Defining Feminism

Feminism (n):

  1. a conspiracy against all men and all nations, to offload the individual and collective responsibility for female misbehavior onto men.
  2. an ideology (see Marx) which promotes a false state-of-affairs between men and their material conditions, furthering the support of women at the expense of man and his brothers.

Feedback welcomed. Is this concise and/or accurate?

30 thoughts on “Defining Feminism

  1. Makes sense to me. Feminists’ own definitions of feminism change according to whatever point they’re trying to make. For instance, someone who says “I’m not a feminist” may be met with, “Do you think that women should have the right to own money? To work without their husbands’ permission? Well, if so, you’re a feminist, because feminism means that women have equal human rights with men!”

    On the other hand, someone who says “I consider myself a feminist–I support equal pay for equal work–but I don’t agree that women should be able to abort their babies” may then hear “You’re not a feminist if you don’t think that women have the right to reproductive health care and determination over their own bodies!”

    In other words, decent people are feminists, because feminism simply means treating women like human beings; and if you’re a feminist, then you must naturally support the #MeToo movement, abortion, and exterminating 90% of the male population and keeping the remaining 10% caged up to be used as studs when needed. If you don’t support all that, then you’re not a feminist, and what you really want is for women to be treated like dirt!

    In other words, “feminism” has no meaning corresponding to reality; it’s simply a rhetorical tool. Like “synergistically,” it’s been a whore from the start.

  2. I’d say it’s accurate.

    Another thing I’ve noticed is that feminists want to be equal with ‘toxic’ males (by pursuing thrills, feels, emotional roller coasters) and then after the predictable consequences they want to make war on the men who aren’t toxic because they are responsible and masculine.

  3. Textbook definitions, or scholarly works don’t cut it. The narrative and “conversation” has already been cornered. You’re not a feminist, or agree with the ideas of it???? You hate women, want women tor die from back-street abortions, you want women chained to a stove, you want children to suffer, don’t you realize most the homeless are battered women and children, you hate blacks, you only think women are to serve sexual needs, you want open segration to be allowed, you don’t like children, you hate the environment, you want everyone except you to not have access “to safe and affordable healthcare like Europe, and Cuba” you must hate your mother, wait til your job finds out about these stances you have!

    Not to mention doxxing (and no Christian should ever really be afraid of this), the art of smearing (Rand gave many good ewxamples of this in her novels) and social stigma….and that gets most people in the end. That.

    Eh……then again Boxer you’re talking to people in this forum and blog who have all the solutions for “what is wrong with the world, and if only everyone was as intelligent as they are……well……there would be no problems”

    I still read Dalrock here and there…some otrher Christian blogs so to speak…….all the answers all of them. Bunch of men who can make their own clothing, forge steel, hunt, bed nines and tens, are (cough) leaders in the bloggersphere

    and yet……….can’t convince Pastors to “change their views” and cannot even convince deacons and elders in their own churches to change their view, can be “bothered” to start their own church, can’t defend themselves in a church setting (they all leave for another that ‘isn’t as bad’ as the previous) but self-righteously state that they are “the real men in the room”

    Poseurs……………all of them.

    Like Feminists, they change the dialogue, assume vast things about minor comments and that is why they will still as “Rome burns” point fingers at the people who “made them do it” or “couldn’t be bothered” with standing up to it

    Been in prayer a lot the past few months. We’re doomed. We really are. If the the man-o-sphere has to offer me only put downs because I don’t agree 100% with them, or snide un Christian like behavior and then to quote it back at me only when it suits them?

    They are all getting what they deserve, which is feminism.

    They can’t even change their own local churches……but suddenly expect Trump, some corporation, and everyone to just see the light.

    Feminism…….men invented the Internet because women took over televison…….so that Gillette ad should not surprise anyone…….look who watches more TV, a lot more! Speaking to the feminist crowd that watches it

  4. As for a definition of feminism, I happen to like Dalrock’s Law of Feminism. I don’t agree with everything he writes, and his definition doesn’t cover every aspect of feminism, but it’s pretty good.

    I don’t think anyone else has said it yet, but I’m thankful that Jason is back. I missed these insights.

    “…are (cough) leaders in the bloggersphere…”

    This is one reason I’ve recently been criticizing anonymity among the Christian RPers. Most are posing as leaders, but I suspect many of them are like me: nobodies with little, if any, meatspace influence. You’d assume they’d want to use any influence online. Still, who knows?

    I’m not posing as anyone but myself. There is a picture of my wife on my website. You can judge for yourself if she is a 2 or an 8. You can read the newspaper article on my family and see that I’m representing myself authentically.

    “…They can.t even change their own local churches..”

    I focus my attention in meatspace on my family. Choosing a large family with physically complicated children meant that my focus had to be there. I don’t have time to try changing the church. In fact, I recently changed churches after they made clear their stance on radicalized sexuality. It is very difficult to have an influence on a church when it is large and you are new there.

    “ doomed. We really are. If the the man-o-sphere has to offer me only put downs because I don.t agree 100% with them, or snide un Christian like behavior and then to quote it back at me only when it suits them?”

    Perhaps you should move out of California? Regardless, I don’t put my hope in the manosphere. It has its usefulness, but it isn’t Jesus.

    I disagree with lots of people and I often present my viewpoints strongly. But I do it to test my ideas against others, to see if they hold up to criticism. I guess I’m saying that I find some ‘put-downs’ helpful. I now find it more amusing when I’m mocked at Dalrock, where in the past I might have let it get to me. I try to avoid criticizing the person and focus on what they believe.

  5. I have my own tentative version of the definition of Feminism. At it’s root, it’s an assertion and justification of women’s rejection of male authority. I may develop this into a post at some point in the future.

  6. Perhaps I should move out of California.

    Where? To your state where “everyone is a traditional Christian, is respectful, lives in towns where they don’t have to lock their doors, low taxes, excellent social services, great schools, zero divorce and 1000000% feminie women?”

    Let me tell you something about California. This is my adoptive home. I have lived here longer than my native New York State, and my college years in Vermont for undergrad. Californians for the most part “don’t care” if I am Christian. Californians are too self-absorbed about their own “amazing” lives than to be worried about me. Leave the coast, and its all red in the great valley and the vast mountains and deserts. Un-C hristian like behavior I have given more by men in the church, and the Christian man-o-sphere if truth be told than from the average Californian on the street

    Where would I move to? Really. Where? I am on the cusp of fifty. I am not starting all over again at my age. Most states are really only a few years behind California……..even in the Texas Senate race…..Cruz didn’t really win by much. Austin, and now even Dallas, and Houston are pretty solid “blue” yet Texas still has this rep of some “down home country girl place” and every man drives a tractor to work, or works on a farm…..that’s more California than Texas. Califonia produces most of the dairy, most of the nuts, and fruits and vegetables not only for our market…but for the world.

    Don’t know why you brought your wife up. I don’t look at or talk to other mens wives, well…..I take that back, I am personal friends with the woman “Peaceful Single Girl / Peaceful WIfe” and her husband. When I communicate with her, I followed the “Pence Rule” a decade before there ever was a term for it and always copied her husband with any communication with her. He’s a pretty awesome man of God. This “Pence Rule” has been a curse for me as well. SInce I actually follow it, it has KEPT me, or has had a HAND in keeping me single. You marrieds have zero clue what it is like for the Christian man who just wanted a wife and girlfriend and has a gazillion hoops to perform and jump through….while the above average looking just seemed to have every rule “bent” for them….but none of them would ever see that and its stupid for me to even bother trying to explain.

    My perspective is unacceptable to the American Christian world. My job is to evidently change the church, feed the hungry, rescue the addict, help the teen, clothe the naked while everyone else gets a pass because they are married, are a mom, or dad, are deemed “important” because they are the praise leader (and said dude usually has banged every attractive gal his age in the church) or some other made up title and “important ministry” inside the church….like judging people, or the utterly boring men’s group.

    Feminism had a definition once….but no longer….its a malible slippery eel of ideas now that molds into what the current “issue” is of the moment. It’s a narrative now…..a real definition cannot be placed on it because it would then have to be held ACCOUNTABLE.

    They will never have that or allow that at this point

  7. This is one reason recently been criticizing anonymity among the Christian RPers. Most are posing as leaders, but I suspect many of them are like me: nobodies with little, if any, meatspace influence. You.d assume they.d want to use any influence online. Still, who knows?

    This is terrible advice. It should be noted that Derek is a part of an ethnic/religious community and owns his own business. Both of those factors insulate him from the consequences of being an “out and proud” antifeminist. The average reader of this blog has none of those advantages.

    Chairman Mao sez: a revolutionary swims in the seas of the people. Go and do likewise, brothers.

    You can judge for yourself if she is a 2 or an 8.

    Insulting another man’s wife is, in the most charitable analysis, bad form. In a patriarchal society it would entail serious consequences. Brothers can judge Derek’s wife, but if they insult his choice here, they’re opening themselves up to becoming my own personal online punching bag for the foreseeable future.

  8. Sitting here in a Peet’s coffee shop here in downtown Santa Rosa. Corner of 4th and D. Well, there is a “protest” march. All the good north bay liberals have come out in mass. No one is watching the protest because 99% of the people here voted for Hillary.

    Signs “Thank You Gillette, you listened to us!” “The 1% Are Not Gonna Matter When We Are Done!”
    “Trump Out Of My Uterus” and “Believe All Women” along with “Gillette, You Just Got Millions Of More Supporters”

    Biggest circle jerk of virtue signaling I’ve seen in awhile……..the funniest was a pair of old ladies with a sign “Down With Corporations” but they are in Peets getting a coffee. Oh, the irony.

    Oh look at this…’s already over…….the local news from San Francisco covering it like its a movement. I mentioned offhand to a guy who was next to me before the march when he asked “are you downtown for the protest?”

    I just said “Go to some upstate New York small city and protest, people who have been ingnored since the 1980’s could care less about this, they would like a decent job.”

    He got all defensive and left while I put my earbuds back in….

  9. Female drivers sin allow to run free so that destroys the natural order so both can be tax, (non-single) motherhood is demonized and
    men are devalued
    Toxic femininity

  10. “[Anonymity] is terrible advice. It should be noted that Derek is a part of an ethnic/religious community and owns his own business. Both of those factors insulate him from the consequences of being an .out and proud. antifeminist. The average reader of this blog has none of those advantages.”

    I partially left my religious community more than a decade ago. I still identify with it and have family there, but I no longer live in that area. Moreover, I don’t own my own business, or rather I do, but I make hardly anything on my photography. I’m somewhat insulated because my place of employment has a sensible owner. Plus, my wife has the ability to earn income in a profession that is not lacking in employment opportunities. We have plans to survive, as should every man, whether you are an anonymous blogger or not. I worked hard for my ‘advantages’, they didn’t just drop into my lap.

    If you think I’m a hypocrite or completely safe, you’re wrong. When I was in college with significant negative net worth and was not married, I wrote a non-anonymous letter to the school newspaper claiming that the government has no compelling societal interest in increasing homosexual rights. It was not well received. I stand up for what I believe no matter the consequences. Say what you will, you don’t win the war by conceding the battles. My views have at times negatively affected my employee/employer relationships. In meatspace most of my free time is spent fighting a battle against the local public school system, something I can’t talk about online in detail. I’ve lost plenty of battles, but I fight them anyway, because it’s the right thing to do.

    Cowards that won’t stand up and fight when they can. Lexet posted an article in favor of anonymity. Ironically, he cites the lack of support by the cowardly church, community, family, and friends, as his reason for anonymity. Why should it always be somebody else who has to do something? Of course no one comes to anyone else’s rescue. Everyone is terrified to do so, else their careers are shattered too. I’ll do it alone or with help, either way.

    Here is what Jason said of certain unnamed Christian blogs:

    “…Bunch of men who…bed nines and tens”

    Jason’s point is, I think, correct. It’s easy to make yourself look amazing or at least imply that you are amazing. I am suspicious of anyone who makes themselves out to be leaders but lives in constant fear of feminism and being doxxed by them.

    “Not to mention doxxing (and no Christian should ever really be afraid of this)”

    Where is the real life influence of these bloggers? Why do they hide behind anonymity if they have real influence in real life? The people who have influence and reach, such as authors, are almost never anonymous for a reason. How do they survive if anonymity is so sacred? Well they do suffer the consequences, often. But they do it anyway. Ask Jack Donovan or Rollo Tomassi how they do it.

    Christians have been suffering the consequences for their beliefs for millennia. If a non-Christian wants to be anonymous? Go nuts. But when a Christian hides behind anonymity, he’s not taking up his cross.

    You don’t win a culture war unless you have numbers. If those numbers exist in sufficient quantity to theoretically turn the culture war, then they have to stand up.

  11. ‘At it.s root, it.s an assertion and justification of women.s rejection of male authority.’

    That’s not the complete root….it’s the rejection of Godly authority.

    Sure there’s a hierarchy to it…and rejecting the chain o’command takes a lot of steps. But that’s the ending.

  12. “The average reader of this blog has none of those advantages.”

    Consider the kids of the Covington Catholic school. They, their families, and anyone perceived to be supporting them were doxxed and attacked by the SJW mob. Now consider how valuable anonymity was for them. Worthless. Absolutely worthless.

    Anonymity isn’t all that valuable. For example, the hints for who Boxer are apparently out there, and the only thing preventing that knowledge is the will to search for it. Anonymity doesn’t protect much against the truly determined.

    You never know when you are going to become a target. It can be for something or it can be for nothing at all. You don’t even have to be on social media to be a target.

    This is why you need to be prepared. If being anonymous gives you a false sense of security, beware.

  13. Anonymity doesn.t protect much against the truly determined.

    Derek Ramsey is correct in this regard. What keeps most people out of the fire is being a small fish in a large ocean. There’s no actual totally secure hiding place if one has an online presence, though some people have the expertise to be much better at laying low than others.

    That said, I believe Boxer’s note of caution is valid (my screen name obscures) and should be viewed in light of one’s friends and relations. You can make their lives difficult by association, and even if you can take the hits personally and professionally; they should be among your concerns in taking precautions.

    Of course the best way to stay clear is to go off grid, but many learning opportunities will be lost.

  14. Rollo lives an exhausting life. He uses big words and all these concepts and hypthetical situations, has charts and graphs, uses big words and is scholarly. No doubt that he has researched…….but I just could not imagine running a marriage on this, or dating a girl by this….everything is hypergamy, and his advice to men if “he” was single……yeah okay man…….He isn’t. He hasn’t been for a bit.

    But to most men……really……..are they going to every night study his books, and perspectus, and videos trying to “decode” what his wife “really meant when she said (insert word / phrase / body language / gesture / or action)”

    No. And all the slavish fans of his don’t do this either. Sometimes the garbage just has to be taken out. Therre is no hidden meaning when you wife asks you this. Sometimes I would presume that the wife doesn’t want to have sex bc she honestly is sick, had a rough day with the kids………sometimse the dishes just have to get done. Sometimes the budget has to be crunched, and sometimes………..a cigar is just a cigar.

    Outside the man-o-sphere, Christian or not. No one really takes him seriously. By the time you studied, parcticed and applied everything he is purporting, you are going to in a hospital ward grunting over a bedpan waiting for death as it is close by at that point……very close at hand! But boy-o-boy you mastered being a rational male! It won’t get you into eternity though!

  15. @Jason

    My only point re: Rollo was that he’s not anonymous and has a relatively large following. Is he influential? I’d say the entire manosphere is not very influential.

    “Sometimes the garbage just has to be taken out. Therre is no hidden meaning when you wife asks you this. Sometimes I would presume that the wife doesn.t want to have sex bc she honestly is sick, had a rough day with the kids…sometimse the dishes just have to get done. Sometimes the budget has to be crunched, and sometimes…..a cigar is just a cigar.”

    The poetry of this speaks for itself.

    You’re absolutely correct. You speak like someone who has experience with marriage. When it comes to the trash or sex, you work it out. You find what works for you and you go with it. There isn’t anything mystical or magical per se, it’s just life. Ironically, since being in the manosphere, I’ve come to terms with helping my wife with those mundanities and chores that she needs help with, and it’s improved our marriage. Sometimes you’re too tired to give the other person what they need. Sometimes the most loving thing to do is lend a helping hand. Married people get that.

  16. I saw a good marriage Derek. My parents. Yes, they aregued….but never kept score. Yes, they built something together. My dad didn’t have a “Plan” and “track” and “map” on how to get married, when, and “what plan of action was he taking to vet a wife” I mean hypergamy is talked about so much and they tell younger me, and my younger self.

    All these textbook answers on other blogs…

    “don’t buy her anything. don’t do this. don’t do that. treat her like a bratty sister. talk down to her, and looks don’t matter but get lots of muscles, go to the gym and find a style that matches your personality….”

    The list goes on and on, and then YEARS later these same men are now ME. ALone. Social skills still sliding downhill. Wonderring what happened….and these men AGAIN “tsk, tsk” me about how I was too this or that……

    I’m really in a bad way right now. I don’t think I can take a few more decades of this. I pay a prostitute, I am a sinner and going to hell…………..yet all the other men in the Christian ‘sphere were allowed to have premarital sex, date and do all kinds of terrible things…..get divorced……

    It’s a club, and frankly….if I am going to have to spend enternity with this crowd…….makes me perhaps think that I was a fool for joining Christianity.

    I can’t find a church. Even when I was in one, I was expected to serve while the “cool kids” again got to tell me what I was or wasn’t doing enough of……..and no bolts of lightening struck anyone down.


  17. Leaving again……..there isn’t anything else to say that hasn’t been said, and I tend to get more upset, annoyed or I actually feel worse when I find myself back in the sphere on forums et al.

    I go days now at work with not saying a word to anyone. I am listened when I instruct staff, and they do comptetant work for the most part. Men and women. The building survey came back from tennants who rent retail / commercial space from us. We scored well above average. My six month review was excellent. I even got a raise.

    And yet……and yet…….it still isn’t good enough on a Christian dating site. It still doesn’t matter out in the world what I do or don’t do. It still doesn’t matter that I turned my life around, or have been clean off drink and drugs for fifteen years. It didn’t change my father suddenly dying in September. It doesn’t change the fact that I am alone. What I am facing is something “innate” that I was born with. Is it mild autism? Mild aspbergers? Is it a result of the drug use? Is it it the fact that I was just born ugly and as man of faith I am going to have to accept “Oh, but there is no marriage in heaven so it’s okay!”

    I am at a loss, and the advice makes me worse off….and their snide arrogance sucks the life outta me

  18. Some commenter on the blog “No Longer Quivering” just suggested that the moderator trace my ip address and make sure a full CPS investigation was launched.

    This is because the moderator wrote a scornful post about my post “Counseling, Feelings, and the Roles of Husband and Wife”; the commenters doubted my existence, my husband commented that I was real and actually quite nice, and I chimed in that my husband was pretty awesome, too. The moderator wrote a long comment about how I was definitely under 30 (ha! I wish!) and should shut up about marriage until I’d been married a long time, expressed concerns that my husband was controlling and abusing me, then banned my husband and me from further commenting.

    All this just to say: I’d prefer not to be doxxed. There is nothing–NOTHING–in any of my blog posts, comments, or other internet activity to support allegations of abuse, but accusations are easy to make and a pain in the butt to deal with.

  19. Some commenter on the blog .No Longer Quivering. just suggested that the moderator trace my ip address and make sure a full CPS investigation was launched.

    A link would be fun(ny), if you were so inclined.

    This is because the moderator wrote a scornful post about my post .Counseling, Feelings, and the Roles of Husband and Wife.; the commenters doubted my existence, my husband commented that I was real and actually quite nice, and I chimed in that my husband was pretty awesome, too. The moderator wrote a long comment about how I was definitely under 30 (ha! I wish!) and should shut up about marriage until I.d been married a long time, expressed concerns that my husband was controlling and abusing me, then banned my husband and me from further commenting.

    If you and your husband want to construct a future riposte, I’d be honored to host it here, where all the petty antics of the typical feminists will come to nothing.

  20. My controlling husband and I thank you; we would like to offer our commentary on the whole kerfuffle, but will probably take a little while to do so (kids and work and all keeping us busy). Nice to see new posts from you, by the way.

  21. Dearest Fucking God in Heaven. Derek, even though you think its a good idea to subject your wife to online scorn, and though Boxer wouldn’t allow it on this blog, please reconsider this invitation. Another mans family is only a target when you are scorching earth and plan to salt it, and you are a possible ally and at worst an honorable foe, so I have ZERO desire to go there. However learn what happened to VOX’s wife on GAB. Do you really want to open that Pandora’s box?

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