Signal Jamming

Thanks to Gunner Q, I attempted to read the latest maniac’s delusional ranting. I got about a third of the way through, before wandering off, all glassy-eyed, in search of porn.

From the beginning, I envisioned this blog as a place where all men would be welcome. That includes Muslim men, all of whom are just as henpecked and hobbled as any of the rest of us. Clearly, I don’t endorse or support a violent looney, who wanders into a place of worship, and murders men who are just doing their thing, bothering no one.

I also question this guy’s commitment to his self-described cause. I assume if someone really hated Arabs, he’d go join ISIS, where he could kill as many as he wanted, rather than icing religious men at a Friday afternoon prayer service.

All that aside, the censors have seized upon this act of extreme violence, as they are always wont to do, and are currently moving to clamp down on political speech. The censors are, in their own way, far more dangerous than the average spree shooter, and thus we hate them at least as much.

Censorship, aside from being tyrannical, doesn’t work. I would never have read this lunatic’s blathering myself, had there not been an official decree with penalties attached. While I was trying to keep myself interested, a novel idea struck me.

All the employees of New Zealand’s ministry of censorship are regular people. They have parents and cousins and nephews and nieces and kids.

Wouldn’t it suck if some enterprising first amendment activist started mailing copies of the manifesto to these people?

It would also be terrible if that same person ratted his marks out to the office of the censor, as people who were distributing the manifesto covertly.

I’m sure New Zealand is infested with radical feminist bulldykes. It’d be unfortunate if some of them had their computers confiscated during a lengthy investigation. I can think of many other classes of people, all of whom are packed with other deserving targets.

Naturally, I wouldn’t ever suggest any of you boys do something like this. I’m just thinking out loud…

2 thoughts on “Signal Jamming

  1. They’re banning it? I was right, he’s not a false flag. He’s an SJW gone rogue, one of their own, and they need to cover it up.

    *GQ backs up his website*

  2. All that aside, the censors have seized upon this act of extreme violence, as they are always wont to do, and are currently moving to clamp down on political speech.

    Never let a crisis go to waste.

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