Google’s Discrimination… Against Men

From Carlos Slim’s disreputable blog (no link, because we hate them):

If I were to speculate, I’d guess that most S&P 500 firms were following the same pattern, their wage discrimination simply doesn’t make the news. I might also suspect that many jobs (HR, PR and the like) were partly or wholly unnecessary, created in response to regulation or legislation, merely to give career grrlz a place to work.

2 thoughts on “Google’s Discrimination… Against Men

  1. “… I.d guess that most S&P 500 firms were following the same pattern,….”

    It wouldn’t surprise me, but, on the other hand, it may be more likely in STEM-oriented positions (Google’s behavior apparently was mostly related to lower-level software engineers). <sarcasm>After all, the fact that more men than women study these disciplines must be a form of sexism; it can’t possibly be the result of a difference in the sexes.</sarcasm>

  2. merely to give career grrlz a place to work.

    I’d agree with that theory. It’s mainly a job that unleashed the one skill they have…being control freaks.

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