A few weeks ago, I ran across an amusing youtube video, starring a chap who would wander around on the streets, interviewing random folks. He generally asked something along the lines of:
“Can you name something that women are better at than men?”
If the interrogated was a male, he’d generally make some excuse about being busy, and beat feet out of the frame. The wimminz who were asked would linger, loudly and proudly boasting about the well-known fact that females are simply better than men at everything, bar none.
I ran to google in an attempt to find said video this morning.

Needless to say, our delusional sisters didn’t get to their sad mental state entirely on their own. Mass media conducts false consciousness, creating an amusing, infinite feedback loop between an individual wimminz’ ego and ideology.
Inasmuch as the average wimminz is different from the average man, there must be some collective attributes (aside from giving birth and other obviousness) at which they are markedly superior.

Twenty-five, but will be turning seventeen in August…
The one thing at which wimminz are clearly superior is dishonestly billing themselves as something that they are not. As AfOR often pointed out, any social group that spends as much money on makeup, digital effects, skin bleaching, hair dye, and other assorted trickery as wimminz do, is safely assumed to have cultivated a very sophisticated approach to the truth.
So, we begin here, my brothers, with an axiom that we should simply accept at face-value:
You will never be able to trust anything a wimminz presents as truly representative about herself.
White wimminz lie. Black wimminz lie. Mixed wimminz lie. Latinas lie.
Christian wimminz lie. Atheist wimminz lie. Jewish wimminz lie. Muslim wimminz lie. I’ve never banged a Buddhist wimminz, but I’d bet money that if I did, she’d have lied to me multiple times. Mormon wimminz lie. The stories I could tell, and perhaps I will.
There is nowhere on earth a place you can escape to, where the women are all honest and forthright.
Wimminz understand, seemingly from birth, the arts of trickery, diplomacy, and salesmanship, and they act accordingly.
Given that wimminz understand and use the arts of deception, largely in a subconscious way, it is upon the brothers to make a good-faith attempt at discovering and understanding the means by which they are deceived.
By this, I don’t mean that I can teach any man how to discern the absolute truth from a wimminz persona. I mean that, in most cases, one might be able to grade the level of distortion, and thereby produce some threshold of information, in order to weed out wimminz who deliberately conceal too much of the truth from view.
There is a difference between one wimminz hologram, which may show her very best self, and another wimminz hologram, which has little to do with what she actually is. As men who want the company of wimminz, your best bet is to seek out members of the first set of wimminz, and discard elements of the second set.
Recently I was browsing tinder, and I was swiping on tinder sluts, each with a series of photos, advertising the wares of each individual ho’. I’m at the point now where I realize that I have certain filters in place, which are so deeply embedded that they are almost autonomic. I realized, just barely, that these filters are the result of a collective action by so many wimminz as to suggest that such wimminz are possessed of the fabled “hive mind” which is posited by androsphere theorists.
Here are a few common tricks, as they are employed by wimminz of every age group, of every religious and ethnic group, and of every race.
- Using group photos
- Using unfocused photos
- Using poor lighting
- Excluding everything from the neck down
- Excluding everything from the hips down
- Wildly extreme angles
Some wimminz rely upon such photos exclusively.
Many wimminz will have most photos of these types in their album.
Nearly all wimminz will have one or two photos of these general types in their album.
In the first category: group photos, we can posit that wimminz are trying to attract a mate by forcing him to attempt to identify the advertiser from among her friends. It is a safe bet that the wimminz who has posted such a photo will not be the most attractive wimminz in the photo.
In the second and third categories: lack of focus and proper lighting, such a wimminz is attempting to hide unflattering details about herself from potential suitors.
In the fourth and fifth categories: selective cropping, you can be almost certain that such a wimminz is excluding whatever parts of her body are least attractive.
In the last category: extreme angles, such photos are used by skank-ho wimminz to maximize their perceived bust size, and minimize their wrinkles and bad teeth.
I remember, years ago, being chumped by a skank who used the extreme angle technique to bill herself as something she wasn’t. I showed up at my local Starbucks to find a completely different looking wimminz than what I was expecting, and her saggy a-cup dugs served to make it a very quick rejection. You can be sure that if a wimminz is taking photographs with a camera that appears to be mounted ceilingwise, then it’s safe to subtract at least six inches from her bust, and you should add six inches to her disgusting, flabby belly, also.
It only took a few further meetings with tinder skanks in my history to begin compiling this list that was subsequently internalized, such is the prevalence of wimminz and their false advertisements.
Every normal person attempts to present his best self when meeting someone new. That is a far different matter from creating and impersonating a fictitious individual who does not exist. Since many wimminz do not know the difference between these two scenarios, the onus is entirely on you boys, not to get chumped.