Looks like skank-ho mommy and skank-ho granny are in some trouble. Not to worry, though. I’m sure they’ll be cunt-passed through the system and cut loose to do it all again within a few days.
Looks like skank-ho mommy and skank-ho granny are in some trouble. Not to worry, though. I’m sure they’ll be cunt-passed through the system and cut loose to do it all again within a few days.
By default (we know) it’s a baby BOY .. not girl.
So it’s okay! /S
We jus’ need a natural method of cleaning the gene-pool of these wimminz ..
What could we use .. I have an idea ..
What… in the actual HELL… is that THING in the left photograph?
Androgynous, buck teeth, unkempt hair, clown nose. It doesn’t even look real.
Don’t forget “happy and smug” about what she did to her own child.
Obviously mommy (aka grandma to th poor lil tyke) approves of her mothering skillz.
Feed’em to the swamp rep-tiles!
Apparently the father (who from the looks of the story was unavailable for comment) didn’t have much in the way of standards.
Here Piggie Piggie .. sue-ee .. HEH!
Gentlemen, gentlemen… Don’t talk about Cane Caldo’s in-laws that way. Never mind the fact that I may have fucked the bitch before she hit the wall. Let’s have a bit of that Christian charity that we learned in the Dalrock comment section, and be nice, shall we?
This is what happens when you have wimminz givin’ birth in their late 30’s .. 37 years old to be exact.
Gran’Ma was 37 when she gave birth to this lil-piggie. She looks like she lived a hard drug life so .. that and the heavy dose of DNA regression / self-mutation of a 37 year old drug addict gives birth to our Prom-(drag)-Queen above.
Now .. I doubt granny knows who the real father is of this wild-animal .. but she’s in good company because I doubt any man would admit to the deed anyway!
Same goes for miss-piggie.
I’ve been to London, KY. I didn’t see any creatures that looked like this. They must be from near Cave City or where ever the paint factory is.
It could be the water .. wink wink .. it is Kin-t(r)uck-(h)ee ..
All the kewl kids are doin’ it!
Well .. she used her head to blow those five menz minds. Who said smart chicks aren’t sexy .. bwhaaaaaaaa
Plot thickens ..