Censored Material: My Wife Left Me

The following story was posted two days ago on Reddit, and it was censored within hours, but not before it was cached by the most evil wonderful corporation ever to have existed. Thanks to our revolutionary antifeminist comrades at Google, for saving this story!

The author is unknown. Is it fiction? I dunno. Personally I find it totally credible. Take it away, my brother…

Our brother has learned the hard way about treating wimminz the way one would like to be treated himself. Of course, he loved his wife, so he assumed (naïvely) that she loved him in exactly the same fashion.

It’s O.K. to send her to Maui for a week. She’d never cheat on you, right?

As for this man’s son, we respect the concept of adoption, as all men do. If I were him, I’d have a calm talk with this young brother, lay out all the details, and then make a decision on what the future brings. I can’t imagine any scenario in which our younger brother doesn’t end up hating his mother, though I suspect he has always hated that bitch. Kids aren’t nearly as stupid as their mothers assume them to be.

Of course, I’ve warned the married bros about assuming your wife was a man-with-tits, while simultaneously redpilling aspiring playaz about the dangers of being “the guy she really wants…”

That guy has just broken up a good brother’s family. At the same time, he has become the next sucker for this bitch to take advantage of. Be smart, and don’t let this be you.

Just say ‘no’ to the married ho’

That includes all these supposedly single bitches you find on Tinder who are “just here for the weekend from out of town,” and “looking for a fun time…”

Note our brother’s confusion over the phenomenological “change” he describes. One minute, he knew one set of facts, and the next, he knew another, so he perceives his bitch of a wife as a “different person.” In reality, the bitch has not changed one iota.

I truly sympathize with this man, and would never make light of his situation, but it bears repeating that this state-of-affairs would not have erupted had he not made some very serious mistakes.

What do you brothers think of this story? Sound off below.

And to the human garbage over at Reddit: May you be treated in the way you have treated our brother…

22 thoughts on “Censored Material: My Wife Left Me

  1. Why would this be censored? It’s a story that’s all too common.
    Let’s pray he finds some Red Pilled brothers who can help him pull through.

  2. What do you brothers think of this story?

    Assuming it’s true…instead of saying ‘no’ to her open relationship suggestion…that should have been his ‘goodbye’ speech. Anytime someone suggests that…they are already doing it.

  3. “Of course, he loved his wife, so he assumed (na?vely) that she loved him in exactly the same fashion….I.ve warned the married bros about assuming your wife was a man-with-tits”

    Men and women are very different and it’s lunacy to not recognize this. There is no question that I am na?ve, but even I know that my wife does not love me in exactly the same fashion as I love her. We show love in different ways and amounts. I’m married, so consequently there is nothing I can do if she decides to violate the trust. She knows it, I know it. I never got the sense that she’s loyal to me precisely because she knows I’ll always be loyal to her. I don’t think it works that way.

    “One minute, he knew one set of facts, and the next, he knew another, so he perceives his bitch of a wife as a .different person.. In reality, the bitch has not changed one iota.”

    My wife has changed in many mostly positive ways over the years, but she has not changed essentially. Thus, she has been no more or less likely to cheat on me at any point in our marriage. She’s who she is. In this case, this seems to be a good thing.

    I do think people can change for the better, but that you should never rely on this when marrying. So it’s revealing that this guy did everything, including all the housework. She did nothing to show investment in the marriage. It looks like it was always that way too. While my wife and I very much share the day-to-day responsibilities (we have to), she unquestionably does the majority of the jobs traditionally done by wives.

    “I truly sympathize with this man, and would never make light of his situation, but it bears repeating that this state-of-affairs would not have erupted had he not made some very serious mistakes.”

    Few men get the blatantly obvious warning sign that this man got, and he should have said goodbye at that point (as Earl said). Unfortunately, he’s human. Just look at how many times Boxer has broken his own rules, despite knowing better. For this reason, he has my sympathy. He may have been na?ve, but it isn’t his fault she lied and cheated.

  4. (In writing, this post grew considerably beyond the intended. Apologies, not apologizing.)

    Starting with bias: I do not subscribe to the paradigm of defeatism. Numerically speaking, NAWALT *is* true, but absolutely: manipulative AWALT nature is inherent to the female being. Note: this is not an apologetic here for wimminz, just an observer of statistical truth. Some women (eg. my grandmother) are examples other women should emulate, while others (eg. my mother) are not.
    The reality is that we must procreate, and the problems rife in society will never be solved if only the ‘others’ are multiplying and indoctrinating the next gen. Breeding *is* a tactic (and command- Ge 1:28) in this war, and refraining from doing so is playing right into the hands of those imposing population replacement/control. So, then, what to do? Breeding is necessary, but one can never, ever be sure of the loyalty-stock of the woman involved. A true ‘necessary evil’ of sorts.

    Rather than the statement of ‘it cannot be done’ I believe it to be a pairing of the questions ‘how can it be done’ AND ‘how can it NOT be done’? Examples on both sides are helpful to study. Every story- *every* story- comes with a learning opportunity.

    For starters, tolerance is antithetical to love. It is *because* I love someone that I will rebuke/reprimand them (Pr 27:5), not tolerate any of their shit. A 1-strike policy should be every man’s way of life, in all things, towards all persons. If the wimminz is caught lying in any capacity at any point, she has used up her freebie, receives the appropriate reprimand and retraining, and is placed on permanent probation. She is not to be trusted.
    Mi 7:5 needs to be taught to every young man, and especially to those entering marriage with wimminz. (<–This sentence should be in bold, italics and fancy cursive font.)

    Z.E.R.O. lip. It is your house, it is your castle, it is your kingdom, it is your path in existence that matters to anywhere who bears YOUR name. This includes her and the children. She is your subject, you are her lord (1 Pt 3:6). ANY amount- no matter how 'justified' it may legitimately be (eg. you got to the airport late and missed the flight, the cars were left unlocked and 2000 dollars of stuff stolen, you forgot- the horror!- a gift on Valentine's day)- of lip or attitude from her, and march that product (her) straight to the store (her parents) and provide reason for return: "faulty model, slipped past Quality Control." Communicate this from the onset of the relationship, reinforced daily. If she feels the need to talk back (1 Pt 3:1), she should know in no uncertain terms, deep in her bones, it comes with an immediate and one-way trip to her parents.

    'Do not expect from what you do not inspect' immediately comes to mind (Ma 7:15-19). While I agree with the gesture, I disagree that men should be outside of the delivery room, hospital entirely even, during birth. Rather, husbands should be sitting patiently with a DNA kit at the ready to grab a swab of the newborn and rush that kit off to the lab of YOUR choosing for paternal verification. Her knowing all children will be tested this way, without emotion, may serve as a strong deterrent from spreading her legs for Chad.
    ~ Furthermore, who is to say she cannot be subject to random vaginal swabbing throughout the relationship for a hit of anything more than 2 (hers, mine) persons' DNA? After all, I am subject to random drug tests at work to keep me honest.
    ~ Furthermore, her comings and goings can be subject to inspection. Using up a sick day or vacation day of my own to monitor her movement for 8 hours, then with phone records in-hand, asking her to detail her usage of time. Reminder of exercising zero tolerance with lying- no matter how small the lie. After all, my employment requires time-cards of its employees (me) on how time is spent to keep things honest.
    ~ Furthermore, monies. Having a financial system for which you are the executor, requiring receipts for all purchases, no slush funds (eg. cash). Sure, have a 500 dollar prepaid credit card for her to use for [clearly defined] emergencies but as always, monitor usage.

    'Idle hands are the devil's playground' also comes to mind (2 Th 3:11). Why anyone has home internet, social media accounts, TV subscriptions, movie nights, vacations is beyond me. Just as a man goes off to work and has a list of things to do at his location of employment, so too should a woman have her lists of work inside the home to perform. The 'honey-do' list is given BY the husband TO the wife.
    When a man under-performs at work, at his boss' discretion, the paycheck is put on hiatus. When she under-performs at home, at her boss' discretion (read: her husband's), her luxuries are put on hiatus (male attention, protection, dining out, family vacations etc)- she is only ever owed the basic needs of clothing, sustenance, shelter, sex (Ex 21:10, 1 Ti 6:8). But also don't put her in a situation where is allowed/encouraged to become idle, and inspect the quality of her work: meals should be perfectly timed, table dressed with place-settings, toilets should be scrubbed, a man should never witness a dish dirty, in the sink, in the dishwasher- ever, etc.
    ~ She finishes her tasks before her master's return? Great, she can paint, learn a new language, play the piano, read (husband-approved) books, go for a walk with the dog. Why are men funding wimminz' desire for external stimuli? The 'entertain me' attitude needs to be squashed, stat, everywhere it peeps its head.
    ~ The greatest occupier of women's time? Children. All women want them. Don't give her the chance to hesitate between the world (eg. have a 'career', watch Oprah etc.) and the family. Put your lime into her coconut and pump her full (aim for at least 4, a woman with 2 or less has too much time left over to become idle). Children are what she wants, what her body was divinely purpose-built to produce: don't deny her, provide for her neeeeeds, man, before she seeks Chad's services.
    ~ Oh, the children are stressing her out, she needs a vacay? Bullshit, she gets a 2-week visit from YOUR mother (or other trusted female relative of YOUR choosing- and rotate the 'help' so she can't plan something sinister in advance) to help right her ship of keeping the house a home, engage in all the latest wimminz' gossip. After all, at work- when we discover we have insufficient bandwidth on a project- we bring in contractors, for a limited time. We don't depart on vacations. Vacations happen when YOU, the breadwinner, the limited-available time individual, say they happen, to where, with whom. YOU are the one who needs a vacation, has earned a vacation- no one else can stake claim to either.

    'You cannot serve two masters' comes up in the rear (Ma 6:24). No wife should ever be encouraged/allowed to be in a position of serving another man in any way. Her purpose is not to chase dollars (that's the man's duty), academic achievements (what are these, other than securing a man's- not her husband's- approval?): but to keep the home and family (Pr 31:27). Her networking with other men, and living with the influence of other wimminz is unhealthy for her outlook on her relationship with you. Just as a soldier's place of duty is the perimeter, a woman's place of duty is the home (Ti 2:5).

    And of course, while I list it last, it is how the relationship should begin: a proper vetting process (read: dating with intention to unearth red flags of hers) which concludes with a legally-binding document (in the presence of two independent lawyers representing both parties etc), which is NOT a civil marriage license, between the man-woman. HER parents as co-signers on her side of the paper, in agreement that she is entering into this arrangement willingly and without coercion of any kind (said document should never reference 'marriage', 'relationship' or any other government-used term to denote the aspect of interactions between the man and woman). The terms of their interaction should be laid out (eg. sex daily with 1 week exception per month, zero sexual interactions with other men, etc) in fully quantifiable terms.
    As the fundamental term: when any of the outlined terms are not met, the female is returned with solely the clothes on her back (no children, no monies, no car, no house- thank you for playing) to her parents, nothing else, at all. What she wins out of the arrangement is thus time already spent living for free, eating for free, sleeping under male protection. Sounds pretty fair to me, nay?
    Maybe she ignores the reality of the biased court system with accompanying police state today, is truly just naive and she doesn't like the terms because they 'feel' overbearing. Or maybe she *is* the conniving wimminz. In EITHER case, she can walk: she is not coerced into the contract. Any woman who won't abide by such a contract, you don't want as a wife anyway (Pr 21:19, 25:24). Bullet dodged, bullet dodged.
    (Inspiration: https://www.gotquestions.org/covenant-marriage.html)

    Oh, and everything (the house, bank accounts, THE CHILDREN, the phone records, furniture inventory/list, the cars etc) is always in the man's name, exclusively. Possession is 9/10ths, after all.

    Will these serve as a failsafe against wimminz nature? No, wimminz by their nature are masters of covert contracts. But a system of deterrents controlled by the husband (not government) will catch most, and give those fighting the procreation fight a fighting chance.

    Eternal vigilance (Jn 10:1), never let down your guard (Mt 25:13): the burden bore by men.

    I would posit this as the position. The question is: what's the comprehensive list of deterrents that work (and those that don't work) and how to manage them, to control wimminz' behavior once past the vetting stage, into marriage. My question is, is how to expand this list. The man in the OP went down with the ship, let's hold that vigil in his honor, absolutely. He deserves every last bagpipe note.
    When the final note fades, what can be learned from him?

  5. Dear ikr, are you really a man, because

    Bullshit snipped by Boxer… whoops! Nothing left!

    P.S.: Shut up, whore. Nobody gave you permission to speak.

  6. What can be learned?

    Well, according to the modern church and the Christian sphere “he just didn’t vett her well enough / he should have done a full, detailed search of her past. Interviewed past boyfriends, gone to her hometown to ‘talk to the locals’ who knew her when she was 15 to see if she ever kissed a boy before meeting him and if she ever gave a BJ to a guy…….even a christian one, kick that ho’ to the curb / he had ample info in the past twenty years to learn Game and get a real woman and test her to see if she would “obey” his every word / he didn’t use the tools to “decode” what his wife really meant when she said “good morning” / He obviously could have marched her into a gynocologist before the wedding to check for an intact hymen….and if it wasn’t there…dump that ‘ho and find a woman with no “n” count / he should prayed for his inner Game and watched every detail about her / he was a fool for trusting a no-good woman, he should have read Roosh’s book “Bang Poland” and moved to the Ukraine or Poland, or Slovenia, or one of those tiny Baltic countries and married a god fearing woman who is a NAWALT, learned the language, just learned skills to get a good high-paying job there got dual citizenship……worked for me, very easy actually / he wasn’t leading her properly, Rollo always says………/ all women are evil by their nature….except for my wife………and they can’t be trusted / if he wasn’t so beta this would have never happened / oh, he just needs to quit his whining, get some Frame and stand up to her, the courts, the police, her family and she will fall into line, you see women are atttracted to real manly authority / well, he didn’t read Dalrocks post about Chivalry and courtly love, if he did……he would have never got married. Really simple actually / he needs help, here is Rollo’s book / he didn’t pray enough / he didn’t have real men to model manhood to him, he should join the orthodox church / he was a terrible father if only he did this / he should have done that / I would have beat the snot outta her

    this could go on for another 100 pages. The reality is, there was no help or hope for him.
    Getting a lawyer will be useless. He’s gonna afford a few thousand bucks a day? He needs counseling? Christian counselors and their ilk usually start their hourly rate around 150.00 per hour……for them to tell you “well, jesus really loves you, pray for her………umm, your credit card was denied last week, ummm, do you have cash payment……and really, you don’t want to change your situation…you just come in here and complain”

    I wish there was something I could do for him. If he lived in my area of California, I’d put him up rent free for a bit until it got through the courts.

  7. Furthermore, who is to say she cannot be subject to random vaginal swabbing throughout the relationship for a hit of anything more than 2 (hers, mine) persons’ DNA? After all, I am subject to random drug tests at work to keep me honest.

    This one made me laugh.

    I don’t know if you were going for comedy, or what? This all sounds so ridiculously exhausting. I much prefer my life, banging willing skank-ho bitches who I know are fucking other men, and keeping my money and time (the majority of it, anyway) free for things I enjoy. Policing the behavior of a treacherous slag sounds like a full-time, miserable job that isn’t worth doing at any wage — and certainly not for some lackluster sex 3 times a week.

    he had ample info in the past twenty years to learn Game and get a real woman and test her to see if she would .obey. his every word / he didn.t use the tools to .decode. what his wife really meant when she said .good morning. / He obviously could have marched her into a gynocologist before the wedding to check for an intact hymen..and if it wasn.t there.dump that .ho and find a woman with no .n. count

    Yeah, then he would have met Jenny Erikson or Nagmeh Abeidini, who was the virginal young unicorn… before spinning on a dime to run him through the divorce courts and fuck a series of playaz after.

    There’s really no way to win this game, except to do what we’re doing, and refuse to play it.

  8. Viewpoints understood, no judgement passed. I get it, completely do. I just refuse to ever view myself as a victim, even if the title is truly earned. This guy, undoubtedly was a victim (with the exception of the odd request at the onset of the relationship). So I ask how to find the silver lining to make tomorrow a brighter day.

    @Boxer: glad you enjoyed the prose, but the asking is serious and could be easily be packaged into a fast, stress-free manner. Curious, to turn the question instead: what would need to change in the rules of the game (spoken or unspoken) that would make it worth playing? Maybe fresh post-worthy, I ask zero royalties for the idea.

  9. “This all sounds so ridiculously exhausting.”

    I completely agree. I married for companionship and the joy of having someone beside me as a team. I didn’t marry to acquire a domestic servant or a sexy concubine. If I had to be that suspicious of her or that freakishly controlling, I’d never have gotten married. If you are that desperate for sex, there are prostitutes and whores aplenty, as Boxer has shown time and again.

  10. @ikr

    Seriously? Your list of conditions works in theory but good luck in ever and I mean EVER finding a woman on this planet who will submit to such outrageous demands

  11. @Jason

    “he just didn.t vett her well enough / he should have done a full, detailed search of her past…even a christian one, kick that ho. to the curb / he had ample info in the past twenty years to learn Game and get a real woman and test her to see if she would .obey. his every word”

    If your future wife tells you she wants an open marriage, run. That is a really basic failure to “vet” her, but only if you understand that a promiscuous woman is likely to be promiscuous whether she is married or not, whether she says she is faithful or not.

    Regardless, vetting is only effective at thinning the herd. If you have no prospects (or only one), then it won’t help you get married. Pick up techniques and Game are highly questionable methods for acquiring a quality wife.

    The ‘sphere is mostly useless. Who is going to help you find a wife? Celibate men? Serial Fornicators? Divorcees? Unlikely. Long-time married men? Reasonable, but they can’t advise on current conditions and methods. Short-term married men? They could provide current techniques, but will they be a good? Only time can tell.

    In every successful marriage I have ever found.hundreds of them.the couples describe themselves as best friends. If there is one piece of advice in the ‘sphere that has been unanimously condemned (by everyone except me), it is becoming close friends with a girl you are interested in with strong lines of communication. Men and women of all types mock this as the permanently romance-free “friend zone.” God forbid that a man pursue friendship with a woman. Don’t you know the Bible requires women to aggressively pursue men, but they then must become completely passive by submiting to men in every single other way, becoming completely subservient to them?(*cough* *cough* ikr *cough*)?

  12. Dear ikr:

    Congrats on getting a majority of my readers to decloak and dogpile.

    No less a personage than AfOR (over at wimminz) predicted that the invention of a cheap, handheld DNA test would be a game changer for fathers, on the order that the pill was to wimminz.

    If I had to be that suspicious of her or that freakishly controlling, I.d never have gotten married.

    do you really think women would agree to those terms? Why the hell should they?

    Your list of conditions works in theory but good luck in ever and I mean EVER finding a woman on this planet who will submit to such outrageous demands

    I think he’s talking about technology, rather than strategy. What if there were a way to do such things that was simple, efficient, and could be accomplished without your wife’s knowledge? Furthermore: what if every bitch in the world knew such technology existed, and knew that it was cheap and easy enough for the average swinging dick to use?

  13. If your future wife tells you she wants an open marriage, run. That is a really basic failure to .vet. her, but only if you understand that a promiscuous woman is likely to be promiscuous whether she is married or not, whether she says she is faithful or not.

    I can see another possibility. It might be a way for a very insecure chick to test her man for infidelity, also.

    “Would you like an open relationship” is the equivalent of “are you going to fuck other women” in that context.

    Either way, it’s a sure sign of trouble, because if a woman is that insecure, she’s either going to fuck some other men (get you before you can get her) or she’s going to dump your ass, sooner than later, because she doesn’t want the Herpes, HIV, and the legal responsibility to support other bitch’s kids.

  14. @Boxer, exactly as you have surmised. Fun to always see the decloaking.

    A reminder that one need not *actually* follow through on any of the terms war-gamed here. The value of Damocles’ sword is in it never being used.

  15. Sooner or later, every husband finds himself in a similar predicament, especially if & when he asks the question which he does not want answered:

    “Is my woman perfect or human ?”

    To assume that your woman is perfect — perfectly faithful, perfectly honest — is much more comforting because to assume that your woman is human — flawed, dishonest, faithless — means that she is not ‘your woman’ at all but a free agent consumed by self-interest.

    This truth I found this out the hard way when I first questioned my ex-wife’s perfection (or lack-thereof), only to discover that there was neither limit nor consequence to her deceits. Just lies and more lies, all of which were ‘Not Actionable’ in the eyes of society.

    The price of marital bliss is self-deceit.

  16. Of course, I.ve warned the married bros about assuming your wife was a man-with-tits, while simultaneously redpilling aspiring playaz about the dangers of being .the guy she really wants.”

    That’s probably the biggest lie about feminism in marriage…that both man and wife are the head of the marriage (aka you are a man and your wife is a man with tits). You can’t have two heads. Man is the head of marriage.

    She internally knows this even if she spouts feminist group think outwardly. Hence if some player displays even the cartoonish aspect of masculinity…she’ll go for that over the guy who thinks they are equal in every way.

  17. Derek. My parents didn’t start out as “best friends”

    They met in late summer of 1964, dated for about six months….and wedding was planned. Marriage by September 1965. Neither of them were “church goers”

    I just think both wanted sex and both had a strong enough backing from their upbringing to know that you got married if you wanted that. My mother was 18. My dad was 30 (and he was a virgin as well)

    They BECAME very best of friends. I envy their marriage actually now as I push to the age of 50 in less than a year now…….

    There was no “game, frame, day game, night game, iois, secret codes to female language. There was no “evil nature” discussed about women. There was no “say this when she says or it means this when she says / does that”
    My dad asked my mom on date, she said “sure” and she had no clue that she would be married to him in less than a year. That’s it. They had to make it work, the sphere makes it out as if you marry the NAWALT all is well. She just pines all day to “obey” her husbands wise decisions. These men never flirted, never did anything “nice” for thier wife, because we all know that any nice behavior makes you a chump, a simp, and just like Adam in the bible because Adam was nice.

    There were no Fraternity terms thrown about (Beta, Alpha). There was no “women only date bad boys because you have to have frame”

    A date was had, then another, and another, and another….and it was just moving that direction.

  18. “They BECAME very best of friends.”

    I don’t disagree. The model your parents (and my grandparents) used is by far the more typical traditional model throughout centuries of history. When I suggest becoming best friends before marriage, it’s more hedging your bets with respect to the horribleness of modern marital prospects. It’s a form of vetting, but instead of being a checklist it’s more subjective and relational. You can’t trust anymore that she’ll become your best friend after you get married, so you invest tons of effort up front to make absolutely sure. You can theoretically become close friends with lots of women, but you only need one to break free of the “friend zone.”

    Of course either way, the manosphere teaches that you should never be best friends with your spouse, either before or after you marry. This is, IMO, one of the critical stupidities of the ‘sphere. So much time is spent harping on submission, authority, and roles that they miss the fact that marriage is supposed to be fun and enjoyable with someone you actually like.

    “They had to make it work”

    Jason, I just don’t know why so many people fail to listen to you. This is everything, the very open secret to a long-lasting marriage. Whether she was a virgin or a single-mom, Christian or an atheist, young or old, good looking or ugly, submissive or strong-willed…. she has to always be willing to make it work. Most of finding a good wife is just finding someone who likes you personally and physically and is willing to make it work through thick and thin. She has to be willing to sacrifice her own will to make it work. The man has to do the same thing. Accomplishing this may be difficult, but if you have it, your marriage is golden.

    None of that other stuff (game, frame, etc.) matters if you don’t have this.

  19. Derek……my mother said to me when I was in college……we were talking about my older brother Greg. When he was born…he had Downs Syndrome, massive health complications, holes in heart…..couldn’t even leave the hospital until he was seven months old. My mother had just turned 20. I cannot imagine what she went through. She told me “I could have never done that with without your dad. All the tears, the shame, the depression…the bills……your dads family, well meaning…..but still looking at me funny because I gave birth to a baby like this….it was rural northern New York State in 1966…..what were they supposed to think? I wanted to just go back to Britain. Never a shameful word from your dad. Never a ‘aw shut up, grow up’ attitude. He took extra work. He listened to me. Dried my tears, and I wasn’t easy during this time. I couldn’t even feel romantic for the next two years……it was terrible for him. Never hit me. Never yelled. He was just there.”

    My dad’s actions at this showed his investment and promises to this woman he married. He knew he would be repaid. He knew that “he chose this woman” and now he had to ride it out. There were no programs or government help at this time. My parents carried this alone. I get angry when I hear a mom or dad complain about their young son with ADHD “we need a full time aid on weekends, and he needs on in school, this isn’t fair!!!!”

    My parents were not perfect, they were a bit naive in so many things, esp when I was a teenager. They just figured I would get married to a “nice girl” someday not realizing that women……..and men had changed dratically with the culture. My father never struck, cheated, or belittled my mother. My mother never threatened divorce or talked down about her husband in the presence of family or companyYes, they did argue. They never kept score though….and that was something I liked. Wanted for myself in a wife.

    I could blame feminism. I could blame the times I came of age. I could blame so much on other variables……but in the end, it still would not change the fact that I am alone now. Really alone. They’re all gone.

    I don’t need sympathy or empathy…….nor pity. I just wanted real fellowship, and I have finally learned that we never really leave high school in some ways. Not everyone is going to be a leader, not everyone is going to be the decision maker. People still want their tables waited on, their cars fixed, the concrete poured, the ditches dug, the phone answered at the bank / credit union……….yet they don’t want their kids or themselves doing it.

    You know Jesus was in training to be a carpenter…..not a job in that period of time with Union benefits, healthcare, vacations, and not an “upper level provider status” job at the time…….and yet we never hear him once mention the money he made, how good he was, how his work was valued. We never even hear of Joesph…..in reality…..he was Jesus’s STEPDAD is were going to get TECHNICAL about it. We see Joesph never taking the forefront. Never mentioned on how great a dad he was, or even mentor. He was just there. He mattered…….

    The ‘sphere likes to make a stink about being a “good” provider just like the churchianity people they bemoan, but they never once look at the word provider as in stability. As in consistancy. AS in going the extra mile. AS in sticking around. It’s all about the money. My parents had zero when they married.

    Heck if this crew was around at the time my dad wanted to marry my mom he would have been labeled a chump, simp, cradle robber, and “not ready”

  20. ” Furthermore, who is to say she cannot be subject to random vaginal swabbing throughout the relationship for a hit of anything more than 2 (hers, mine) persons. DNA? After all, I am subject to random drug tests at work to keep me honest.

    This one made me laugh.

    I don.t know if you were going for comedy, or what? This all sounds so ridiculously exhausting. ”

    Apparently I was 1 week too soon. GQ just did an article on this brand new at-home company for rape kits. The irony? Women will be swabbing themselves in the same nether regions but for their own nefarious purposes.


    It isn’t a clown world in 2019. It’s a meme world.

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