The Wit and Wisdom of Sue

In spite of being censored under articles one and five, a woman nymmed “sue” remains my most dedicated fan, often posting multiple comments per day – with the knowledge that every entry will be routed directly into the trash pile. It is simply amazing that she devotes so much energy to lambasting me, when she knows that her nutty rants will never be reproduced.

Taking criticism from Derek and Necro to heart, I realize that I may have been simultaneously unfair to Sue, as well as cruel to my regular readers. Today I honor “sue” for never giving up. Her blog is entitled No Wonder People Walk.

Her first couple of comments this week took me to task for my promotion of #thotaudit. Sue would like you all to note my cruelty and lack of compassion for amateur sex-workers, who (she feels) ought to be entitled to live at the expense of the rest of us.

Sue would also like you all to know that one of my current flings is way too good for me (probably true) and that it is only a matter of time before she seeks out some novelty with another swinging dick (an absolute certainty – as any of my readers would intuitively grasp.)

Sue’s selected kook-rants may become a regular feature in this post code. In the interim, show her some appreciation at her blog.

Poast more, sue. Poast more now!

8 thoughts on “The Wit and Wisdom of Sue

  1. Derek .. do you mean when she calls Boxers current squeeze a “fornicator”? [1]

    So by her (aka Sue) reasoning .. this womminz “fornicator” is to good for another “fornicator”.

    Hmmmmmm .. brilliant detective work Sue.

    [1] Even though uses the word “fornicator” .. I doubt she really knows what that is .. and is not.

  2. That was a good one, Boxer. At least she called it the correct term and not ‘homosexual’.


    So by her (aka Sue) reasoning .. this womminz .fornicator. is to good for another .fornicator..

    I often wonder how many people get that with fornicators it’s two to tango? I’d suggest to Boxer to stop falling into those snares though because wimminz fornicators honey turns bitter quick.

  3. Well I visited her site .. the four of us quadrupled her normal visits .. [1]

    [1] Or she’s just fishing for a fella to have a convo with .. really .. it’s impossible to tell anymore.

  4. There are several female bloggers who love to take cracks at men’s blogs. Everytime I read them, I get the strong impression that they’re really comfortable in their corner of the world, and they don’t really know the score.

  5. Hmmm. There is a Sue trolling my blog too. But, she is not a fornicator, she presents herself as a radical bible-thumping, altar-boy-f**king, sex-is-dirty type.

    I wonder if it’s the same person.

  6. “Taking criticism from Derek and Necro to heart, I realize that I may have been simultaneously unfair to Sue, as well as cruel to my regular readers. ”

    Don’t let the harpies in on my account.

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