5 thoughts on “Ping: Opus

  1. You might like to listen in on this Boxer…this particular priest is pretty good at cutting through our modern nonsense. He makes the claims that freemasons are the ones responsible for the laws that came out which destroy marriages, promote creating illegamite children, and promoting sodomite marriages. Starts at 9:18 but the whole thing is good.

  2. Dear Fellas:

    You might like to listen in on this Boxer.this particular priest is pretty good at cutting through our modern nonsense. He makes the claims that freemasons are the ones responsible for the laws that came out which destroy marriages, promote creating illegamite children, and promoting sodomite marriages. Starts at 9:18 but the whole thing is good.

    Months ago you were blaming the Jesuits for this stuff. Gunner blames the Jews. BDMG blames the LDS church. Who’s right? I don’t know.

    I have yet to see a freemason nagging some young lass into taking strange dick in the nightclub’s public toilet. The girls seem to enjoy making that choice all on their own. I’ve also never seen freemasons go door to door in an attempt to get married women to walk away from their husbands toward the divorce courts. Plenty of married women seem to do that without any prodding from anyone.

    Thus, I have to assume that the crap behavior of wimminz is the fault of the wimminz who do it. No masons, Jews or Mormons needed.

  3. Thus, I have to assume that the crap behavior of wimminz is the fault of the wimminz who do it. No masons, Jews or Mormons needed.


    This isn’t absolving fault from wimminz for the crap behavior. It’s getting to the bottom of whom is making it easier for wimminz to unleash their crap behavior. It certainly wasn’t wimminz that made the laws about no fault, contraception, and abortion…but it shows that since they are the laws of the land, wimminz will take full advantage and fight for these monstrasities to stay. There’s both corruption in the clergy and political order that can’t be overlooked.

    .Unbridled passions will give way to a total corruption of customs because Satan will reign through the Masonic sects, targeting the children in particular to ensure general corruption.”

    .The sacrament of Matrimony, which symbolizes the union of Christ with the Church, will be thoroughly attacked and profaned. Masonry, then reigning, will implement iniquitous laws aimed at extinguishing this sacrament. They will make it easy for all to live in sin, thus multiplying the birth of illegitimate children without the Church.s blessing..”

    This particular priest sites the Virgin Mary making these statements in Ecuador in the 1600s…Our Lady of Good Success.


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