.

    “The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.”


    “The socio-sexual market can remain r-selected longer than a shift back to K-selection would take to benefit you.”

    Expect the nature and frequency of accusations to get worse, and for men to be put in more and more terrible circumstances where women are essentially demanding to be dominated, the more that men buck playing the game and go MGTOW, by choice or by circumstance.

    The ride never ends.

  6. .extreme. is contextual, new extremists will eventually come along that could steal his .flock., unless he discredits or dismisses them somehow. Like using an effective pejorative or trying to explain how they aren.t really extremists or just harassing his competition to waste their time.

    .Policing a flock. requires a different set of activities than .pacing and leading.

    I bet you’re a big Fukuyama fan, huh? Me too.

    This is really interesting. I wish I knew more political philosophy / sociology. If you wanted to expound in detail, I’d be proud to guest post such a contribution. Not necessarily about Dalrock (I don’t think he merits any more discussion here) but just illustrating the general differences between pacing and policing.

    Thanks for the comment. It’s generally applicable to lots of scenarios I’ve never considered.

  7. The wimminz in the video is a fake blonde (highlights in light brunette hair), has rolls on her hips at 29. Is this a ‘hottie’ in 2019? Decent smile on her from the photo, but the video is something else. If a multi-millionaire FL businessman can only get a moderate 7/10, who is- like they are all- a crazy, what hope does Joe Average have at true love?

    Who is Billy, and why is he here pushing the importance of flock size? Boxer, without trying your blog brings out the best Dalrock’s comment section has to offer.

  8. Who is Billy, and why is he here pushing the importance of flock size?

    First question ..

    Billy .. aka BillyS .. is a Dalrock groupie .. He’s a divorcee .. and really not very bright.

    Second question ..

    Well .. he’s not very bright.

  9. “…a Dalrock groupie…”

    I’m not sure I would say that anyone on this site is a Boxer groupie, except maybe Sue. Boxer has readers, commenters, and contributors, but not groupies. It really is quite illustrative that anyone might think that flock size was at all relevant on this site. It’s really a pretty tone deaf assumption, honestly.

  10. If you wanted to expound in detail, I.d be proud to guest post such a contribution.

    I started writing that this morning and it’s getting inappropriately long, so I’ll try to cut it shorter here, and if there’d be interest in this expanded out even further, I can post that in my own sandbox in multiple parts once I’ve gotten it all done. Would that work? ..

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