Transgressive Subcontinental Paraphilia

Heartiste has a discussion of the cuck lifestyle up on his blog. You can read his comments here. Unlike the Heartiste author, I’m not ready to limit my comments to mocking and deriding the victims of such stuff, so this article will be sufficiently different even to appeal to his readers (most of whom are idiots).

In the first place, when I stumble across such stuff, I find it (relatively) incredibly likely that the author will be Indian or Pakistani. I really don’t know what’s going on over there, but if there’s a subcontinental in the audience who would like to clarify or comment, he’d be welcome. The author of Heartiste’s takedown is named “Sharma.” Here’s “Sandeep,” writing in a totally different forum, to give us a different look…

Sandeep seems to get a kick out of his wife’s exploitation of her students. A quick read also reveals that Sandeep also enjoys fucking his wife’s “bull” in the ass. We can hope the young African-American “bull” wises up, and sues both of these degenerates into penury, but in this troubled world, we know he won’t.

However you look at it, the cuck phenomenon is a deeply dysfunctional trend, and men should resist it by any means necessary.

So, getting back to Quora, we find Sharma giving advice to some married skank as to how best to “open” her marriage (along with her legs).

Your new relationship needs new rules. Make it very clear that if he follows rules he gets rewarded; if he breaks them, he gets punished. The rules imposed should be designed to remind him of your dominance in the relationship. Start with just a few rules (so he can get used to it) and then build them up and up. Common first-time rules are as follows: he must do whatever you tell him, he cannot orgasm without permission, he cannot ask for sexual interactions with you, he must address you as Mistress or Goddess to show your dominant role.

I always try to refrain from passing judgment upon how a brother runs his house. If some man finds it thrilling to let his wife dominate him, then I suppose I’ve got nothing to say about it. It is important, however, to identify the tools a filthy wimminz will use to subvert a healthy man’s masculine ego.

It is your goal to get your husband to gradually relinquish his manliness. Give him a boyish or a feminine name. For example, if he is called Christian, you could rename him, Chrissy or Christine. You should command him to begin wearing female clothing too. He can start by wearing female underwear.

Allowing your wife this level of disrespect begins to cross the line into public nuisance. Your father gave you a name. If the bitch wants to name you something else, then perhaps she should simply be addressed as “hey cunt” until she gets a clue.

Let him know, constantly, that you no longer view him as a real man, more of a girl. His “manhood” is too small to make him a real man. Therefore, you no longer allow him to have sexual relations with you. The most you let him do is, perhaps, perform oral – as a woman would.

Every wimminz I’ve ever fucked has been fine with my tiny penis; however, if I ever did get a complaint, I’d probably retort with something like…

Bitch, you’ve taken so much cock that a bull elephant would feel small to you. Now shut the fuck up and start sucking these nuts.

The greatest power you wield over your husband is your sexuality. When you take sexual relations away from him, he will want it all the more. To make him want it even more, you can dress sexy, work out, and act in a more sexual manner, and flirt with other men to remind your husband of your sexuality and his position in the relationship. As rewards for good behavior, you can reward your husband with threats of a sexual nature, but never allow him penetrative interactions.

Actually, your skank-ho wife has no power in this regard. She pissed it straight down the sink when she started running her mouth about the size of your johnson.

Make no mistake: The minute a wimminz withhold sex from you, she is inviting you to get your needs met elsewhere. That means it’s time to fire up the Tinder app, read my operating instructions, and start playing the field. Whores like your skank wife are easily replaced, and within a week you will be banging tons of new wimminz, all of whom will be more pleasant than the bitch you’ve been dealing with.

It is imperative for you to be strict. Never weaken your positive by giving in to demands. Take away all of the things in life that give your husband pleasure and ONLY return some of them when he earns them. And, thus, take them away as punishments. Be strict in all your interactions. Do not be afraid to shout at him or put him over your knee for a spanking.

You asked yourself “how to cuckold my husband” and these are the most common steps to doing just that.

Make sure you document any physical abuse that your skank-ho wife attempts to inflict. There will be no “putting you over her knee,” and if she tries any shit like that, it will come out in divorce court.

In the end, articles like these are just more evidence that we live in a deeply troubled society. No man should put up with any of this shit, and every wimminz should know the consequences of attempting it.

10 thoughts on “Transgressive Subcontinental Paraphilia

  1. The giver of bad advice accidently told the truth about cuckolding.

    It is your goal to get your husband to gradually relinquish his manliness.

    There you have it…feminism and the sexual revolution were never about empowering women, it was to depower men. And thanks to that women are more unhappy than ever before.

  2. however, if I ever did get a complaint, I.d probably retort with something like.

    Bitch, taken so much cock that a bull elephant would feel small to you.

    Frankly .. I was always ready to respond to a womminz trying to demoralize me .. but it never happened ..

    Womminz .. “Can’t you go deeper?” .. or “Are you in?”

    Me .. “How bout tighter!”

    I was ready tho .. HEH!

  3. Given that we’re already well inside the NSFW boundary…

    Me .. .How bout tighter!.

    Next time you’re hitting it, slap that ass semi hard and growl “tighten up that pussy!”

    I do this regularly. The sluts all love it.

  4. Frankly .. I was always ready to respond to a womminz trying to demoralize me .. but it never happened ..

    You must have either lived a privileged life, never been with a wimminz, or was a shrewd operator in your decision making.

    I do this regularly.

    I don’t care how feminist a wimminz thinks she is or how much she thinks she’s drained the femininity out of herself…biological programming from God does take over.

  5. Someone on twitter mentioned she’d try some #metoo ploy in order to blame anyone or anything but herself. Jaguar was just part of the oppressive patriarchy.

  6. Common first-time rules are as follows: he must do whatever you tell him, he cannot orgasm without permission, he cannot ask for sexual interactions with you, he must address you as Mistress or Goddess to show your dominant role.

    I would LOVE for my wife to try this out on me. I haven’t had a good laugh in a while.

    “You want me to call you what? I have a couple of better ideas. One: STFU. Two: GTFO.”

  7. Basically cuckoldry is an extension of messed up sexuality in Men and Women, Inc.

    Despite what some thing…I don’t even call the Virgin Mary a goddess because she’s not.

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