4 thoughts on “The Traditional Male Role On Full Display

  1. This is why “marriage” is irredeemably broken and cannot be fixed, It’s all about HER, her wishes, her happiness, her wants, etc. It is a total reversal of the biblical model….The modern day concept of marriage has Christ bowing down and serving his “bride” when it should be the other way around.

    We submit to Christ, we don’t to tell HIM what to do…..women have become usurpers of the worship that is due to Christ alone….In modern day marriages it is analogous to women ruling the home, and her partner/husband, and making damn sure that he pleases her, makes her happy, you know, the old “happy wife/happy life”

    We need to absolutely stop supporting women and marriages like this and go back to where wives serve their husbands, they revolve their lives around HIM, she supports HIS goals, and wishes etc

    Ain’t going to happen though….society with it’s gynocentrism has seen to that with the millions of cucked Churchians supporting the new model of obeisance to women. DISGUSTING

  2. Marriage as defined by the feminist state is broken and can’t be fixed because that is not what marriage is.

    How God defined marriage is not broken…but is the model of what marriage is. We don’t need the owner’s manual because it is already given to us.

  3. @earl

    Your comment makes no sense whatsoever, because NO ONE is following the biblical model of marriage in the west, except perhaps less than 1%, so we’re not dealing with God’s design for marriage….we’re dealing with reality here, and the reality here is women are ruling their marriages in defiance of Christ

  4. I don’t care if more than 99% are doing it the wrong way. God designed marriage so His design is the right way. The feminist method for marriage is not reality but the lie.

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