Losing Control

Totally Unbiased!!

Imagine being so astoundingly stupid, so stunningly tone-deaf, that when a big-name comic announces that he’s going to troll you, you fail to understand him. He subsequently names his exercise Sticks & Stones, and you respond… by getting all weepy, and throwing a tantrum.

Such is the status of our contemporary cultural critics.

One thought on “Losing Control

  1. Soon they (RT) will hide the total number of ballots counted.

    Currently it’s 6 against 13,683 .. in the future numbers ill just be subjectively arrived at to justify a desired outcome .. because voting is a hinderance if it doesn’t agree with the desired outcome (i.e. winners and losers).

    And we all know those 6 mean (heh) more than the 13,683 in social justice scoring.

    RT’s please review my response to your new format .. ..

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