The following story is not mine (obviously). It was posted anonymously to a usenet newsgroup. It’s copypasta here because it pretty much has it all.
Many’s the time I’ve wandered around on the Dalrock and Heartiste comment section, bored to death by Joe Jackass fetishizing his virgin bride.
This guy married his high-school sweetie and took her hymen in a messy red conquest. According to Dalrock, Cane Caldo, Anonymous Reader, and countless other idiots, he should have had a perfect marriage (just like Saeed Abedini, Mr. Jenny Erickson, and so many other lucky men).
A couple of points here:
- Those of us who love the patriarchal ideal respect this man’s choice to take this girl in adoption. The problem is that he should have been afforded that choice when she was a baby, not after he was lied to by his skank-ho wife.
- AfOr (over at the wimminz blog) predicted the clandestine use of ancestry tests for the establishment and refutation of paternity. He’s now gone, but we nonetheless tip our hats to the prophet, who foresaw yet another social consequence of technology.
I don’t know about anyone else, but this really makes me regret not marrying little Sara Barlow, who I was playing grabass with in the tenth grade. Just think! I could have worked my whole life while she banged all and sundry, with me none the wiser until someday, in my early 50s, it all comes to pieces.
My brother is still stuck in the ideological trap of assuming that wimminz are possessed of a normal sense of morality. He thinks that his slut wife will feel badly about exploiting him for his time and resources. She will not. Our Uncle Sig already explained this in painstaking detail.
This wimminz knows that she is a filthy, lying whore. She doesn’t care that her husband knows it. He is a man, after all, and to a wimminz, a man is merely a piece of machinery.
What she does care is the knowledge spreading to other wimminz.
If I were in this brother’s shoes, I’d calmly sit down with my lying skank, and encourage her to open her new web page, which will be found at:
http colon slash slash www dot sarabarlowisawhore dot ca
There she would find the scanned results of all DNA tests, along with moving testimony, authored by me.
Before she could react, I’d explain that I had an email list of everyone in our (Mormon) ward directory, and that by pressing one button on my phone, the link would be sent to everyone we knew, all the relatives of everyone we knew, and various other people who work in the supermarkets and shoe stores around town. She would then get one chance to work out an equitable property settlement in our divorce, which would be filed as uncontested, within the hour.
Some quick answers to this poor guy, off the top of my head.
- Your adult children really ought to be made aware of all the facts, with a calm explanation that a serious man treats his adopted children precisely similar to natural ones.
- Given that you have taken these children in adoption, your behavior toward your skank-ho ex is one of the most important lessons you are obligated to teach them as their father. Explain to this girl that you’re a serious man, and that you don’t tolerate lying whores in your vicinity. Her mother has already abdicated her position as your wife, and she has also disqualified herself from being worthy of any peripheral association.
- There is no way you can save your marriage. I might allow for the fact that you occasionally fuck the whore on the downlow after the divorce, but only if she’s some sort of uniquely talented sexual acrobat.