Raging Heterophobia

As a normal, healthy family man, Mike Pence strikes terror into the hearts of perverts. Example: Irish prime minister Leo Varadkar.

As a flaming faggot, Queen Leo felt the need to rub his anal marriage in the face of our vice-president, so he made sure that his fag boyfriend came along on a state visit.

Naturally, he documented the whole thing on twitter.

Fags enjoy making normal men uncomfortable, for many of the same reasons wimminz do. Filled with hatred for his absent father, the flaming queen projects his displaced rage at any man who seems to embody the masculine archetype.

In this case, Queen Leo thought he was “owning” all of us backward bigots in the U.S., by disrespecting our representative. In reality, he was disrespecting his “partner” (who didn’t seem too excited to be used as a pawn in Queen Leo’s weird psychodrama) and he increased our collective disgust toward fags everywhere. Mike Pence sat quietly, while laughing inside, at the pathetic drama surrounding this prissy homo. Why the Irish ever elected this fool, I can’t imagine. He might even tops Trudeau as a pathetic embarrassment to his nation.

9 thoughts on “Raging Heterophobia

  1. Filled with hatred for his absent father, the flaming queen projects his displaced rage at any man who seems to embody the masculine archetype.

    Could be an absent father…could also be displaced anger at men who have ordered sexuality. Since most gay men had it robbed from them from sexual abuse at a young or pubescent age. Rather than be mad at the man(men) who were vultures to them…they are mad at the men who never were vultured.

  2. Queen Leo also hates the Irish nation he was elected to lead. His Ireland 2040 plan includes importing 1 million not Irish.

  3. Dear Fellas:

    Please see inside text…

    Earl wrote:

    Could be an absent father.could also be displaced anger at men who have ordered sexuality.

    If you have any gay bros, ask about their relationship with their fathers. It’s almost always nonexistent. Here’s how the neurosis proceeds:

    1. Young boy grows up without a father, desperately looking for male validation and attention.
    2. At adolescence, boy begins deeply resenting the father he doesn’t have.
    3. At some point, boy realizes he can get male acceptance by letting older faggots blow him and fuck his ass.
    4. Boy “realizes” that he has been born homosexual.

    Incidentally, this is not meant to be disrespectful to any gay readers. The process above was first pointed out to me by a gay dude I was friends with, years ago, and has been confirmed by several other gay dudes since.

    This also should not be taken as disrespectful to gay dudes who are down to acting normal in public. We love y’all in this post code (though I have no idea why you’d read a blog that focuses on sex with wimminz). I do hate the flaming queen who constantly grinds his crotch in society’s face. My issue is aesthetics, not orientation.

    Incidentally, if we have any gay readers, you should read Jack Donovan’s books. Serious gay men are men. Fags pretend to be slutty wimminz. Be a man, and be proud of it.

    Jew613 wrote:

    Queen Leo also hates the Irish nation he was elected to lead. His Ireland 2040 plan includes importing 1 million not Irish.

    I’m gonna make myself even more unpopular than I already am, and cop to not really having a “no immigrants” position.

    Mormons were immigrants into Mexican territory. We purposely settled in places which were not already occupied, and tried to be good neighbors to the natives and Spanish colonists already there. This was our rule from the beginning (read Orson Pratt and Brigham Young, etc.)

    I can criticize the immigrants who behave badly, but I try not to make any blanket condemnations of people who are just trying to get by. If someone wants to move in next door from someplace else, I have no problem with them, provided they don’t bother those of us who are already here.

    Of course, I expect and encourage everyone reading to disagree with either or both of these opinions of mine.


  4. “…Mormons were immigrants into Mexican territory. We purposely settled in places which were not already occupied, and tried to be good neighbors to the natives and Spanish colonists already there…”

    As per usual, Mormons and Anabaptists are very similar.

    “Of course, I expect and encourage everyone reading to disagree with either or both of these opinions of mine.


  5. Boxer, yes of course. These migrations were not even the same century. My point wasn’t the spot they migrated to, but the commonality we share on the topic of migration. I could also have gone back a couple centuries and cited my direct ancestors who migrated to Pennsylvania along with Penn and the Quakers. They lived in peace with the Lenape. Immigration is an integral part of my heritage. I’m not anti-immigration.

  6. People from all over the world can be delightful and interesting. I enjoyed volunteering in an ESL class that contained an 18-year-old Pakistani girl who’d been married 2 years, a French guy whose best bud in the class was a Sri Lankan Buddhist monk, an old Turkish lady who took me home and made me chicken after I helped her carry groceries, and a couple of illiterate Eritreans.

    My concern with immigration is mass immigration from cultures I don’t like. A random Somali coming to the USA probably likes the USA and is here because he finds it preferable to Somalia. Somali enclaves are likelier to try to preserve Somali culture, and I don’t like Somali culture.

    Yes, people had pretty much the same concerns about the Irish in the 19th century. Will Somalis integrate as did the Irish? I don’t know, because integration is no longer promoted.

  7. I.m gonna make myself even more unpopular than I already am, and cop to not really having a .no immigrants. position.

    And there we have it. Boxer even out Jews the Jews.

    Boxer sez: By Allah, I will give you a taste of my shoe.

    Boxer CRUCIFIES CHRIST with every post, and he is paid to piss on Jesus. Those who have followed him from the beginning known his evil works. He curses all that is holy, and even does this on holidays, and his minions ignore or cover it up. He hates you for your faith. Boxer is a Jew himself. Test him by his works.

    Boxer sez: You stupid goyim cattle. I don’t hate Christians and I’ve never cursed them.

    The good news is that no matter how much people like Boxer try to change the Word of God to fit to their homosexual feel good views of all opinions being equal . the Bible says in Luke 19:40 .He answered, .I tell you, if they keep silent, the very stones will cry out!”

    Boxer sez: People are welcome to make fun of me here, but if such people don’t stick to a consistent sockpuppet, they risk end up being randomly thrown into moderation. caveat poaster.

  8. “…to their homosexual feel good views of all opinions being equal…”

    I’ll never understand the incessant desire to call your enemies homosexuals. Dalrock commenters do it all the time. The Warhorn hosts did it in their podcast. Why make unfounded assertions? There are so many low-hanging criticisms you could make, and you go with that?

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