Embracing Feminist Scouting

For decades, the Girl Scouts of the USA has been pushing extreme feminism at the expense of our young girls. Not wanting to miss the chance to attack our enemies, Dalrock took a vicious stab (Archive; PDF) at feminist-driven scouting by attacking the American Heritage Girls.

“One of the astounding things modern Christians have done is twist Scripture into a gospel of girlpower.  Christian women are now taught that the Gospel is a message of high self esteem. From American Heritage Girls Girl Power and God’s Power:”

Wait, what? Is this the Christian-run American Heritage Girls, the same organization that was founded to give a countering alternative to the activist feminist Girl Scouts of the USA? I had a look at the AHG website to see what it had to say:

“Girl Power” on its own is a flawed movement. It places all its meaning in the human understanding of man and woman, embracing concepts of cultural feminism as the sole source of worth. But we know as Christians that humankind’s purpose doesn’t come from Earthly sources—it’s of God. Just as worth does not come from intelligence, appearance or wealth, nor does it come from the idea of feminine validation.

Apparently if there is one thing that we should condemn about scouting for girls, it is those organizations that oppose feminism and teach that we should have inner joy because every life has intrinsic worth.

Long time readers of this blog know that the majority of content focuses on directly attacking the causes and supporters of feminism. By contrast, blogs like Vox Day and Dalrock are really feminist blogs riddled with half-truths.

Dalrock, specifically, spends almost all his time vilifying anti-feminists. Given the choice between attacking a popular activist feminist organization or an anti-feminist organization whose worst crime is not being amazing at teaching theology, Dalrock chooses the latter. When faced with the choice to attack feminist thought policing or embrace it, Dalrock chooses the latter (Archive; PDF).

Pay attention and know who your friends and enemies are.

33 thoughts on “Embracing Feminist Scouting

  1. Thanks for posting this. I just did a bit of reading on the American Heritage Girls. Their merit badges include Cooking, Cake Decorating, Family Helping, Genealogy, Money Management, and Home Decorating. It’s obviously a way to keep teenage girls off Tinder, and steer them into having skills that a young marriage-minded brother will find valuable.

    Clearly, Dalrock and his band of butt-pirates can’t abide such stuff. One must ask himself why?

  2. This broad could’da learned a few lessons from’em (AHG) ..


    (I know .. she’s an Aussie .. but a demanding cunt non-th-less.)

    I wonder if she has a tat?


    One thing is for sure .. her mother dresses her funny.

  3. “Their merit badges include…

    …kid care. While Girl Scouts are training in Public Policy and Women’s Health (ahem), AHG girls are learning Together as a Family and Kid Care. Contrast this with the Girl Scouts, who have “babysitting”, a task traditionally reserved for husbands (LOL).

    “One must ask himself why?”

    Indeed. Had you not pointed it out, I wouldn’t have noticed. I’m embarrassed to say that I assumed “friend” where I should have been more vigilant. I certainly have no problem with Christians pointing out error and hypocrisy in other Christians, but as the quote I shared shows the AHG is actively anti-feminist. If you read Dalrock’s article, you’ll see that the attack on the AHG girls was just a way to segue into attacking Wendy Griffith. The two have no direct ties and their respective positions are not the same, but he equivocates nonetheless.

    As the father of two daughters, I understand the need to affirm a girl’s self-esteem. Girls are not boys with breasts. While I teach my boys that masculinity involves self-mastery, I don’t expect my girls to master masculinity. They have very different needs, and one of them involves maintaining their self-esteem which is very easily damaged. They need to understand that the cutthroat world of girls and women does not reflect on their intrinsic worth as a person.

  4. He should have just attacked The Boy Scouts of America……soon to be changing its name to “American Scouting” or “Scouts of America” I have inside info on that.

    The BSA has also hired a “diversity officer” which means, NUMBERS, NUMBERS, NUMBERS…………soon, every Troop had BETTER be reaching out to GIRLS or ELSE!!! (public humiliation, threats of local charters……)

    But….but you say its being run still at the bottom levels by “good solid christians” evidently who cannot stand up to these monsters out of the national office in Texas. These christians also will do anything to avoid a confrontation and firmly believe that “these changes wont affect us, we’re a small Boy Scout Troop in Wikishaw County Wisconsin….only bad places like California and New York City is this happening.”

  5. “But..but you say its being run still at the bottom levels by .good solid christians. evidently who cannot stand up to these monsters out of the national office in Texas. “

    It is still being run well at the local level, but I don’t think this will always be the case. We’ve seen what happens to churches when there is top-down rot. In many Mainline Protestant churches, it was the beginning of the end. You saw it in Girl Scouts decades ago when the national organization became increasingly activist. Most of the time it can’t be stopped. When the national Mennonites embraced liberal sexuality, the Lancaster Mennonite Conference split off. It was the only way to save it.

    My boys are in Scouts. If and when it negatively affects us locally, we’re out. If the numbers don’t speak, nothing will.

  6. I was a Scoutmaster for ten years. I also was recognized in the Western Territory of the USA for running a Scout Troop in an inner city…..one of the few active Troops nationwide that still operated in an inner city mind you. When the “gay agenda” was made policy within the BSA I figured “I’ll deal with that when I actually have a boy who is gay and wants to join”

    When girls were allowed……..I stepped down. Handed in my Woodbadge neckerchief and beeds. I had about 30 girls in the past few years wanting to join my Troop…..I even had “christian” parents…..DADS talking to me about “their daugher being allowed to join because the GSA turns them into lesbians, and my daughter is one of the guys / is just as good as the boys / I’m a alpha male and I don’t feel like driving my son to Scouts on Wednesday and my daughter to her Campfire Girls thing on Tuesday….I could just drop them both off here and have more time during the week to do important things…”

    I don’t have a problem with co-ed activities or organizations. There are times when a boy needs to be around other boys. I recall when the decision was being debated at the local Council Office (Sequoia Council) I made a very passionate speech about the benefit to youngh boys of having their own organization

    Boys spend all day in school being ordered around by female teachers, principals, support staff……they come home to a mother who has chores for them, lecturing them….being bossy to them……can they please have one hour a week where there are no girls (distractions), and no church mommys, or powerful / modern women around telling them what to do?

  7. In Scouting I was viewed with slight tredeptation……I was the Scoutmaster who worked with inner city boys (Mexican, black, and the lower class po’ whites that were left in downtown Fresno). I didn’t have much help from families of these boys…….sometimes a dad showed up……sometimes a mom came. What was interesting was when I hit my four year mark, and the word was out that my Troop actually did serious camping, high altitude in the Sierras (8-10 thousand foot elevation camping). We actaully would take two weeks in the summer…..one week at BSA camp, and another week outback, backpacking camping into Yosemite or Kings Canyon……..suburban Fresno parents started bringing their sons to my Troop “wanting to join”

    We also took a few weekends during the year for camping, and an hour before meetings, the boys could come and work on homework. It was quiet, there were resources / supplies and I was there to help. I demanded “blue marks” from the boys on their report cards “Holmes, you’re a Scout……..you should be doing you’re best and setting an example.”

    I made them wear their uniforms to school on meeting days….and I did check a few times by “dropping” into their respected high school or jr high. I met with principals in uniform and explained that if he was in trouble for behavior related issues, I wanted to hear about it. Even the moms sometimes would call me “He won’t listen to me…….can I put him on the phone to speak with you?” I always did. It was a life I liked. I loved Scouting, and I regretted my own youth for the fact that I thought it was “dumb” and “boring” because I did more hiking and camping sith my dad than I did in Scouting. I dropped out when I was 14. I should have stuck with it.

  8. I just did a bit of reading on the American Heritage Girls. Their merit badges include Cooking, Cake Decorating, Family Helping, Genealogy, Money Management, and Home Decorating. It.s obviously a way to keep teenage girls off Tinder, and steer them into having skills that a young marriage-minded brother will find valuable.

    Clearly, Dalrock and his band of butt-pirates can.t abide such stuff. One must ask himself why?

    Perhaps Dalrock and their ilk have their head so far up the rabbit hole they can’t discern the difference between feminism and femininity. Women have been lied to for 2 or 3 generations now that their ’empowerment’ somehow means being more like a man.

    Teaching girls and women how to run a home should be promoted more…that’s their strong suit and gives them viable helpmate skills a man needs if he wants to have a marriage and family.

  9. Not here to comment on parenting, which is a marathon with the intensity of a sprint. God knows anyone outside of the father or mother is in no place to judge decisions made in the endevour. Here to comment solely on the paradigm:

    ” I understand the need to affirm a girl.s self-esteem [..] They have very different needs, and one of them involves maintaining their self-esteem which is very easily damaged [..] intrinsic worth as a person. ”

    The concepts of ‘self-esteem’ and ‘intrinsic worth’ of females are New Age bunk, the bedrock of feminism.

    Females would do well with having zero concern of self-image. Seeking to raise one’s self-esteem will inevitably always result in lowering it, as the tool of comparison will always be used when trying to raise it. Enter: the Instagram effect.

    The intrinsic worth of a woman is her ability to bear children (and raise those children). *The* singular facet. There, we just found it for women everywhere- so much collective time saved.

    At a cursory glance- both concepts seem to be understood by AHG. They don’t appear to dwell on self-esteem, but focus on servitude. They don’t seek intrinsic worth: they know it, and build skills and a heart towards the rearing of children.

  10. ” Their merit badges include Cooking, Cake Decorating, Family Helping, Genealogy, Money Management, and Home Decorating. It.s obviously a way to keep teenage girls off Tinder, and steer them into having skills that a young marriage-minded brother will find valuable. ”

    Make no mistake, out of all the merit badges on that list, Genealogy is the most egregious to globohomo. Young women cannot be allowed to know their heritage, take value in their tribe, and seek to pay forward the sacrifices of lives lived by those who came before them.

    Keeping them off Tinder indeed.

  11. I’ve been trying to justify years of my own embarrassing antics, as I’ve defended Dalrock, while he’s been focusing on destroying antifeminist solidarity and working on behalf of the sisterhood.

    Over five years ago, I made the following offer on Dalrock.

    I stand by it, only because the blog must have been considerably more invested in fighting feminism in those days.

    If you go to the post in question:


    One will see that he’s lampooning a feminist shrike. He doesn’t do such stuff any longer, of course. He now spends most of his time attacking men like Bnonn, Derek, Sharkly, Jason, me, Kryptonian, etc…

    Dalrock’s sharp right turn, has paid dividends. Feminists no longer threaten to shut him down, now that he spends the vast majority of its energy writing polemic against antifeminists. Derek has illustrated a perfect example.

    Incidentally, Dalrock does his most effective work as a COINTELPRO agent when he attacks these tiny startups. He demoralizes the antifeminists who are actually building something interesting (he, himself, has never built anything but his blog) in the real world, at the same time, he evades capture by men like me, who don’t know anything about the constructions he attacks.

    I remain embarrassed of my support for this nonsense, and I apologize for my efforts in that regard.

  12. ikr, when has Satan ever created?

    Specifically, did Satan create the concepts of “self esteem” or “intrinsic worth”, pervert existing concepts, or something else?

    I ask this because it can be easy to troll the self-righteous. Even Jesus Christ did it.

    “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”

    When a concept or practice or thing is associated with sinful behavior, there is a pattern where the self-righteous will instinctively distance themselves from it in order to protect or maybe even enhance their social standing. They throw out the baby with the bath water, and then assert they did nothing wrong.

    Though, I mean, did you see how dirty that bath water was that they threw out? So gross!

    And obviously there never was a baby, I am clearly mistaken, because they of such high standing could never do something foolish. How silly of such a lowlife like me to even dare to accuse someone of higher standing of doing something like that…

  13. “Not here to comment on parenting…The concepts of .self-esteem. and .intrinsic worth. of females are New Age bunk, the bedrock of feminism.”

    Your comments show that you lack knowledge of the female mind. Indeed, as far as I can tell, you think that women are men with boobs and should have the same emotional attributes as men. This is incorrect.

    If you didn’t want to comment on parenting, you should have stopped your comment there. Self-esteem and self-worth are very important concepts for parents of girls. The terms themselves are irrelevant. Call them anything you want, it’s the meaning and actions behind the terms that are important.

    Girls are highly emotional and irrational creatures. This is hardwired. Focusing on establishing a girl’s self-worth and self-esteem builds her self-confidence (or self-image) to keep her from emotional despair and other mental disorders. One of the jobs of every father is to cultivate a healthy emotional state in his daughters: he has the inherent skills to ground her. It’s no surprise that in the feminist era of broken families that mental health disorders (and corresponding medicating) are at such heights.

    In a more functional society, development of her self-esteem and self-worth would be supported by society. The irony of feminism is that “girl power” lowers self-esteem and self-worth. If we didn’t have feminism, parents would still be doing all the same things to better their daughters’ mental health, but there wouldn’t need to be such a societal emphasis on them.

    “Females would do well with having zero concern of self-image.”

    This is just about as reasonable as wishing for a square circle. Women are not men.

  14. @Derek
    I start by acknowledging first and foremost I know nothing about your family, only to have you assume the position of gatekeeper for knowledge ‘as a parent of girls’. I extended an olive branch even before commenting, knowing full well how the comments could come across… and it was moot.

    I do know the female mind and female nature, have plenty of experience that I won’t claim here (everyone is an Olympic gold medalist on the internet, right?). Rather, it is because I know the female that I know how to medicate the inherent pitfalls that I make the statements I do. You view these as false given your paradigm. So be it. Can only lead a horse to water, after all.

    You are a self-proclaimed Christian? Compare the paradigm you espouse to the following:
    Ec 26:25 – shameface
    1 Ti 2:9 – modest
    Ma 16:25 – selfless
    Cl 3:1-3 – identity in Christ
    The model of Esther- who through humility and obedience, at risk to her life- served both her lord the king and her Lord the King in saving the people Israel. There is no ‘self esteem’ or a ‘woman who found her intrinsic worth’ to be witnessed: it’s all faithful execution of God’s plan, a throwing OFF about concern or value of self, for the Kingdom. Rather, it is NOT esteem of self, but esteem of God that needs to be understood. The intrinsic worth is in Christ, not in oneself.

    Self-esteem begets pride, which is the singular pitfall women of this age face. Per Ge 3:16, it will be the lifelong struggle she faces, the undermining of God’s Order between men and women. What is not being suggested here is trying to make a square into a circle, but a path of unrighteousness borne out of biblical misapplication into a path of righteousness. Perhaps, as your metaphor passively hints, it is indeed an impossibility- yet not due to geometric law but sin nature.
    (FWIW, a square geometrically becomes a circle at a single point: the geometric possibility exists)

    The greatest lessons are learned out of failure. For a boy, face him against a task that is insurmountable, so that he learn where his shortcomings are, and thus prepare in overcoming them. For a girl, the same holds true, but the take-aways are different: that she learn of her shortcomings and how intrinsic they are to being a female. Her path is the helper, his is the leader, but both (dissimilar) understandings are made manifest through the same exposures. Women are not men, after all.

    Indeed, I know the differences between the natures of male and female. I’m not here to comment on your parenting (again, I extend the olive branch) but on the paradigm alone. Don’t conflate the two as a defense.

    Satan cannot create, only pervert, but you clearly know this from your rhetoricals. From here, I don’t know the intention of your post, and it doesn’t seek a response.

  15. “I extend the olive branch”

    It is much appreciated. I don’t see my stance as mutual exclusive with most of what you wrote.

    “Self-esteem begets pride”

    I do not disagree that the prideful push a tainted brand of self-confidence, but self-esteem is not equivalent to pride, nor are they related by direct causation. Self-esteem is a person’s self-confidence in their worth or their abilities. One can simultaneously have high self-esteem while also being humble, selfless, shamefaced, etc.

  16. “The greatest lessons are learned out of failure. For a boy, face him against a task that is insurmountable, so that he learn where his shortcomings are, and thus prepare in overcoming them.”

    It’s gettin’ a bit deep in the manure here now.

    No father in this day and age takes his “boy” and drops him in the Adirondacks, or the Sierra-Nevadas and says “here face this task and survive a few days, miles from nowhere and you will learn where your shortcomings are”

    Failure? In the man-o-sphere?????? Every man I have had banter with there can’t even admit they use the bathroom and take a dump just like everyone else. There is no failure there. I never spoke with so many experts on everything, know it alls on every nuance of culture, and society……failure you say? Every man there can throw a football like Eli Manning, fix and overhaul any short-block Mopar and look at any woman and bring her to orgasm. These men are perfect. Failure? Only chumps, simps, churchians, betas, gammas fail! Failure?????? I don’t believe it. These men are perfect, and IF the rest of us “regular men” understood female nature, got a STEM degree, treated women like dogsh*t well, there would be no problems!

    Many shortcomings can never be overcome. I cannot make my IQ higher that 94. No matter how much I study, practice, or read…………that is not going to make me into a man who has 122 IQ. A shorter than average man cannot make himself 6’3″ no matter what he does. Drink more milk would be the ‘spheres answer to him, or just be “confident” in the height you have……hot women will find this irresistable.

    In todays world, there is no room for any failure for most men. One f*ck up, and its over. Career, with women, with potential promotions, or getting up in the morning.

  17. Failure? In the man-o-sphere?????? Every man I have had banter with there can.t even admit they use the bathroom and take a dump just like everyone else. There is no failure there. I never spoke with so many experts on everything, know it alls on every nuance of culture, and society..failure you say? Every man there can throw a football like Eli Manning, fix and overhaul any short-block Mopar and look at any woman and bring her to orgasm. These men are perfect. Failure? Only chumps, simps, churchians, betas, gammas fail! Failure?????? I don.t believe it. These men are perfect, and IF the rest of us .regular men. understood female nature, got a STEM degree, treated women like dogsh*t well, there would be no problems!

    I find them funny. It’s as though they each think they’re the star of their very own top-rated talk-show.

  18. Focusing on establishing a girl.s self-worth and self-esteem builds her self-confidence (or self-image) to keep her from emotional despair and other mental disorders.

    So how’s that been working out for society?
    Despite all the goddess esteem training in School, church, and in the movies, most of these self-esteeming shameless hussies today are popping psych-meds like they were playing hungry-hungry-hippos. And women overrating themselves, and rejecting all the men who are in their marital league, often leads the oft rejected men to developing issues also.

    I think your sentence above is wrong, even though you’re a smart man, and I know you believe that.

    Everybody needs to know their true identity, but women should be taught to be humble, meek, quiet, and even shamefaced. Their true identity is a weak and fallible second created class of human that needs constant leading and husbanding by the first class of human to fulfill their intended purpose, which is to serve and be used by the first class of humans who image Christ to them and should be constantly washing them with the word of God, because they defile themselves so easily while following their fleshly emotions instead of higher reasoning. God isn’t the one who doesn’t understand how women work. He tells us these things for our good. All the self-esteem crap that has been beer-bonged into women by our society has been a colossal failure, and produced a generation of self-centered self-justifying whores. I think it is high time we got back to God’s Patriarchy and teaching women to know their place serving men, “the natural use of the woman”,(indulging their husband’s divinely given sexual purpose, bonding to her husband in the flesh, and the joyous sharing of God’s gift of sanctified sex) and to quit her aspirations for singular achievement, and to teach women they can best achieve God’s purpose for them by quickly finding a God following husband and building him and his household up for her lifetime.

  19. Focusing on establishing a girl.s self-worth and self-esteem builds her self-confidence (or self-image) to keep her from emotional despair and other mental disorders.

    So how’s that been working out for society?
    Despite all the goddess esteem training in School, church, and in the movies, most of these self-esteeming shameless hussies today are popping psych-meds like they were playing hungry-hungry-hippos. And women overrating themselves, and rejecting all the men who are in their marital league, often leads the oft rejected men to developing issues also.

    Derek, I think your sentence above is wrong, even though you’re a smart man, and I know you believe what you wrote.

    Everybody needs to know their true identity, but women should be taught to be humble, meek, quiet, and even shamefaced. Their true identity is a weak and fallible second created class of human that needs constant leading and husbanding by the first class of human to fulfill their intended purpose, which is to serve and be used by the first class of humans who image Christ to them and should be constantly washing them with the word of God, because they defile themselves so easily while following their fleshly emotions instead of higher reasoning. God isn’t the one who doesn’t understand how women work. He tells us these things for our good. All the self-esteem crap that has been beer-bonged into women by our society has been a colossal failure, and produced a generation of self-centered self-justifying whores. I think it is high time we got back to God’s Patriarchy and teaching women to know their place serving men, “the natural use of the woman”,(indulging their husband’s divinely given sexual purpose, bonding to her husband in the flesh, and the joyous sharing of God’s gift of sanctified sex) and to quit her aspirations for singular achievement, and to teach women they can best achieve God’s purpose for them by quickly finding a God following husband and building him and his household up for her lifetime.

  20. Hmmmm ..

    And the cycle continues [1] ..


    The headline reads ..

    Adele Is ‘Perky as Hell’ After Difficult Divorce . and Itching to Share New Music with Fans: Sources

    Difficult only because she may be the one paying the support .. or doesn’t have full custody .. or whatever else she thinks she’s entitled to ..

    But notice how it makes her sound thankful & happy .. like marriage was so bad and aweful .. and now she’s got her groove back and only now she can once again spread her wings .. only because she found happiness .. after divorce.

    [1] .. From her own Wiki page ..

    Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was born on 5 May 1988 in Tottenham, London, to an English mother, Penny Adkins, and a Welsh father, Marc Evans.[6] Evans left when Adele was two, leaving her mother to raise her.[7][8]

    They don’t seem to have been married (adele’s parents) .. or dear ole mom didn’t take the husbands last name.

    Regardless the cycle continues. Wimminz from broken homes are exponential higher risks for men to marry.

    You young men interested in marriage should avoid such wimminz. And focus on wimminz with a good and healthy loving relationship with her dad.

  21. How about replacing “self-esteem” with “self-respect”? You don’t do vile things for the same reason you don’t poop on your kitchen table. You try to improve your skills and do better because it’s good for you. And self-respect, to me, implies less navel-gazing than self-esteem, because you’re only looking at yourself when considering a course of action–like looking at a mirror only when you’re grooming yourself, rather than staring into the mirror endless hours and obsessing over your looks.

  22. There is nothing wrong with teaching young girls to have self esteem, and some self respect. Our esteeemed man-o-sphere wants all young girls to only learn how to be a good wife, who looks great physically, who will obey and never question her husband, doesn’t have any opinions, desperately waits for him to give her permission to do anything, waits on him hand and foot……………oh, but their daughters?????? Oh no, no, no……their daughters have been and are being raised to do well in school (just in case no real men “step up” and marry them at 18). They I am sure tell them of their “evil nature” daily and how they must listen to a man on everything, they allow them to put make-up on with a paint spayer to be attractive to men and I am sure are encouraging them to marry a man who “only loves Jesus” and it doesn’t matter if he’s 15, 17 or 20 years older than her……and he doesn’t have to have a good job, nor does he have to be handsome (besides, we all know women don’t care about that anyway)

    I’ll take a dump in my trousers right now if any of them are telling their daughters this.

    These dads……many will be in for a bit of a shock………when their daughter bails the house at 18, or goes to college anyway, or ends up accidently pregnant (yeah, I am sure these dads would throw their daughter out and shame her, call her a ‘soiled dove’ and not have anything to do with her)

    Girls need their dads to show how a man behaves, and making the church, or AHG or any other group responsible for her upbringing in these matters is their own fault. A Frame type of man who runs his house constantly in fear or “female rebellion” (his wife or daughters) is the real simp here, and has self esteem issues of his own. Maybe he should go to an AHG meeting or two

  23. ” How about replacing .self-esteem. with .self-respect.? ”

    Your paradigm is still about ‘self’, so no. A reference point, by definition, needs to be outside of the points within consideration. It is why Elohim is the ultimate reference point for all of Creation.

    A society that values self-*anything* is a society without compass, immediately on a path to destruction. This is empirically observable to persons across all timelines, creeds, religions, ethnicities.

    Everything you’ve written as examples of ‘self-respect’ can be equally attributed to respect-of-others (eg. not shitting on tables). It is also why I jumped into this conversation to pick apart Derek’s statement: what he wrote is incorrect, even if what he meant is valid (I cannot read minds).

  24. ” They don.t seem to have been married (adele.s parents) .. or dear ole mom didn.t take the husbands last name.

    Regardless the cycle continues. Wimminz from broken homes are exponential higher risks for men to marry.

    You young men interested in marriage should avoid such wimminz. And focus on wimminz with a good and healthy loving relationship with her dad. ”

    There’s a lot mankind can learn from studying animals. Country folk are the wisest beings I’ve ever met.

    When a shepherd goes to the farm next door to pick up a new pup to help him with the circling of his flocks, he pays no mind to the pups themselves. There is no telling how that litter will work out. He looks at the sire and the bitch. First, the sire, always the sire.

    The sire is who the family is watching. Pay attention to both appearance and behavior. Is he of strong stock? Healthy hips, clear eyes etc. Does he respond well to the master’s call? Focused, dutiful etc. No red flags? Move to the mother.

    What’s her status? Does she respond well to the male? Is she good at mothering, does she ignore any pup in particular? (If so, never take that dog back home- she knows something you don’t about the worth of that pup.) And- just as with the father- what is her health status? Good hips? How sane is she? Responsive?

    A farmer who fails to produce the sire and bitch for examination is hiding something. You don’t take a pup home without thorough examination of the stock from whence it came.

    Now apply this to the courting of wimminz.

    What values does the father have? Those will be her values. What status does he have- education, career etc? These will be similar to her desires in a man of her own. Check yourself that you and the father are aligned in outlook, values, goals etc. This will be the man who has formed her, knows her best, and will ultimately be the course-correction back to you in the event she feels like her marriage with you is ‘more than she expected’ or you are not ‘living up to expectations’.

    What worth is her mother? Does she tend to her father? How her mother interacts with her father will be how the wimminz interacts with you. Is her mother fake or forced in some way, with her dealings with the father? You will ignore the fakeness when she interacts with you, with that soft smile and wet pussy begging for your attention. It’s far easier to spot when it’s a third party- in this case, the mother- who is available for study. Look for the traits in the mother: this is the woman she will become.

    She comes from a broken home? No father/mother to examine? Maybe you take her home, but never to the altar.

    It’s a pity that puppy never came to work on your farm, but I’m sure it found a sappy home for its future. There’s no need to be the sap for the wimminz, she’ll find another.

  25. ” These dads..many will be in for a bit of a shock…when their daughter bails the house at 18, or goes to college anyway, or ends up accidently pregnant (yeah, I am sure these dads would throw their daughter out and shame her, call her a .soiled dove. and not have anything to do with her)

    Girls need their dads to show how a man behaves, and making the church, or AHG or any other group responsible for her upbringing in these matters is their own fault. A Frame type of man who runs his house constantly in fear or .female rebellion. (his wife or daughters) is the real simp here, and has self esteem issues of his own. Maybe he should go to an AHG meeting or two ”

    You are talking out of both sides of your face here.

    You are absolutely correct in that most men fail to understand it is the results of their outlook that matter, never the intentions. Raising a ram in a bottle will always- without fail- produce disastrous results. The worst offenders are Christian fathers who raise their daughters on Disney (planting the seed of feminist thought), encourage them to get good grades at school (usurping their own authority over them with the authority of academics), make purity promises with them during teenage years (now a burden she’s asked to keep without understanding the importance), then financed with 4 years of unsupervised slutfest at a college near you wherein they exercise their Disney Grrrl Pwrrr earning academic accolades and shedding that loathsome burden the man whose authority she does not respect told her to bear.

    “But I did everything right!” No, they *thought* they did everything right. They, through good intentions, did everything wrong. They turned their daughter into an idol, and when she does not turn out as they *intended*, their cognitive dissonance is such that they double-down in efforts to ‘fix’ her, or ‘love’ her or whatever-the-f…-else they need to do to sleep at night. Of course they won’t kick her out.

    These fathers were blue-pilled (I hate the expression, but it fits) from the get-go, only made evident through their daughter-parenting. Never pay any mind to what people say. Talk is cheap. Pay attention to action and result, action and result.

    (/\ This is an example of ikr commenting on parenting, so that it is clear. \/ This is an example of ikr commenting on husbanding, so that it is clear.)

    It is the father, absolutely, who is responsible for the tone and message of the upbringing of a child. His biggest helper, and greatest enemy, will be his wife. How she reinforces- or usurps- his authority is beyond his control, and he would do well to perpetually be leading her.

    Outsourcing parenting- *specifically* fatherhood- is disastrous. AHG gatherings or time with grandma or even Bible-reading itself can only ever be a supplement, not a replacement, to fathering. Part of fathering is a healthy fear of the man of the house. Fear is like any tool: good in the hands of a wise man, evil in the hands of the careless. Perpetual white-in-the-eyes-panic surely is not healthy, but why the pot-shot of emasculation towards men who have been successful at keeping their flock healthy through the means at their disposal?

    For the Christian reader in our midst today, a reminder that fear of the Lord is the fount of wisdom (Pr 9:10). Christian fathers being the lord (little ‘L’) of their family (their church), cultivating reverential fear is healthy. My children should absolutely be more fearful of me, than some magistrate, the police, their mother, their peers on the playground. Fear is what allows you to enforce standards set without resorting to coercion. Fear is a natural response to the recognition of authority. One does not fear that which one does not respect. Naturally, this applies to the wife of the husband, and healthy to keep her from becoming a wimminz- or at least slipping back into being a wimminz.

  26. Write more, thats all I have to say. Literally, it seems as though you relied on the video to make your point. You clearly know what youre talking about, why throw away your intelligence on just posting videos to your blog when you could be giving us something informative to read?

  27. Talking about of both sides of my face…..

    Lol….whatever you say. More and more I am starting to think that marriage rates are down not because of feminism or chivarlry, or hypergamy, or other bizzaro theories out there

    It’s frankly because it freaking tiring. For a man.

    Frame, rock solid maintaing the relationship and leading at “all times” or her evil nature will come out and destroy you. No such thing as love or commitment. No bother making a marriage vow before god….she has this “evil nature” that cannot be controlled unless you, the man watch her. Never leave her alone for a moment…..because this “evil nature’ causes her to cheat, causes her to run amuck….causes her to be hypergamous because “she can’t help it, it’s in her evil nature”

    Any man that signs up for this probably gets exhausted, she gets exasperated and hence a bad marriage or marriage that is tiresome, “not happy” and all the other maladries it becomes. She leaves, and “she broke her vows before god!!!” yet, she has this natur she can’t help unless the man is a ‘natural born leader’

    that didn’t stop Trumps divorce. Didn’t stop Jack Welch’s either. Nor Reagan’s. These men MUST have been loser batas, and just did not have “headship and leadership” that the woman craves so dearly…..but will rebel anyway because of this uncollable upsur “thing” in her that even god cannot fix.

    Yeah……no thanks.

    I’ll take a wife who wants to be a team player. Follows the rules, knows how to give and take…..has more opinions than just her hair color or nail color. I’ll take a wife that wants to cheer me on yet, isn’t afraid to speak her mind with me and come to a good answer for the betterment of the marriage, the family and our own personal lives.

    My parents had this.

    Today marriage is impossible in the man-o-sphere because no matter what you are doing, striving for or working towards with your wife……”its wrong, it’s no good”

    Miserey loves company and I am begining to doubt all these “Alpah Males” in the sphere have good marriages, they are work, rules, work, work, work, stern demands, cold responses……….

    Probably part of the reason why many men don’t want marriage. Who wants a wife….even the supposed NAWALT or unicorn…….if you let your Frame down for one iota….you’re doomed!!! Doomed!!!!

    You all can have it. SOunds and is exhausting. I’ll take what my parents had. Actual and mutual trust

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