Breast Cancer and Abortion

Twelve percent of women will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. A quarter million new cases are diagnosed each year. Many will go through chemotherapy and/or have breasts removed. It will still kill around 40,000 women a year (~14% death rate).

Women who give birth in their teens through early twenties have the lowest risk of developing breast cancer. The more children they have—and the earlier they have them—the better. Paradoxically, women who give birth for the first time in their 30s actually have an increased risk.

Cancer risk goes up while on the pill. Cancer risk declines with breast feeding.

By promoting delayed (or no) marriage and having fewer (or no) children feminism literally harms women.

Feminists will often state that banning abortion would harm women’s health. About 700 women die each year as a result of pregnancy or delivery complications. This is two orders of magnitude less than the number of deaths due to breast cancer.

Consider a pro-family society where abortion is banned completely and men and women marry and start families in their teens and early twenties. Even a small percentage decrease in breast cancer due to this would result in significant health benefits to women.

It is often best to cite the evidence presented by your enemies and use it against them. This limits your bias and increases the strength of your arguments. If you read some of the links above, you’ll notice the well-cited claim that abortion (probably) does not increase the cancer risk compared to all women (and those who have miscarriages).

This really tiptoes around the core issue: abortion means a woman does not have a full-term pregnancy and birth when she otherwise would have except for abortion. Thus the woman who aborts is voluntarily not receiving the protective benefits that come with giving birth and breast feeding—benefits that would have happened if not for the abortion.

She should be compared to the women who give birth, not all women in general and not women who have involuntary abortions (miscarriages). If this is done, it becomes plain that abortion intentionally increases her risk relative to what it would have been if she had not gotten an abortion.

Feminism truly is the Religion of Death.

 When a woman dies from breast cancer, it was the cancer that killed her. When a woman dies from complications due to pregnancy, it is not the pregnancy that killed her, but the various complications. So you can save lives directly be decreasing cancer, but you can’t directly increase or decrease pregnancy complications by changing the number of pregnancies. Other factors are at play that prevent direct, immediate causation.

18 thoughts on “Breast Cancer and Abortion

  1. 1Ti 2:15

    Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

    If you take th wimminz” and do the complete opposite you’ll be right 99.999999999% of the time.

  2. “If you take “th wimminz. advice and do the complete opposite you.ll be right 99.999999999% of the time.”

    It is remarkable how true this is.

    Large feminist bureaucratic organizations.The American Cancer Society, Planned Parenthood, and the Komen Foundation.have gone to extreme pains to show that abortion doesn’t cause an increase in cancer risk relative to others while minimizing or completely ignoring the increase in risk relative to themselves.

    The American Cancer Society wants to de-emphasize social policies that reduce cancer while promoting those that do.

    Planned Parenthood doesn’t even tell you that terminating a pregnancy results in a different personal risk from not aborting:

    “The link between abortion and breast cancer is a theory whose principal promoters oppose abortion regardless of its safety. The theory has not been borne out by research.”

    These are not people that care about women’s health and safety. They just care about their ideological positions.

  3. Female specific cancers are natures way of disposing of old wimmin after they’ve outrun their reproductive usefulness.

  4. Glad to see you kept at the blog. I’ve just found you, then read last two posts. I see some men I’ve read elsewhere commenting here, which encourages me.

  5. And by .th wimminz. .. I mean take their advice.

    It is God who created us…not clownworld. You can either take the Word of God or clownworld advice.

  6. Perhaps these cancer societies know all these things and continue to promote them to exist.

    I mean the two things that are highly promoted to women…contraception and abortion…will also increase their risk to keep these organizations afloat.

  7. Slutty behavior causes breast cancer? Go figure…

    Perhaps these cancer societies know all these things and continue to promote them to exist.

    I’ve concluded that this is true of most diseases that are still incurable. Finding an actual cure would be disadvantageous for too many entrenched interests.

  8. This seems generally relevant…

    SAN DIEGO (AP) . When she was born, the baby girl weighed about the same as an apple.

    Mmmm. Yessss. Just a ‘clump of cells’ and such…

    A San Diego hospital on Wednesday revealed the birth of the girl and said she is believed to be the world’s tiniest surviving micro-preemie, who weighed just 8.6 ounces (245 grams) when she was born in December.

  9. I have one question.

    Who cares?

    If abortion causes women to get breast cancer and die, there is no problem. Stop trying to save women.

  10. “Who cares? If abortion causes women to get breast cancer and die, there is no problem. Stop trying to save women.”

    There is a problem: abortion ends a human life. If you care about human life, you care about the lives of women too. It’s not that complicated. Moreover, you are really a special person for wishing that level of suffering upon large numbers of human beings.

    Consider converting to the feminist religion of death. It would seem to suit you.

  11. Dear TMITOC:

    If abortion causes women to get breast cancer and die, there is no problem. Stop trying to save women.

    I tend to agree with this. Even so, as the feminists are my enemies, I’ll gladly promote anything that causes them angst or discomfort.

    It’s really great to see you around, by the way. Your insights have been missed.

  12. Consider converting to the feminist religion of death. It would seem to suit you.

    Am I a terrible person for (also) not really caring about the natural consequences to idiot wimminz who abort their bastard kids?

    Don’t get me wrong. I think your article is valuable, if only to spread information; but, really, some bitch who is too irresponsible to use any of the hundreds of methods of free birth control, before she bends over for a gang-bang in a public toilet, is not someone I’m going to cry any tears over.

  13. I believe in FREEDOM of choices and consequences for everyone.

    But, I have a problem with (government sponsored) organizations that purposefully misguide and misinform these wimminz .. especially when they withhold such important information from the general public to keep the gravy train rolling at their (i.e. the American Taxpayer and Charity status in some cases) expense. And, it wouldn’t be possible without the willing MSM and Government institutions.

    Yes, abortion is murder. No I don’t care about dumb wimminz that are to stupid to use contraception correctly.

    On the FLIP – SIDE though ..

    I do care about my Medical Premiums being higher because of these dumb wimminz. My premiums are driven by the Illegals (i.e. no health care option) and th Wimminz in this country. I hardly use any services. Medicine shouldn’t be socialism .. but that is exactly what th wimminz want. They benefit from it that way. They need someone to pay their health care bill. Because they couldn’t afford it any other way.

    These same wimminz complain about Men who love steak and such. How un-healthy they say. They want to force us Men to eat Vegan or Veggie or some such. Because they don’t want the burden of higher premiums / health care costs (i.e. eat into their gravy train of money). But, have no problem being the largest volume user of a system that they are driving the costs up on.

    So count me in the .. I pray GOD holds it against them crowd.

  14. Off topic, apologies all:

    Leaving for the UK very early tomorrow morning (June 4th). Will return to California on June 26th.

    Record shopping, thrifting for cool Mod clothing (skinny ties a la ‘Mad Men’), dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing and more dancing to soul, ska, Mod……gonna be in the studio audience for Britians trash talk TV show “The Jeremy Kyle Show” meeting up hopefully with Peter Lloyd…… drugs, no drink……..will attend a Salvation Army church service at a Welsh speaking Corps while up in Conway (visiting family). The Welsh are still firebrands in their Christian faith….we’ll see. Seeing Rod Stewart perform……….and an inside tour of Abbey Road Studios where The Beatles and Pink Floyd recorded.

    Hopefully, a productive visit. Oh…..sure, I’ll see that “changing of the guard” thing but I am there for a true “swinging sixties” experience. Mod! Mod! Mod!

    Be safe, be well, will be back at the end of the month

  15. Medicine shouldn.t be socialism .. but that is exactly what th wimminz want. They benefit from it that way. They need someone to pay their health care bill. Because they couldn.t afford it any other way.

    Wimminz suffrage is always the first step in implementing a socialist government.

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