No Anonymity for Porn Skanks

This week, a Ph.D. candidate at Yale University named Yiqin Fu reported that an anonymous programmer is building a database of actors and actresses in trashy internet porno. “The goal,” he says, “is to help others check whether their girlfriends ever acted in those films.”

Almost immediately, feminists went nuts. Cara Curtis, a hack blogger for TNW, wrote that “the future is truly a horrific place to be a woman.” Soraya Chemaly is quoted in degenerate Vice News (owned largely by Disney) that such a project would be “a pitch-perfect example of how these systems, globally, enable male dominance…” Samantha Cole concludes that it is “A misogynistic, abusive attempt at controlling women.”

Last year I briefly touched upon the tragic story of Sugar Shane Mosley, who married a seemingly sweet girl who loved him. When she spun on a dime and ruined his life in divorce court, he found out the truth: bitch was a former stripper and escort.

All the hoez count on keeping their victims in the dark as to their history, and thereby they can lure them into a fruitful harvest, thanks to the predators in the family court system. Our anonymous brother from China is trying to help us out, and we thank him for his efforts. May the screams and wails of the feminists only serve to increase his resolve to destroy injustice.

9 thoughts on “No Anonymity for Porn Skanks

  1. The thief requires anonymity to successfully pull off a heist. If their name, face and deeds are plastered all over the place they lose their power because they are instantly recognized as “that thief”, or in this case “that whore”. A woman who’s ability to chameleon into whatever she needs to be at the moment to get the resources she wants/needs is a woman who loses power over a large swath of men she deems worth the effort. Instead now she is relegated to low hanging beta fruit who will take her no matter how many cocks she’s swallowed and ridden. I applaud this and look forward to a free online database of searchable women, but I wont hold my breath.

  2. Samantha Cole concludes that it is .A misogynistic, abusive attempt at controlling women..

    Feminists would rather attack the guy trying to take down porn stars than the guys luring these wimminz into porn or the wimminz themselves doing porn. Hence once again feminist are projecting who they actually are against their enemies.

    The feminists start screaming when you take away their ability to fornicate in the dark, have guys worship them, and child sacrifice. It’s like clockwork.

  3. By “porn stars” I don’t think they are referring to actual main stream porn stars, although they might be. The big danger for women is men being able to find out if they have “starred” in any type of amateur videos. Little Susie homemaker may have had a train ran on her several times back in her youth, and it just so happens that someone recorded it and posted it. If a man wants to marry her up because she seems like prime wife material, but then he finds out there’s entire sections of the internet devoted to her debauchery – that ruins the average woman’s ability to engage in deviance without consequence. With just a few clear shots of her face (no pun intended) in a random dudes video he posted to Pornhub little Susie is now outed.

  4. The response on “twitter” is typical of the walmart crowd .. with a few sensable folks posting ..

    Which I have stopped trying to change people’s minds .. I only mock openly these days.

  5. So .. states & countries are all up in arms about sex dolls. In particular child sex dolls.

    Then we get this ..

    Which .. number 1 .. won’t be applied to any womminz predator .. evva.

    And .. number 2 .. if you want these freaks to not hurt children .. then why outlaw an alternative to them .. are you trying to harm children?

    Number 3 .. this is a pure man hate law. And we in Al have enough of those old blue laws on the books already.

    My understanding is the chemical burn doesn’t stop the urges .. so this is a virtue signaling law. Children will continue to be hurt by offenders even if chemically burned. So just say No Parole and call it a day .. unless, of course, you actually want to execute’em -v- re-heal-bill-uh-tate’em for parole.

    The Clown-World Express is leaving the Gov Kay Ivey station in T-Minus 3 .. 2 .. 1.

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