Marriage Mesopotamian Style

In a world of smiling grifters, a man must cling to his wife…

Earlier this week, we saw Chad Prather and Glenn Beck define marriage as the worship of a superior woman, by a groveling worm of a submissive man.

Glenn Beck and Chad Prather have a vested interest in the failure of your marriage. They are political conservatives who live at your expense. These grifting con-artists profit by the dysfunction that erupts in your home, and a society that was filled with healthy families wouldn’t need to pay such showmen to pretend to “solve” social problems.

Taking Glenn Beck’s advice is likely to cause a brother a great deal of pain.

Brother Glenn will teach you how to be a ‘real man’

It’s safe to assume that most of the men who read this blog are curious about marriage and monogamy. My interest in the topic is entirely pragmatic. Without marriage, the surplus labor in a society disappears, industry declines, and the standards-of-living crash. Those of us who live without a wife owe a great debt to the men who are keeping society afloat, and it is in everyone’s interest that the institution of marriage reproduce itself across time.

As Earl reminds us, Feminists have warped the institution to such an extent that it now bears little resemblance to the healthy structure it used to entail.

I don’t care if more than 99% are doing it the wrong way. God designed marriage so His design is the right way. The feminist method for marriage is not reality but the lie.

Earl makes his point by invoking his god. This is a useful analogy, but it’s worth remembering that Earl’s god is a relative latecomer. Human beings had existed for hundreds of thousands of years before Earl’s god was dreamt up. Marriage predates Christianity, and it predates Judaism too.

Earl was reacting to Necro, who wrote:

Your comment makes no sense whatsoever, because NO ONE is following the biblical model of marriage in the west, except perhaps less than 1%, so we’re not dealing with God’s design for marriage….we’re dealing with reality here, and the reality here is women are ruling their marriages in defiance of Christ

Marriage as defined by radical feminists, like Chad Prather and Glenn Beck, is indeed a female-supremacist institution. That aside, I honestly can’t tell what Necro and Earl are disagreeing about. My understanding is that one is a protestant, and the other one is a catholic, but other than that, they seem to worship the same god, and they seem to revere the same text, written by the same prophets.

I thought it’d be fun this weekend to transcend the god and the prophets of Earl and Necro, and get way back to the beginning of healthy patriarchal civilization, to see how the truly old-school brothers ordered their societies.

The first thing I ran across was a Sumerian wedding ceremony, written at least five-hundred years before any Hebrews ever existed. Let’s see what we can learn from these old men who had a successful society, in an era when our own ancestors were living caves, doing the Glenn Beck thing.

The impious are approaching.
They place their hands on his hands,
They place their feet next to his.

The bride places her neck in the chest of the groom.
It is through the groom’s will,
That the couple is brought together.

The symbolism here is transparent. In a world where everyone is on the make, where meddlers and troublemakers seek to separate individuals from their labor and happiness, a person’s spouse is the one individual who is (or ought to be) his safe harbor. The husband and wife face the world’s grifters and shysters as a single unit, legally, socially and spiritually, and they work together to succeed in a hostile world.

He says to her:
I am the son of a prince.
You will be my wife.

The groom announces:
This woman is the fruit of a plantation.
As she is abundant to me,
So shall I be a river to her…
(Petrie 159, 160)

In the first place, we note a familiar theme. The marriage is likened to an agricultural project. The fruit of a successful coupling is children, and when such children are properly raised, by two responsible parents who participate in their society, the children are rightly analogized to material wealth.

We also note that the husband’s attitude is the exact opposite of Glenn Beck and Chad Prather’s advice. There is no meek, submissive beggary in Classical Sumeria. This brother encourages all contemporary kings to know their own worth, and to assume their right place as the head of their house.

Finally, we contrast a Sumerian marriage to a contemporary American marriage. In the modern example, a marriage is done by the power of a judge, a priest, a rabbi, or some similar faggot who has turned his collar around. In fact, an actual marriage is done by the man who has a willing bride. It is through his own masculine authority that a marriage is declared. No meddling third-party is necessary.

In the early 1950s, a bunch of texts were found near Nimrud, in modern day Iraq. Dated around 800 BCE, these Nimrud letters (as they’re called) give us a picture of Sumeria’s daughter civilizations in the same territory. At this point in time, the Assyrians (a/k/a the Akkadians) had a very high culture and Earth’s most advanced civilization. The Assyrians mastered astronomy, and their cities boasted very accomplished and efficient farms and sanitation practices.

In contrast, what would become Israel was then known as Philistia. The original authors of the bible were descended from this bunch of illiterate stone-age barbarians, who were living in caves and regularly eating each other. (My own ancestors, in NW Europe, were doing the same thing, so there’s that.)

Many of the letters in this dig were penned by a scribe who wrote a bit of his own family history. Here’s a bit of a synopsis.

Qurdi-Ashur-lamur’s mother had been the only wife of his father, monogamy being the normal form of marriage in Assyria at this time. She was assisted at Qurdi-Ashur-lamur’s birth by a midwife, who to ease the pains mother’s labour by practical measures magical rituals, such as one which told of two good spirits descending from heaven with holy water and oil. In the rituals the may have been assisted by a priest. After the necessary steps and magical hocus-pocus had been completed, he was admitted to the bedroom, where he held his son, thereby accepting his legitimacy. The mother suckled her son for the best of two years; perhaps this was the reason that during that she had no further children. (Saggs V:6) (emphasis mine)

While I had always assumed that the Romans were the first to institute monogamy by law, it makes sense that earlier civilizations harnessed the practice in the pursuit of maximizing surplus value and instituting high degrees of order and discipline throughout the citizenry.

Our society would do well to learn from the Romans and the Hebrews, who adopted healthy structures of marriage and monogamy from successful neighbors. Until we destroy feminism, this will never happen.

Works Consulted

Saggs, H.W.F.. Everyday Life in Babylonia and Assyria. (link)

The Victoria Institute: Philosophical Society of Great Britain.
Journal of Transactions, Vol. XXVI. Edited by Francis W. H. Petrie (link)

12 thoughts on “Marriage Mesopotamian Style

  1. In the modern example, a marriage is done by the power of a judge, a priest, a rabbi, or some similar faggot who has turned his collar around. In fact, an actual marriage is done by the man who has a willing bride. It is through his own masculine authority that a marriage is declared. No meddling third-party is necessary.

    FWIW…when it comes to the Sacrament of Matrimony…the role the priest plays is the witness for the church (just like civil weddings would have a witness for the state). The actual marriage is still done by a man declaring his wedding vows with a willing bride. I believe the third party is there as witness.

  2. Both Earl and I agree with the ORIGINAL God given definition of what marriage should look like. Our bone of contention we have with each other, seems to be that I am a realist as I look around society, and have come to the conclusion that it is extremely dangerous to get “married” today because the ORIGINAL plan is not followed by 99% of people , instead we see the current model of marriage being pushed and emulated which is gynocentrism, female dominance and supremacy, and that marriages should be about elevation of your wife and to live your life around HER.

    Whereas Earl, on the other hand, seems to take the position that he knows what I’m saying is true, but he still pushes men to get “married” anyway, and if you don’t then you’re sinning.

    I will let Earl come in here and correct me if I’m wrong in my analysis, but that appears to be our only disagreement on this subject we have together. We both know and teach the importance of marriage, except that the biblical model of marriage isn’t being followed anymore

  3. I will let Earl come in here and correct me if I.m wrong in my analysis,

    While the feminist model may be how marriage is for a lot of people NOW…the reality is that’s not how God designed marriage.

    A guy can choose to get married or not…and a guy can choose to have his marriage by biblical standards from God or feminist standards from the gynos.

  4. And as Boxer showed from other civilizations…if the marriage is a patriarchal standard they work much better than a Glenn Beckian gynocentric standard.

  5. I remember in college some anthropology class the professor mentioned offhand that marriage “probably dveloped because humans learned over the centuries before the arising of civilizations that STD’s were rampant…and learned that monogamy kept them to a minimum” the “promiscous horde” type of thing……and it it is a common theme throughout the world…….he did add that those times may indeed return (AIDS was still killing people back in 1989)

  6. >That aside, I honestly can.t tell what Necro and Earl are disagreeing about.

    In Christian circles, there’s a dichotomy that exists between “should be” and “is” – or another way to think of it, “theory” versus “practice”. A lot of people will point to Scripture to define marriage, and then ignore what’s going on around them. Unfortunately, this is a blindness that plagues many many people. Things need to be tested to be sure that they follow the standard, and if they don’t they need to be rejected. Unfortunately this isn’t done.

    The problem you run into with marriage is that you’ll have people pointing at the Scriptures saying this is what marriage “is” and then qualify themselves by saying that “our marriages are done by the book” and then they profess their marriages are according to God and blessed by God. Most Churchians are particularly known for doing this. While the Scripture is the standard, the problem is that it doesn’t necessarily reflect reality. A lot of sin happens simply because of the delusion that people undertake thinking they are right before God instead of placing themselves in a humble place and looking to His answer as to whether they are right.

    That said, marriage as it’s practiced by 99.99% of the people reflects nothing like God wanted it, either because they don’t follow the dictates that God laid out, or they agreed to State control by obtaining a marriage license which nullifies any dictate of God or control of man. Yet it’s still known as “marriage”, whether it truly is according to God’s standard or not. This requires much repentance of men, but it’s not happening and won’t happen in the churches until a lot more catastrophe happens than already has been.

  7. I remember in college some anthropology class the professor mentioned offhand that marriage .probably dveloped because humans learned over the centuries before the arising of civilizations that STD.s were rampant.and learned that monogamy kept them to a minimum. the .promiscous horde. type of thing..and it it is a common theme throughout the world…he did add that those times may indeed return (AIDS was still killing people back in 1989)

    That’s sort of an interesting theory.

    I was reading marriage and divorce laws in Code of Hammurabi yesterday. Might just be my Marxist training, but it seems to me to be akin to any other material transaction. A couple who wanted grandchildren would find suitable men for his daughters, and then would bargain, with them or their fathers, and arrange a swap. The daughter would go with some money (the bride price) and live in the man’s house, or the man’s father’s house. Family law in classical Sumeria seemed similar to property law.

    Bear in mind also that before the sort of mobility that came with the industrial revolution, there weren’t STD rates like there are today. Native Americans carry the Syphilis that wipes everyone else out, because nature selected for survivors. AIDS would have stayed in Africa without a promiscuous faggot flight attendant named Ga?tan Dugas (bonus points to whoever can tell me what country that degenerate hails from). In those old days, outbreaks were localized, and most people never got ill from something that didn’t kill them.

  8. While the Scripture is the standard, the problem is that it doesn.t necessarily reflect reality.

    Then there should be some digging into why the ‘is’ isn’t the ‘should be’.

    Is the wife not submitting to the husband and/or is the husband not loving the wife? Feminism has a very predictable way of causing women to rebel and men to hate women.

  9. @ballista74

    Thanks my friend, you were able to articulate so well what I was trying to say
    Your contributions here are invaluable and much appreciated

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