On the Cheating Scandal

Of late in the news is a scheme, allegedly cooked up by one Rick Singer. Singer is now cooperating with the U.S. Department of Justice, and says he plans to plead guilty to all charges, so I guess the “allegedly” in the last sentence is sorta silly.

The scam was apparently multifaceted; but, basically, if you were in the top tiers of the upper middle-class, you could pay old Singer to rig the admissions process at schools like USC (known, in my day, as University of Spoiled Children …) and Yale (home of the pseudosatanic frat house Skull and Bones which boasted the George Bush dynasty as members).

So, if you have a million (or two) dollars you can spread around, and a useless cunt of a daughter, who needs to get a gold-collar sinecure someplace, this is how you get her out of your house.

Singer had multiple ways of getting the idiot kids of the UMC admitted to ritzy schools. He was friends with various coaches, who would waive little Janie into school for her supposed athletic merits. Janie would never play a single game on the women’s volleyball team, of course. Once admitted, she’d immediately quit the athletic club, and be allowed to stay on as a student, with no questions asked.

In some cases, Singer hired smarter kids to take the standardized admissions tests in place of his clients. He’d also hire physicians to sign notes, so that his customers got extra time on the exam. Hoaxed high school records were also a possibility.

Skank-ho wimminz and their thot daughters used to be less of a problem, since women got married early, and were expected to stay married to their husbands. This particular young woman is quite attractive and could have found a simp easily; but, marriage is no longer fashionable. She had to have a good (low effort) job, at a good salary, to “find herself” (by riding hundreds of cocks). That gold collar job is only available after a stint at a prestigious academic institution. Singer’s con was the means to this end.

A few thoughts:

  1. While the UMC is a problem, a similar problem also exists with the American ruling class. George Bush Jr.’s daughters were drunken whores. Guess where one of them went? (That’d be Yale University, where many of Singer’s clients got in.) You can bet that Barbara Pierce Bush didn’t need to cheat to be admitted. Her daddy simply ordered the college to open their doors. The same surely happened with Malia Obama, who spent her college years at Harvard embarrassing her family and acting like a common skank.
  2. This scam would have been impossible only ten years ago. Believe it or not, when I started teaching, it was common for idiot kids who somehow found their way into university to be failed out in short order. Part of the problem is the increasing trend of treating students as “consumers,” and being pressured to pass kids, even if they don’t merit the honor of a “C”.
  3. Some of the fallout from this scandal may be pressure to deprecate or do away with standardized tests. That would be a disaster. I’m sure I’m a minority in the manosphere, but diversity is a good thing. Competence is also a good thing. Very few university students enter their school with the skills necessary to succeed, but the SAT ensures that most of them have the ability to pick up those skills. Scrapping the tests leaves us no way of identifying people who will benefit from a bachelor’s degree, or screening out people who would be happier doing something else. There are kids from poor and minority families who would do well at USC and Yale, and the SAT is how we find them.

In the end, this is just more evidence of the corrosive effect of uncontrolled female sluttery on society. All the little skank-hoez in training who got the Singer scholarship stole slots that would have been better filled by the sons of working men.

13 thoughts on “On the Cheating Scandal

  1. These fraudulent entrance qualifications go on, all the time, everywhere. But once those kids get admitted, they’re expected to fit in and buckle down. But no matter how much they are pampered, a lot of them still can’t cut it.
    “She was on a yacht owned by Mortimer Moneybags…”
    Everyone knows what happens when beautiful, college-aged chicks get on rich men’s yachts. Many rich men buy yachts expressly for that purpose. Enuff said.

  2. This particular young woman is quite attractive and could have found a simp easily; but, marriage is no longer fashionable.

    No…but apparently being a prostitute to a rich man is still an option for a lot of them.

  3. “I.m sure I.m a minority in the manosphere, but diversity is a good thing.”

    I agree with you.

    From a software development perspective, all else being equal, diversity often leads to more creativity and a greater pool of potential solutions. Uniformity tends to produce results faster and with less administrative conflict and overhead. There are advantages to both and good software development teams incorporate both.

    Around the ‘sphere you’ll see various persons saying to never work with women. Among other things, this stems from the advantages of uniformity. However, competent female software developers and IT professionals are highly sought after in my industry. They are often difficult to hire because they command higher salaries and typically receive multiple offers from different companies.

    “Some of the fallout from this scandal may be pressure to deprecate or do away with standardized tests. That would be a disaster.”

    You have a very different perspective on this than I do. I could write reams on this topic, but I’m just going to say a “few” words.

    Standardized testing is the only thing capable of even trying to adequately test student’s abilities. It would be a disaster if SATs were eliminated.

    Our schools have been severely harmed by No Child Left Behind (thanks Bush), Common Core (thanks Obama), and feminism (thanks feminists). The standardized test is worshiped: students are taught to the test. The result is predictable. Researchers say the following:

    “The growing literature on early childhood education has found that short-term impacts on test scores are inconsistent predictors of later-life impacts…The teachers who produce improvements in student behavior and noncognitive skills are not particularly likely to be the same teachers who improve test scores.”

    They go on to describe various possible factors: teaching to the test through targeted instruction, test preparation, and score manipulation, and neglecting other subjects (history, science, social studies).

    Besides all this, grade inflation is the other cancer infecting our schools.

  4. Doesn’t surprise me a bit……..like the other crisises we have had…….someone will take the fall. In 2008 it was Meidoff (even though there were hundreds, if not thousands like him who helped fuel that crisis) and men in Congress like Barney Frank who was in no way innocent to that Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac thing which was connected to men like Meidoff.

    Every major or minor scandal……business or politics or this situation…………they find one person to take the hit; the “well, we drew straws….and well, you gotta take the hit for the rest of us” kind of thing.

    Harvey Weinstein……….you mean to tell me he was the “only” one in Hollywood in his position who did such a thing, even when his antics broke out?

    Americans love one solution answers to problems. They all then think “there, fixed that”

    One person for every scandal seems to be the norm now……as if they all operated alone and independently.

    SInger or someone like him will get “time” but no one else will. Call it a hunch

  5. Boxer, I broke your configured limit and used 3 links, so my comment is in moderation. Do any of your non-moderated regulars, besides me, ever even use 3 or more links in their posts?

  6. Boxer,

    If you wish, I expect you can increase the number of allowed links. At least it appears I can do it on my blog by going to to (Site) Settings/Discussion/Comment Moderation.

  7. “Do any of your non-moderated regulars, besides me, ever even use 3 or more links in their posts?”

    Nope. I generally use my own blog for extensive responses.

  8. “Boxer, Derek, don.t confuse diversity of thought with genetic/racial diversity.”

    Uniformity reduces diversity of thought by creating echo chambers. Do you think that genetic or racial diversity is statistically independent with (i.e. orthogonal to) diversity of thought? Diversity of experience, age, gender, culture, race, personality, etc. are all interrelated to diversity of thought. However, since not all thoughts are equally valid, we should select for intelligence and ability to maximize the positive effects of diversity.

    Standardized testing is unbiased: it ranks by academic achievement, ability, and intelligence. It’s hard to manipulate diversity/uniformity when selecting by test scores. Since people naturally tend to favor high uniformity, the net effect is to increase diversity.* Given two people with the equal scores, their relative diversity will increase diversity of thought.

    Beyond the context of this post, I’d also say that all people are created in the image of God. Everyone has value.

    * So even though different races generally perform differently on standardized tests, two people with the same intellectual merits can be judged equally without respect to their specific identity. It is much harder, then, to engineer uniformity of thought.

  9. Boxer, I broke your configured limit and used 3 links, so my comment is in moderation. Do any of your non-moderated regulars, besides me, ever even use 3 or more links in their posts?

    Those that make a habit of lengthy posts are always welcome to an account here, so that those contributions can be up on the front page and such. I believe you declined my generous offer in the past, but it still stands.

    Stating the obvious: The fact that someone has an account on this blog does not imply that he agrees with absolutely everything other contributors post.

  10. Please forgive me if I fail to see why this scandal is such a big deal.
    College entrance into prestigious universities has always been through a “good ol’ boy” network. Very few actually get in by merit alone. Didn’t we all grow up knowing that already? Ted Kennedy went to Harvard and graduated in spite of being described as mentally ‘slow’ by his family, and getting expelled after being caught cheating on exams twice in his freshman year. I think it is good that the way you can buy your way into these ‘clubs’ is being exposed. I never liked that somebody else’s degree was deemed better than mine based upon some institutional prestige, that was clearly for sale. I say kudos to Rick Singer for inadvertently exposing the racket.

    I’m also a huge fan of standardized intelligence testing, and I wished it was used for employment screening in my industry. We’ve indirectly killed 346 people in 6 months, and it wasn’t the result of smart decisions. I daily have to fight some of the most idiotic people to try to keep the rest of you safer.

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