Hail Nereus!

Despite having been banned from countless blogs and forums, ya boy Boxer has never scored the coveted thousand year ban. That honor goes to the worthy troll we know as Nereus, and was bestowed upon him by the closet queers over at Warhorn Media, who couldn’t handle the bantz.

The reason for this prize? Nereus refused to give his name and contact information to the hosts.

It begins to occur to me that nearly everyone who wants to spread the meme of anonymity as bad happen to be wimminz or their male feminist allies. Have you ever seen an anonymous female blogging online? Yeah, me neither. Wimminz must put their names and photos on everything.

Suppose I out myself tomorrow? Suppose I just start using my real name. Would the work of Nick Adams, who works at Chesapeake College for his day job, and who blogs on his off hours, be somehow more worthy than the work of Boxer, a ghost who pretends to write critical theory at the Frankfurt School? Would the metrosexual cruxtoid priests over at Warhorn Media suddenly give me more respect? What would the difference be?

Nereus is correct to withhold his real name and place of employment from these pretend friends of Jesus, and so is Dalrock. Their supposed respect means nothing when they prove themselves too lazy to even address the real issues, up for debate.

Gillette Admits Defeat

Back in January, Gillette released a statement against “toxic masculinity” via a very stupid commercial advertisement. Apparently the corporate bigwigs thought they would make a profit by bashing all the men who buy their products.

Mass discussion about these corporate scum (and their motivations) crashed their stocks.

The execs initially doubled down…

Immediately after this initial statement, they shut the fuck up.

Just four weeks later, Gillette has buckled under.

On 28 February, Gillette released a commercial advertisement depicting a normal man, heading up his intact, heterosexual, monogamous, traditional family.


Google’s Discrimination… Against Men

From Carlos Slim’s disreputable blog (no link, because we hate them):

If I were to speculate, I’d guess that most S&P 500 firms were following the same pattern, their wage discrimination simply doesn’t make the news. I might also suspect that many jobs (HR, PR and the like) were partly or wholly unnecessary, created in response to regulation or legislation, merely to give career grrlz a place to work.

Masochists on Masochism

The Cruxtoid fags from Warhorn Media have released yet another (too-)long podcast, whining about someone they describe as just an anonymous internet nobody. Despite Dalrock’s supposed irrelevance, they just can’t stop talking about him. The first half hour seems to directly answer my own criticisms (welcome Ben, Jake and Nathan to our post code, boys!) They also backpedal up the bullshit river, just as rapidly as they can.

Skip to 30:30 to get to the beginning of the actual podcast.

Dalrock lied about some pastor named Wilson? Big deal. Yes, Dalrock is a liar. He lied about me. He lied about Necro. He hosts a lackwit bottom feeder (Cane Caldo) who has spent years spreading falsehoods about numerous men.

Dalrock is dishonest. As like attracts like, his comment section is filled with similar scumbags. So what? He publishes anonymously, so according to you guys he doesn’t matter.

Incidentally, you Christian fags are just as dishonest as Dalrock. You’re also just as lazy. Where does Dalrock promote BDSM and wife beating? Where does he link to the Texas Dominatrix? I read Dalrock’s blog on the regular, for something like four years, and never once saw him promote anything like that. Do any of you trashy Christian pastors have a link?

With all the lies Dalrock has actually told, you’d think that the Cruxtoid fags from Warhorn Media would discuss them. They’d rather indulge in that fine Christian sacrament of making shit up rather than deconstructing their opponent’s actual arguments. There are also more nonsensical straw-man skits, and there’s more humblebragging about their leadership positions in their scroungy Christian church, and there’s lots of grandiose talk about how “holy” they are, even as they try to make connections that don’t exist, and bear false witness about people they claim don’t matter.

Did you listen to this latest sanctimonious pretend-friend of Jesus podcast? What did you think?

Johnny Depp Can’t Keep A Woman

This week in the Hollywood gossip mags (no link, because they suck):

Johnny Depp married a wimminz. Her immediate response was to start fucking other men. When she got tired of pretending to be a dutiful wife, she hoaxed up some domestic violence complaints in order to thoroughly destroy her husband’s life.

What makes you think you can keep any of these wimminz happy, boys, when even the sexiest men alive get such treatment?

Doing Your Part to MAGA: Media Edition

Portrait of George Washington (Igor Babailov)

Yesterday I encouraged people to actually get up and do something. As my day progressed, I realized I had failed to imagine a golden opportunity. In this era of bland, corporate antijournalism, when traditional media is dying and faggy establishment clickbaiters are being fired en masse, it seems like some of us could fill the vacuum.

It strikes me that any of us could, given enough time, start our own online local newspaper. It could be started as simply and as cheaply as I started this blog. WordPress provides the format at no cost, and there are plugins for local weather and pro sports data.

If I were doing this, I’d give my paper an establishment-friendly, but non partisan name: The San Patricio Herald, or The Oakland Tribune. Those sound like typical newspaper names. Once I started up, I’d understand that I would need some new content daily, and I think this is where I could get hung up. Fortunately, writers for such a paper are fairly easy to find.

  • High school students can start padding their cv by writing about theater and sports.
  • Most community colleges have a journalism club. Go attend a meeting and meet your new part-time employees.
  • Retired old geezers often go to city council meetings and stuff. Pay these people ten bucks for a decent article.

You’ll still have to edit the hell out of most of your submissions, but much of the actual writing can be outsourced very easily, and often people will do it simply for a byline.

If I were doing this, I’d be careful, not only to provide an alternative to the dying print edition, but also, to provide an alternative coverage. I’d probably start reading my local paper, and notice the general slant. If your paper is sucking the mayor’s cock constantly, then you’ll want to focus on the garden variety city councilman or police chief who might be opposing him.

Likewise, if there’s a particular community within your town that’s underserved, I’d throw them an occasional nod. If there were a large Spanish or French speaking community in my town, I’d print some bilingual articles, just to see if I could pick up some new readers.

I’d also be careful not to editorialize (other than in the editorial page). The average consumer is sick to death of this crap, and there’s currently a huge demand for straight news. I’d probably be open about my biases up front (I’m starting a local alternative to the corporate/globalist rag in town) but otherwise I’d work hard and try to be as impartial as I possibly could.