How Dare You?

When everyone’s favorite feminist Christian priest, Marc Driscoll, decided to start screaming at the men in his congregation, he probably imagined he’d get the wives and daughters in the audience wet for him. He likely anticipated an increase in donations, as the Christian whores in the chapel would see him as more manly than their own fathers and husbands.

He probably didn’t know that he’d become a fun manosphere meme.

While I can’t imagine that there’s anyone who hasn’t been entertained by this clown, here’s five minutes of Driscoll, kooking out in the most laughable fashion, in case you’ve missed it.

The first group of men that Driscoll castigates are the men who “have been coming here for years, with [their] hands all over their girlfriend[s]…” These men, who have been donating to Driscoll’s Christian church, for years, are subsequently screamed at for not marrying their Christian girlfriends.

Driscoll was not indulging in empty rhetoric. There were certainly many men in the audience who were faithful Christians. These men donated time and money, so that this useless parasite could continue to live large, without working. These men obeyed all the rules of their religious texts. They had what early Christian church fathers called a “natural marriage,” by taking a woman and faithfully living with her and loving her. Driscoll, of course, knows better than Augustine and St. Anselm. He knows better than a thousand years of patriarchal wisdom, which mirrors common sense. He calls these men and their marriages “cowardice” and “neglect,” and asks these faithful men who they think they are, for not manning up, and giving their slutty Christian wimminz a chance at being divorced.

To fuck a Christian slut without putting the noose of the divorce court around one’s neck is “dishonorable,” and “unmanly.” Those in the audience who didn’t realize it were in for a treat, as Pastor Driscoll was there to set them straight.

I fucked two wimminz in the last couple of weeks. Both were religious. One was a Protestant, and the other was Jewish. Neither seemed to mind the fact that I wasn’t much for religion myself. Both pretended to be patriarchal. Both expressed interest in being married. What I must assume is that neither would really be interested in marrying me, unless I were to magically convert to their own respective religions.

It might be that I constantly meet and fuck outliers, but I don’t think there are that many outliers in the world.

What I find more likely is that I meet and fuck random, everyday wimminz. These are the Christian and Jewish (and Muslim) sluts that you brothers meet, when you go to church. They find me amusing to play with. They also find me safe, as they know there is no chance that I will interact with the pool of men they plan to pretend to commit to.

Brother Boxer is a walking dildo and ATM machine, who these wimminz can goof off with on the side, while they are seeking out a good earning sucker, in their own community. Boxer will be discarded, but you will be the mark. It is you who they plan to marry, with the help of their faggot priest or rabbi, who will browbeat you, their victim, into signing on that dotted line.

Don’t think that you can have a “natural marriage,” in this society. Your priest is an agent of the feminist state, and he will be there, to derail your plans.

Thus it is you who will be robbed, the minute that princess decides that she’s not happy. This magic moment, which will (just coincidentally) arrive when the law tells her she can maximize her alimony payout, (in many states, that’s on your seventh or tenth anniversary,) will take you by surprise. Remember me, when it comes to pass. I tried to warn you.

By then you’ll have some sweet little Christian or Jewish (or Muslim) kids, who she will use as hostages to keep you in line. These children will grow up without a stable father-figure in the home, and will likely see a long procession of unscrupulous men, in and out of mom’s bedroom, throughout their tender years. You will pay for this, and I will too, and the only people who will profit are your skank-ho wife, the divorce lawyers, and faggot priests like Marc Driscoll.

So, really, there is someone who is childish, who is a “boy, and not a man,” and who deserves to be publicly humiliated. It isn’t you. It is the man who lives at your expense, without working. It is the man who AMOGs you, when you should be praying and enjoying the serenity of family time. It is the man who interferes in your marriage, during the hours that ought to be devoted to worshipping your God. Marc Driscoll is an example, but he’s hardly the only one.

How dare you? Indeed!

33 thoughts on “How Dare You?

  1. @Boxer
    Have you seen the comment section from the YouTube vid of this vid?
    Someone called Isabelle M absolutely nails it and destroys some faggot, soft cock Christian trying to defend Mark

    Mark Driscoll is just a typical white knight cuck who hates men and masculinity, whilst simultaneously defending women as being pure and without sin…..He represents 99% of church preachers today and that makes him dangerous and to be avoided

  2. Is there any chance you could screenshot that Isabelle M exchange with the Christian faggot and send it to me? box210 at protonmail dot com. Thanks in advance if you can find this!

  3. He represents 99% of church preachers today and that makes him dangerous and to be avoided

    Agreed. All mainstream religions are pushing feminism and degeneracy. Religious brothers should seriously consider doing “home churches” in the fashion of the Chinese. I don’t know if this is possible for Catholics/Jews/Orthodox, but Protestants have this option explicitly. “Everyone is a priest,” as Martin Luther taught…

  4. I don’t know how to screenshot. I tried but it only captured 1 comment, it didn’t get the entire exchange
    Is there any way I can capture the whole exchange?

  5. Seems like partially a case of some displaced anger (combined with trying to save his reputation/business) – here a quote from his book ‘Real marriage’ for which he received (as random google search shows) massive sh*t from all possible (not only) christian circles, and accusations of misogyny etc:

    “My previously free and fun girlfriend was suddenly my frigid and fearful wife. She did not undress in front of me, required the lights to be off on the rare occasions we were intimate, checked out during sex, and experienced a lot of physical discomfort because she was tense. One night, as we approached the birth of our first child, Ashley, and the launch of our church, I had a dream in which I saw some things that shook me to my core. I saw in painful detail Grace sinning sexually during a senior trip she took after high school when we had just started dating. It was so clear it was like watching a film . something I cannot really explain but the kind of revelation I sometimes receive. I awoke, threw up, and spent the rest of the night sitting on our couch, praying, hoping it was untrue, and waiting for her to wake up so I could ask her. I asked her if it was true, fearing the answer. Yes, she confessed, it was. Grace started weeping and trying to apologize for lying to me, but I honestly don.t remember the details of the conversation, as I was shell-shocked. Had I known about this sin, I would not have married her.”

  6. Cheers to necron48 for this pro-click response to Driscoll:

    Women have empathy ? More empathy than men ? Do get that from Women’s Studies ?! In these days of cursed feminization where women are more self-centered than ever and unable to love , to forgive , unable to stand by a man for a life time ?
    What exacty are women good at today except complaining and ruining everything they touch ??
    Empathy is divine . And MAN (not woman) is the glory of God ..just in case you had forgotten ..
    As an English or American man , you surely have heard of what MEN did to women on the Titanic .
    You know what ? they should have taken the lifeboats for themselves and leave those ungrateful petty females dying in the cold waters .
    And afterwards , during WWI , men should have put women in trenchies instead of men so that they had their pretty faces blown off by bombs .
    Great idea isn ‘t it ?
    UNGRATEFUL females .

    Have you ever noticed in the Bible how much Jacob loved his Rachel , the woman HE had chosen (not Leah , the woman imposed on him by another man) ?
    Men DO have a very strong faculty to bind to a woman who is theirs because it is innate in men to hold on to what is theirs.
    And when a woman is theirs , they are naturally inclined to protect and defend her providing he really feels like a man , which is more and difficult with the curse of controlling females spreading around.
    Have you ever noticed how men suffer after a divorce ? after their so innocent wife betrayed them ?
    Men have profound sensitivity .Just hear classical masterpieces or look at paintings in museums. There is a tiny part of God in men . Empathy is also part of it.

    Agape Love is divine , and men , the glory of God , are just called to love( their wives ) with that kind of supreme love . A love that guides , protects , defends and disciplines when required.
    But feminized Christianity loves pretending that women naturally possess that kind of love more than men . What a LIE .

    If women really had that kind of love , they would not be the ones initiating 70% of divorces that hurt men and children . Do women even care at all ? You call that empathy ? Agape love does not intentionally hurt .
    You know what women look like today ? They pity the poor animal which is hurt or killed but advocate abortion in the name of “women’s rights” ..
    God is not fooled by females ..

  7. Shouldn.t that be .disgraced former pastor Marc Driscoll.?

    Nah. He didn’t stay down. He’s now the celebrated Christian priest of Trinity Church, in Scottsdale, Arizona.

    The parasite left the weakened host in c-attle, only to find another.

  8. Have you ever noticed in the Bible how much Jacob loved his Rachel , the woman HE had chosen (not Leah , the woman imposed on him by another man) ?

    To be fair that man was Leah’s deceptive father who did that so he could get 7 more years out of Jacob before he got Rachel. You could make the argument the ‘ebil patriarchy’ screwed over a man.

    However it does get back to something I’ve mentioned before…I am not afraid of any female in the United States….I’m afraid of the system imposed by a lot of white knights, trandCONs and generally haters of masculinity in the state that a female can use at any point. Once again men have the power to take away another man’s power and women really don’t have much.

  9. Both pretended to be patriarchal. Both expressed interest in being married.

    And both did things to undermine the patriarchy and marriage.

    Most women are feminist whether they admit it or not. The very few are the ones that don’t fall into a cad’s bed ‘for fun’.

  10. “She did not undress in front of me, required the lights to be off on the rare occasions we were intimate, checked out during sex, and experienced a lot of physical discomfort because she was tense.”

    So let me get this straight. Marc Driscoll marries a woman of his own free will. Turns out the woman has a major self image issue and has trouble being intimate with her husband. Husband has a TRUE vision and finds out she wasn’t a virgin (vision from God or Satan I wonder…).

    Now, a Christian has a couple of options here. He can’t divorce his wife without running afoul of Jesus’ commands, but he can love her sacrificially and support that marriage he freely signed up for. There are worse things than duty sex. There are many, many men who would take a loving marriage (with kids!) that only included occasional duty sex if her sexual disinterest meant she would never cheat on him. (Better married masturbation than single masturbation and married masturbation) So with a nearly 100% chance of lifelong fidelity he…. airs his wife’s darkest secrets, which she is already emotionally wrecked from, publicly while saying he regrets marrying her.

    What an idiot.

    With regards to masculinity, I just spoke at a tech conference. The host introduced me and described my accomplishments on Wikipedia and added a joke about it. No crowd response. Two slides into the presentation, on the “about me” section, I mentioned that the ‘accomplishment’ I was most proud of was having 5 children. That got a round of applause by 50-100 (mostly) men. Nobody cares about my tech accomplishments or how much sex I get. Those men recognized that the value in a man being a father.

    Pastor Driscoll just doesn’t get it and spitting on his own wife like that is unconscionable. He’s lost the right to lecture anyone on the topic.

    If a man and a woman are faithful to each other and don’t get a state sanctioned marriage, that’s between them, God, and the church. The fine pastor should have informed them that in God’s eyes they are already married, and they better stay together for the rest of their lives whether they officially sign on or not.

  11. I have no patience a man abusing his wife publicly (and for that matter privately) like that. He should man up and accept the woman he married. If she further cheats on him, that changes everything, but until she does, he should treat her like that NAWALT wife he thought she was. Then to have the nerve to accuse other men of abuse: talk about projecting his own failings.

  12. @ Derek Ramsey

    Not defending the man in any way, just would like to point out that there is a big chance she actually had no self image issues and that the trouble being intimate with her husband stemmed simply from not being sexually attracted to him. Unlike the man she had sex with when initially dating Driscoll. That kind of revelation can really sting quite a bit: she is a good religious girl, won’t have sex with her boyfriend Driscoll before marriage (possibly leading him to assume she was a virgin, so if that was a deal-breaker for him, committing a fraud and taking away a chance to make an informed decision from him), but would give it up to another guy instead. “I’m not into you enough to break a rule, that I will happily break with a hotter guy”. The notorious manosphere trope AF/BB. Also can be that she was not devastated by regret, but by the reality that her fraud came to light and she had to deal with consequences.
    Nevertheless, Driscoll otherwise appears as unstable moron and publishing the story is just sick.

  13. Boxer, I wish to clarify something, under Halacha, Jewish law, there is no concept of alimony. When you are divorced you are divorced you don’t keep paying her for years.

  14. “…a big chance…”

    Well from the peanut gallery that is the internet there is no way to know for sure, however, he describes her as “tense” with “physical discomfort” (see below) and she showed genuine remorse for her actions. Now if she was denying him sex because he didn’t do chores or otherwise weaponizing sex, you’d have a point, but that isn’t the claim. I’ve read this blog long enough to know that Boxer et al. will assume the worst about a woman, but in this case it isn’t justified by any evidence. I’ll consider otherwise if someone else has experience or evidence that this is a common tactic among the “AF/BB” types.

    There are a number of legitimate sexual pathologies. This includes the inability to have sex, the inability to have sex without pain, sexual disinterest, and fear of sexual intimacy. The manosphere isn’t normally concerned with married persons who have sexual problems, but there are real dysfunctions that don’t fit the black and white “AF/BB” model.

    “Unlike the man she had sex with when initially dating Driscoll. “

    Not man… boy. She was, what? 18? Girls at 18, like boys at 18, are generally stupid and make stupid mistakes. Girls are especially prone to giving up their virginity in exchange for the most silly of empty promises. Now if you look at the statistics, divorce risk is lowest for those who have 0 or 1 premarital sexual partners. One mistake doesn’t normally make her divorce risk skyrocket… but if she is a loose woman and has sex with more than one, it shows in her character and divorce odds.

    It’s just not the case that 95% of women are whores. As I’ve pointed out before, well more than 50% of married individuals will not experience a divorce (and many who divorce experience multiple divorces). Faithful marriages are not uncommon, especially among non-Baptist Christian denominations that hold men and women to high standards and early marriage.

  15. In related evidence, the NYT recently reported on an interesting trend in baby births. You can see from the graph that there is a multi-factorial influence on having children. There may very well be a large non-outlier block of women in the AF/BB category (Boxer hangs out with them often), but there are other categories with different motivations. The early marriage evangelical types (of which I am a part) are very different from the carousel types.

  16. Boxer, I wish to clarify something, under Halacha, Jewish law, there is no concept of alimony. When you are divorced you are divorced you don.t keep paying her for years.

    That’s certainly an improvement over the North American model… Bear in mind that the U.S. is a secular country, and I have never heard of a case where a divorce court judge would make an exception in his alimony award because the poor chump in the docks is Jewish. (If there were such a precedent, then I’m sure there would be a flood of converts to Judaism corresponding with the papers getting filed.)

    Now, if there is a rav someplace who is encouraging his male students to only partake in the religious marriage, and not file a marriage license with the feminist state, that would be a counterexample. I’d love to interview him.

    I think all religious brothers need to consider doing merely a religious marriage, holding themselves out as roommates. It’d be a way to “bleed the beast” to some extent (once pregnant, one’s wife could larp as a single mom, and collect as many welfare goodies as possible) while immunizing oneself from the pitfalls of a legal marriage.

  17. Girls are especially prone to giving up their virginity in exchange for the most silly of empty promises. Now if you look at the statistics, divorce risk is lowest for those who have 0 or 1 premarital sexual partners. One mistake doesn.t normally make her divorce risk skyrocket. but if she is a loose woman and has sex with more than one, it shows in her character and divorce odds.

    (sperg) beep boop … statistics show you are not a viable candidate for marriage … (/sperg)

    A healthy society would have healthy patriarchal norms. This would maximize the potential for enforcement of the marriage contract, even if your daughter is dumb enough to marry Johnny Cash…

    The minute someone touts marrying a virgin, I always pull out skank-ho Christian slut Jenny Erickson as an example of their silliness. That dopey bitch Naghmeh Abedini works too. No doubt Brothers Leif and Said thought that they had a trouble-free marriage locked down when they got lucky enough to tap some virgin ass. Feminist America had a different idea, and we all know who won, in hindsight.

  18. A healthy society would have healthy patriarchal norms.

    Enforcing the marriage contract and keeping sex in marriage go hand in hand. Hence why fornication and all sorts of sexual immorality go widespread…marriage and the patriarchy suffer.

  19. @ Derek Ramsey

    OK, I agree that we can’t know, so not “a big chance” but let’s say “a chance”.

    You are assuming the age of the boy/man she had sex with based on her age only, but you can’t know that, but that’s just a minor detail, my point was, that she wouldn’t have sex with a boyfriend, while she would with somebody she met at a trip, while having a boyfriend back at home, and you suggest her motivation being innocent youthful stupidity or some promises from the boy’s side, which I think is slightly naive way of looking at it (what could the boy possibly promised her?), instead of seeing it for what it probably was – she simply wanted to have sex with that guy, so she had it, boyfriend be damned.

  20. I’m confused by the Erikson link. Purity culture motivated her to…have sex before marriage with a guy because she was going to marry him? Huh? Look, I think purity balls with the girl dressed up as a bride next to her father are creepy, but “Don’t have sex before you marry. Then have sex” is simple, sensible advice, and ol’ Jenny blaming her fornication and her divorce on purity culture is bizarre.

    And yeah, marrying a virgin doesn’t guarantee squat, but it does push the statistics in a positive manner. Of course, for any woman (or man) in a marriage, the only question is, “What is right?” and not “Statistics say my marriage is likely to last/fail. I better make that happen!”

  21. Well in any case…Boxer can put to bed the fact that Jenny Erickson was a virgin before marriage. In fact it makes more sense she frivorced her guy (due to the increased risk) and how has multiple kids with multiple men.

    And like any good victim of course she blames purity for her mess rather than her fornication.

  22. @Ofelas

    I get what you are saying. We don’t know, so it’s just interesting to speculate.

    Let’s say, for example, that she went on her senior trip to podunkville, met up with Boxer and had wild sex. Her behavior later indicates that she regretted it deeply, perhaps so much that she couldn’t bear to have sex again. (I know Boxer would do that to me, just saying.) Regardless of the details of that trip, her behavior is not what you would expect of an entitled women or a carousel rider, she strikes me as damaged goods.

    “Enforcing the marriage contract and keeping sex in marriage go hand in hand. Hence why fornication and all sorts of sexual immorality go widespread.marriage and the patriarchy suffer.”

    When a woman fornicates, it creates an bond. Because it is an illicit bond, it is bound to mess you up one way or another. Fornication comes with consequences. For example, earl can date a woman and when he moves on, he doesn’t have to worry about attachments because he didn’t have sex with her. Besides obedience to God, he does this to avoid problems like the above.

  23. One gal I dated stated to me wondering why I wasn’t taking advantage of her…I quickly ended that. I knew what she was wanting and I didn’t want that bond. Last thing you want is a crazy woman stalking you.

  24. Boxer, I will explain, in Israel all marriages and divorces are handled through the Batei Dinim, religious courts. Remember Israel is a Jewish state, Halacha is an integral part of the state & law. So if you want to get married or divorced in Israel you have to use the religious courts.

    In America, at least in New York state if you go to family court and you had an Orthodox Jewish wedding the judge will send you to the Jewish courts. I personally know of one case where this happened.

    As to why men aren’t mass converting to Judaism, with the rights come responsibilities, to any woman you marry, to your people & to G-d.

  25. @Derek Ramsey

    I think you’re defending the guilty based upon uncertainty. While that may be necessary in a court of law. You are just being the devil’s advocate here in our discussion.

    Church discipline is a real thing from the Bible. It should be a regular and constant thing happening in the church. Wives who won’t put out for their husbands should be shamed and shunned at the direction of the church. I think Mark is right to shame his wife for her evil behavior. Instinctively, by his conscience, he knows it is right to shame her for her unfaithfulness to him. However that cunt worshipper draws the line at his wife, and will not do the same for other men, who’s wives are not being faithful to provide them with sex.

    Your defense of his wife wanders into “White Knight” territory.
    he airs his wife.s darkest secrets, which she is already emotionally wrecked from .
    You are assuming that she wasn’t mainly upset that her sin was found out. I wouldn’t make that assumption after what I’ve been through. It turns out my wife was not a bit sad or ashamed about what she had done prior to marriage, she was only acting sad, because she was having to then explain it to a pure and true Christian man, she was wanting to marry, who was not going to be told that it wasn’t completely wrong and indefensible.

    Pastor Driscoll just doesn.t get it and spitting on his own wife like that is unconscionable. He.s lost the right to lecture anyone on the topic.
    You’re mostly wrong there. Exposing sin, is not spitting on the sinner, it is what we are called to do.
    Ephesians 5:11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
    If more pastors would have exposed the sins of evil wives from the pulpit, we most likely never would have gotten into all of this Feminist mess. Spiritual leaders never lose their right to speak God’s truth. I as a husband do not have to earn my leadership role, or the right to confront my wife’s sins. It is part of my job as spiritual head. I agree that Driscoll is a false teacher, but that doesn’t take away his duty to address sin. You can tell others to not make the same mistakes you have made, without being a hypocrite.

    I have no patience a man abusing his wife publicly (and for that matter privately) like that. He should man up and accept the woman he married. If she further cheats on him, that changes everything, but until she does, he should treat her like that NAWALT wife he thought she was.
    LOL So calling out her sin is “Abuse” now. Look who’s false teaching now. Whores shouldn’t be treated like virgins, it is hurtful to both the whores and the virgins. That is part of how we got into this mess. By letting whores escape their humiliation, and claiming “ultimately virginity means nothing. It.s just a pile of horse manure.”(you’re idea is stolen from a Gregoire Feminazi.) Whores should be called out and have to publicly live with their sin just as much as men get their sins listed out on a public sex offender registry if they are evil. And virginity deserves to be held publicly in honor. read this blog long enough to know that Boxer et al. will assume the worst about a woman .
    And I’ve read your comments enough to know you’re going to invert God’s order by honoring women above men, and wives above their husbands.(pedestalizing) In this day and age of rampant Feminism, we need to err on the side of God and man, when things are uncertain.

    There are a number of legitimate sexual pathologies. This includes the inability to have sex, the inability to have sex without pain, sexual disinterest, and fear of sexual intimacy.
    A fear of sexual intimacy, or sexual disinterest with your husband is SIN, not something “legitimate”. Sorry Doctor Cuck! You are just being a na?ve fool and the devil’s advocate. Your “legitimate” sexual pathologies didn’t stop Grace Driscoll from sinning sexually with “Chad” on her senior trip. It only stopped her from obeying God and fulfilling her marriage vow to be mark’s “to HAVE and to hold”. They’re illegitimate excuses and you’re just a fool who believes lying whores are being honest about their sexuality. I’d have to side with Boxer and his anecdotal evidence regarding promiscuous women’s honesty about their sexuality.

    Please wise up.

  26. Quick story to help tie-in the last comment ..

    Years ago a buddy of mine was lied to by one our Plant Manager. He told her, “you lied to me”. She was taken aback and stated, very calmly, that she most certainly did not lie to him, she said “no, you deceived yourself”.

    Now my comment ..

    I recall a poly-tician that went full cuck and offered legislation that sex by deception would be a crime. [1]

    The funny thing is it wasn’t written to exclude th wimminz. Though never intended to be used to punish th wimminz for such abuse(s). PROVE ME WRONG!

    I recall warning th wimminz that it was they that benifited the most from such activity. And they still do. (i.e. Pretending to be a virgin, make-up, push-up bra’s and so-on etc etc.)

    Th Wimminz are the gate-keepers of virginity and the cost of sex. They either self-police themselves or we men can do it. And th wimminz think a Patriarchy is bad .. wow. Is it any wonder knowing what we know that without men controlling wimminz sexual investment that they would squander it? /s

    I never met a womminz that regretted pre-marital sex .. evva .. what they regret is it being known by the wrong people. Public shame is but one option ..

    I may be a single man / bachelor .. but I believe in Biblical Marriage and respect those that live it. We are a better society for it.

    Pastor Dribble found out his wife defrauded him .. what’s the penality for that? (Scripture -vs- Legally)

    Let’s us men be consistent regarding scripture .. where-as th wimminz want to add regret sex to the rape definition. In my mind we should go full Scripture on their azzez!

    Last question for all the AMOG’s out there ..

    Does it sound like th wimminz are policing themselves even in the slightest currently .. last 10 years .. 20 .. 30?

    And .. yes .. I am one of the men that Derek points out .. I don’t believe any womminz .. put another way .. #believeALLwimminz(are LIARS)!

    If you find a women of value .. double check that you are not being deceived .. because I almost certainly can bet you are (being deceived).

    [1] ..

  27. @Sharkly

    “You are just being the devil.s advocate here in our discussion.”

    I did say I was speculating. Still, I’m not just taking a position for the sake of argument, I’m choosing the one I think best fits the available evidence.

    Now to the meat of your comment. You have made a few specific claims which I will summarize: (1) Pastor Driscoll’s public shaming of his wife was not abuse, but was in fact justified; (2) His wife was unrepentant; (3) I’m white-knighting; (4) that I am spitting on virginity.

    Let’s cover #1, which is most important. The first restriction is that these are two believers, so the rules that apply to them don’t apply to, say, Boxer. With this in mind, Jesus explicitly taught what to do if a believer sins against another (Matt. 18). You must first point out their fault privately. If they repent, then forgiveness is mandated. But let’s assume that she didn’t really repent. She must be confronted before witnesses and then before the congregation. Failing all that, she should be judged and expelled from the fellowship of believers. Publicly shaming his wife does not remotely qualify as a valid response. Moreover, if Pastor Driscoll follows the proper procedure his wife would be expelled from the church. Not only would he lose the right to lecture anyone on the topic, but he would no longer be eligible to be a pastor, elder, or deacon. Had he done this, you’d have not heard any complaint from me.

    Now, for #2, your claim is mere speculation. Here is how he describes his wife: frigid, fearful, physical discomfort, and tense. This is not “a bit sad or ashamed” and he didn’t claim she was acting. I accept that you don’t think physical and psychological diagnoses are legitimate, so that will just have to be a point of disagreement. That said, if you can cite some evidence (anecdotal, peer reviewed literature, etc.) to the contrary, go for it.

    So, #3. The evidence suggests that she had remorse. There is no indication that she was unrepentant, continuing to engage in sinful acts. (If she was cheating on him still, he should divorce her, resign his position as pastor, and keep the matter private, that is, within the church.) If not judging people for crimes they did not commit is “white knighting”, then I suppose that’s what I’m doing. I am, as a matter of principle, against libel regardless of its source.

    And #4. That’s just silly. I’ve written on this topic quite a bit, so my position on the topic is quite clear. Virginity should be held in honor. His wife was not a virgin, but she’s still his wife and he has a duty to love her. He didn’t have to marry her, but he did anyway. He has to live with his choice. MGTOW was an option he didn’t choose. He doesn’t get to renege his duties because he is disappointed. Men have a responsibility to respect their commitments (as do women).

    “…will not do the same for other men, who.s wives are not being faithful to provide them with sex.”

    This is a very serious and well-documented problem among Christian marriages. More pastors should be talking about this. You’ll get no argument from me there.

  28. @Derek Ramsey

    1. I know the private confrontation was already covered when he privately asked her for sex and got shot down and indubitably expressed his displeasure with that sinful rebellion. No doubt he also brought it up before witnesses in the regular marriage counselling they go to. So his next step is to present the matter publicly before the whole congregation. That is public shaming, and it works. And you don’t have to be God or even a Christian to get that. Public shaming, and public exposure of the private matter is the third required step that you, yourself found in the Bible.

    2. I don’t have time to cite peer-reviewed literature, but I think we both know that, God-reviewed scripture tells a woman to give her husband his conjugal rights, and doesn’t give a one of your four lame-cunt excuses. 1 Corinthians 7:2-5 Why are you working so hard to create a (pussy-pass) way out of a woman’s conjugal duty, her due benevolence?

    3. he airs his wife.s darkest secrets, which she is already emotionally wrecked from .
    You were saying that her emotional state means she should get a pussy-pass out of the public naming and shaming for her sin that the Bible prescribes, as you pointed out. That is white knighting, as is your excuse making for her, and always insisting on assuming only the best about her, past the point of foolishness.

    4. I didn’t say or even imply that you were spitting on virginity. Perhaps that was your conscience talking to you, because in a way you kind of are, now that you point it out. By insisting a whore who willingly gives acquaintances sex and then denies it to her rightful husband, be treated like a virgin bride who has always honored her future husband by her chastity before marriage and then through her willingness to please her husband sexually after marriage. You metaphorically spit on her by making her no better than a whore.

    I had more than four points of correction in my original response, but hopefully you agreed with the rest of it.

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