The Magical White Wimminz

Having been convinced to give so-called white nationalism a fair review, I looked up David Lane’s opvs magnvm and started reading.

I now know why all you pale brothers look askance at my conquests of black and jewish tinder chicks. Why would I slum with such creatures, when there are precious, modest, feminine white flowers like the following, ripe for plucking into the marriage and childbirth cycle?

Why indeed?

Note: Special thanks to Jack for sending me this entertaining video.

34 thoughts on “The Magical White Wimminz

  1. Rumor has it you just need to find a bustling wheat field or a field full of flowers and the beautiful, fertile, long blonde haired Aryan will be there ripe for the picking.

    I’m just looking for one of the last few virtuous women who haven’t decided that they need to be equal to a man or got on the promiscuity train. I don’t care what skin suit she wears.

  2. Not sure what I just saw, but if it was what is left of “the beauty of the white aryan woman” then it has pretty much perished from the earth already. The ones screaming the loudest about rape also seem to be the ones who are least likely to ever be targeted. It would have to be a pretty dark and foggy night for anybody to stalk her until they got a decent look at her. I’m thinking the anger coming out of her is pent up from other issues, and not caused by the man she is cursing at. The coward hiding his face, except for his eyes, behind a bandanna, claimed he saw fear in the other man’s eyes, as he himself cautiously backed away. It sounds like he was repeating something he himself was most likely told just a few minutes earlier by somebody else. LOL And, so what! Any wise person would be a little fearful when surrounded by an army of nutjobs, in an undeclared war, where you can go to jail for fighting. Not afraid of any particular nutjob, not afraid of dying, but afraid of the folly they have gotten themselves into by being there with rioting fools.
    Proverbs 22:3 & Proverbs 27:12 A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.

    I personally like white women, but that nutter’s attitude is repellant regardless of skin color, and last time I checked purple was not the natural hair color of any race of human beings. Fat and violent isn’t the same as cute and endearing. What ever happened to rich white girls going to Charm or Finishing schools, to prepare them to be courteous wives? Now they take women’s studies to become that horrid abomination. But we’re the unacceptable ones who want to take them back to the “unliberated” Fifties. LOL It is best that the evil inherent in human nature not be very liberated. There need to be checks on a person’s freedom, when it impacts not only themselves, but others also. Anarchy has never been all it is cracked up to be.
    Proverbs 26:3 A whip for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, and a rod for the back of fools.

  3. @honeycomb

    The top women chess player in the world peaked at 55th best in 2015. This is a fantastically high rating that puts her just below the elite of the elite chess players. If this were a physical sport, she’d be playing in the “majors” with the men.

  4. @ Derek ..

    The exception doesn’t make the rule. And 55th in the world is hardly a contender. It’s more like media-rock-ity .. not excellence.

    Excuses are not going to cut it in mental games .. because if they can’t be EQUAL there .. how can they be physically? Oh .. that’s right they can’t. Unless we separate’em from the men.

    I guess my point is that when they fail to compete .. they form their own league and then claim to be EQUAL in accomplishment. Then demand EQUAL pay or benefit(s).


    @ Sharkly ..

    Yes .. saw that one .. they refuse to charge or name this wommimz either to my knowledge.

  5. @honeycomb – “The exception doesn.t make the rule. And 55th in the world is hardly a contender.”

    When the Williams sisters made their challenge, they challenged the 203rd in the world because they knew they could not defeat anyone in the top 200. The resulting match wasn’t even close, despite Karstan Braasch not being even close to the elite of the elite. There has never been a woman who could physically compete against a man in the physical sports at the highest level: baseball, soccer, football, hockey, or basketball. This is because there are real biological differences between men and women. The peak of female physicality can never approach the peak of male physicality, even if you can find some women who can beat some men.

    In chess, a mental sport, there is only one contender every couple of years, so sure, no women has ever gotten that far, but there is no in-principle reason that it couldn’t happen. It’s a low, non-zero probability: given sufficient time, it would happen eventually (see below). She has beaten a member of the elite-elite (top 20) before. To put it in a baseball analogy, she’s the #1 or #2 pitcher for a bad team and the #3 or #4 for a good team.

    If you wish to generalize, the most highly intelligent will be mostly men while the lowest intelligence will also be mostly men. More formally, the standard deviation for IQ is greater for men than it is for women, but otherwise they are comparable, with women occasionally and slightly outperforming men in the average case in certain contexts.

    If you take a random man and a random woman, most of the time the man will be physically superior to the woman. You’d do ever so slightly better to assume the woman has the higher IQ.

  6. Derek ..

    At 50 plus years old .. wimminz in their peak still can’t compete with me. I’m still physically better. Only the top 1% of wommimz can beat me now .. and in my youth my personal bests ranked me better than 90% of men. On the whole the top 1% of wimminz can compete with the bottom 10% of men .. roughly.

    Bell Curves being what the are .. War has had an effect moreso on men regarding the curve .. the wimminz are in any objective measure are sub-standard men. But when we talk of Noble prizes .. Patents .. High performers .. etc .. we are talking about 99% men. Let the wimminz rule the average part of the bell curve for all I care. I’m not in that part of the curve anyway.

    The deviation from average in the wimminz is so low that it barely blips the radar (i.e. they truly are a herd). And this woman is no different in proving my point. She’s a blip on the radar .. and such a small blip she doesn’t rank as exceptional.

    Though the men do have the highs and lows in IQ bell curve .. how smart do you have to be to be a beast of burr-den? /s (High IQ doesn’t automatically mean you’re smart.)

    The wimminz bell curve (average) is thanks to men willing to sacrifice and die to protect them. Male privilege is a myth .. and so is a womminz chances of being superior / excellent / exceptional comlared to a man.

    Because even with slightly above average intelligence (aka supposedly th) wimminz means very little if you are dead due to a 60 IQ dindu-nuffin vibrant killing you. What are you going to do as a womminz .. you’re gonna go get another man to protect you if you’re smart .. because you don’t measure up. Wimminz who want to be men are second rate men .. and even worse .. second rate women.

    Which is where this woman is .. protected by men .. and second rate at best.

  7. HEH .. perfect (wommimz) score .. [1]

    She nailed the outfit though .. heh

    [1] .. “shoot the hostage” .. she watched the movie speed for instructions on how to handle such encounters

  8. Dear Renee,

    Do you like black woman. To bed we didn.t meet item years ago ..

    Well, I like certain black women … the type who are patriarchal and sweet to me, or can at least pretend to be such for an hour at a stretch. Most (not all) of these women tend to be daughters of recent immigrants, from somewhat traditional Christian or Muslim homes, where they were taught how to act by their father. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.

    So it’s not just black women. That makes me sound like a fetishist. I hate those people. Incidentally, as a black chick, you ought to stay away from white dudes who make a big issue out of your background. Most of them will get off having sex with you — but not because they like you. It’s more like they see you as some cross between a love-doll and a non-human animal.

    In fact, many of the more outspoken white nationalists I’ve known personally have had a weird attraction to black and Asian chicks. (It’s all about their loyalty to the great white race… until darkness falls and it’s time to sneak off to the hood for some no-strings sex.) It’s not that they actually liked these women. They just saw them as disposable toys. Why put yourself through that nonsense?

  9. Sigh .. C.mon Boxer .. you know you want her ..

    .. to spontaneously combust .. heh!

    I thought the part where the cops scooped her fat ass up at the end was hilarious.

  10. Rumor has it you just need to find a bustling wheat field or a field full of flowers and the beautiful, fertile, long blonde haired Aryan will be there ripe for the picking.

    I’m starting to suspect that ANTIFA is a weird sort of undercover white nationalism.

    Have you ever seen a black ANTIFA member in any of these dopey videos where people screech at each other in the street? Me neither.

    I.m just looking for one of the last few virtuous women who haven.t decided that they need to be equal to a man or got on the promiscuity train. I don.t care what skin suit she wears.

    I think that’s a wise plan. There’s probably not a more important decision you’ll ever make than who will be the mother of your kids. If you can find someone worthy, you should jump on her (heh) and not worry too much what the boys from Stormfront think about it.

  11. “I.m starting to suspect that ANTIFA is a weird sort of undercover white nationalism. Have you ever seen a black ANTIFA member in any of these dopey videos where people screech at each other in the street?”

    The whites are the disposable ones in the current Narrative.

  12. Exhibit A ..

    Exhibit B ..

    Well in Exhibit A we have a wimminz .. a simp .. a willing support network in mom .. a willing lie to her dad .. and a womminz who has colored hair looking to have a 1000 men run a train on her .. she seems normal.

    And in Exhibit B .. men are slowly underatanding what we’ve been saying for years.

    Either way these 2 and the 1 above articles are the current New Normal in our Western FemBot world that those in normal (old fashioned) relationships don’t understand. They’re (th wimmimz) almost ALL this way.

  13. Honeycomb wins the prize for finding the most disgusting, disturbing shit on the internet.

    This isn.t the only time Terry.s delivered the goods. Six months previously, he impregnated a woman in a lesbian relationship, whose partner believed the sperm was inserted artificially.

    Even if this moron evades the divorce courts, he now has a child: his real biological offspring, who is being raised by two disgusting bulldykes. What horrors that poor kid will experience can not really be fathomed. Terry doesn’t care, though.

    It’s hard to imagine someone less worthy of my respect.

  14. Honeycomb wins the prize for finding the most disgusting, disturbing shit on the internet.

    Frankly .. with no restraints .. this is what you get. Feral humanz behavior.

    And for those wonderin .. all you have to do to find this stuff is cruise UK newspapers. The US press is dead .. they are the enemy of the people .. and (are willing) covering for these retards to prevent the normies in the USofA from viewing it.


    Hey Ladiez .. I’ve been watching a ton of vid’s (recently) where you stupid cuntz get knocked out for behaving in a way (like a man) that would get a man knocked out. Keep thinking th menz will restrain themselves. All your prop-uh-gang-da about it’s never okay to hit a womminz .. isn’t working! It is in fact okay to hit a womminz. “If you take the position of a man .. you’ll take the punishment of a man!”

    You’re welcome in advance.

  15. And in Exhibit B .. men are slowly underatanding what been saying for years.

    I was a little shocked that twit blew up…considering that guy tends to post more shiv worthy type posts anyway. But yeah we’ve been saying clown colored hair is a red flag for a long time now.

  16. I.m starting to suspect that ANTIFA is a weird sort of undercover white nationalism.

    Have you ever seen a black ANTIFA member in any of these dopey videos where people screech at each other in the street? Me neither.

    They could just be the white version of black lives matter…part of the globohomo elite gang trying to take down Western Civ. Anarchists come in all sorts of skin suits.

  17. The Portland AntiFa traffic event had BLACK AntiFa members.

    Mostly white guilt rich kids .. the globohomo alliance must be so pleased that they got (actual) White Surpeme-ists (AntiFa) to attack the media’s idea of White Supreme-ists .. Heritage (normie) Americans in Portland.

    And the Mayor told the police to stand-down and they did.

    America is dead gentlemen. We have no rule of law any longer.

    Whennor if we evva go full MadMax ™ .. just remember .. drag the wimminz by their hair .. you can thanknme later.

  18. I’d forgot about this .. but let’s play a game ..

    You’re a Multi-Millionaire WOMMINZ .. you’re about 5’01” and 100 pounds .. you’ve acheived success at Indy Car and run with the Big Boyz of NASCAR .. and the highlight of your dating career is yoi finally found a man that pays / picks up the check ..

    Are you that ‘spensive that you require a man to buy you dinner? At 100 pounds!

    or here ..

  19. Aren’t they cute .. she’s a great beard for him and his homo-tendencies .. I wonder how much she’s gettin’ paid to date him .. or maybe future hollywood deals .. hmmmmmm

  20. Oh BOY .. Over-Under .. (pun intended) .. on this one lasting ..

    .Amanda and I had been friends for a year before I got with her dad, so I did have a lot of guilt and felt bad at first. But over time I have gotten over that. She knows I will always be there for her in her life and problems,. she said.

    .At the beginning, my parents were kind of concerned, my mom was upset that this was my friend.s dad, but they know always dated older men. But time heals everything though, and my mum, dad and stepmom have visited us and are all fine with it,. Taylor added. .Kern is very handsome, and I adore how he carries himself, he.s so educated, smart and successful..

    Instead of considering children in their future, Taylor says happy with the freedom their lifestyle allows them.

    .Why would I want to change at that part of his life? Honestly I love my life, we enjoy the freedom of traveling and having fun together. Every year we spend a week in Mexico; it.s fun but it.s a party. We have a lot of alcohol and fun..

    .I am very domesticated too. I love being home, cooking and [doing] housework. We both take pride in our home and hosting,. she added.

    Fella’s .. she’s a slure (i.e. a slut and a whore combined). Keep a safe distance from such creatures.

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