Epicureanism For The MGTOW

Down below, our brother honeycomb found the following homosexample of fag entitlement on the grauniad…

tl/dr: Asian homo gets on the swingers sites, looking for some strange. Someone tells him that he won’t bang gooks. Somehow, this is news.

I have never been on Grindr, but only because I don’t prefer gay dick. I have been on Tinder, PoF, Stumble, OK Stupid, and Snatch dot com, for years. As a dude who is down with brown, I often get declines from hot black chicks, who prefer black dudes.

Guess what? I don’t cry about it. I definitely wouldn’t go public, with my real name, whining in the press… especially if my name was Sinakhone.

I have also been approached by Asian chickies. Like the unnamed white queer this whining nancy is crying over, I don’t have yellow fever. Now, I’m never as rude as that guy, but that’s beside the point. When my short little slant-eyed sister asks to get down, I always politely say no. There are millions of men (including dudes as white and as tall as I am) that will jump at the chance to bang a chinawoman. They’re but one swipe past my profile. She can choose from among them.

The next thing I expect to see is mainstream press articles, castigating guys like me, for not having gay sex on demand. How dare we straight men not suck dick? That’s, like, discriminatory.

I don’t need an excuse. The dick knows what it likes. My dick likes wimminz, not fags, and my dick sees in black-and-white. That’s just how it always has been, and there isn’t a damned thing in the world that is going to change it. I was “born this way,” as Lady Gaga might say.

The wealth required by nature is limited and is easy to procure; but the wealth required by vain ideals extends to infinity.

My man Epicurus knew what was what. History suggests that he never married, and he had no children. Wimminz and fags: full of vain ideals, and never happy with what they’ve got. Be like Epicurus. Stay away from them.

America’s Future is Israel

People often point to Sweden as a feminist state, but I have come to doubt the analogy.

In Sweden, shared parenting is assumed upon divorce, child support is ordered only in extraordinary cases, and people who deny visitation to the other parent are punished.

Contrast this with the Feminist Republic of Israel, where men are regularly served house arrest notices, along with divorce papers. It is quite common for an Israeli man to have his international passport seized, for no fault or crime of his own, but just as a “precaution,” lest he decide to leave the country before the faggots down at the divorce courts rob him blind.

We have already seen that Israeli bitches have the social and political power to imprison any man on false charges, and we have also seen that Israeli sluts are so shamelessly careless, that the government now bills their cucked fathers and husbands for their abortions. Here’s some more realtalk from our brothers across the water.

It is Israeli wimminz who have the upper hand in all arenas. Even still, Israeli feminists slander their men as hateful monsters and misogynists. (That never happens here — just ask Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh.)

In the following video, a divorce attorney shares the truth. Marrying any wimminz in Israel is a very risky proposition. I recommend all North American men watch this video carefully. The future of North America is not Sweden, it is Israel. The Israelis are not any different from us in kind or potential. They’re just a bit further along than we are.

We love all our brothers around the world. Make sure to visit these youtube channels, and tell them that Boxer sent you.