Clown World 2019

TJ and John both clued me in to Tucker Carlson’s polemic this morning. Carlson begins by citing a wonderfully bright, helpful, all-American op-ed, written by my dearly beloved cousin, Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney does not want America to be great again, because my people do not consider themselves to be any part of America. We are a conquered and colonized people, and we have learned how to wage a war of deception against the rest of you. Mitt Romney sees America as a dying beast, to which Mormons can attach themselves to — as parasites — feeding on the decaying flesh.

That this is not a tenable long-term solution makes no difference. That it makes Mormons to be (if not individually, then collectively) a disgusting and loathsome people is beyond the point. It’s all about easy living for Mitt, and for Mormons in general. The proof is in the fact that Romney was elected by a large majority as a Utah politician, despite never having lived there.

Mitt was at his best (and most concealable) when he had his fellow Mormon and fake enemy, Harry Reid, installed as legislator. They could pretend to adamantly disagree with one another, before acting in tandem… later to meet up in the Celestial Room for hugs as they laughed at the stupid sheep who bought their thespianics.

In other news, Skank-ho princess Meghan is up to her old antics again…

This is what happens when one installs human garbage into his family. We should remember that Markle has already been married in a traditional religious ceremony. She frivolously divorced that unfortunate sap almost immediately. She also went on record stating that she hates her father.

Young men should think about this, the next time they sex up that hot piece of ass who seems to have a surplus of personal and family problems. Marrying one of these sluts has the potential to destroy generations of your descendants. Harry has the money and resources to ditch this ho’ (and he will) but you will not have his connections.

9 thoughts on “Clown World 2019

  1. You are the last person I would have expected to ban and block me
    At least tell me what it was I said that upset you so much?

  2. A royal gender fluid baby? Even in my wildest imagination I did not expect this. It’s sad, but at the same time completely hilarious in its utter absurdity. Somehow I think people will be much more… creative… than “co-parent”.

  3. ‘She frivolously divorced that unfortunate sap almost immediately. She also went on record stating that she hates her father.’

    I remember the blogs you posted before they got into wedded bliss where we discussed her laundry list of red flags especially the divorce grinder and hating her father aspects. And to no one’s surprise (except perhaps tradCONS and henpicked men) this leopard never changed its spots. A husband is a male authority figure and she’s acting accordingly like the good little feminist she is.

  4. It.s been one of the reasons women become actresses so that they can have their dream wedding if no real one in sight??? In addition to the two that she.s had in real life, Reese Witherspoon will Has prepared for three other weddings on the big screen.
    If I wasn.t so lazy(AWALT ) I would come up with a business plan to help women plan out and have the big fat i waited too long wedding that they complete with fake a attractive husband and post weekend divorced so they could have their big day without Destroying a man.s life
    Or is that the main part of the appeal of the wedding. Me I.m more looking forward to having sex with hubby and the cake

  5. read that the brat won.t even be a prince and even without the Royal distinction you know any daughter hers it.s going to be a .princess.
    I wonder if Diane Had lived up he would even put up with this bitch being that Megan feels more like the side bitch that you marry up there for four year affair then wife number one

  6. This is what happens when one installs human garbage into his family.

    It’s a microcosm of the collapse of Britain as a whole. Why wouldn’t the royal family be suffering the same terminal rot as the country it rules?

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